JRC 2017 Program
The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society
The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
The 113th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics
The International Technical Exhibition of Medical Imaging 2017
April 13 (Thu) - April 16 (Sun), 2017
英語版_表紙.indd 1英語版_表紙.indd 1 2017/03/24 16:492017/03/24 16:49
Congress PartyFriday April 1418:15~19:30
at Queen’s Grand Ballroom in Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu B2F
合同会員懇親会4 月14日(金)18:15~19:30横浜ベイホテル東急 B2F
Walking Directions
Yokohama port
Tourist Information Center
InterContinental Yokohama Grand
Keiyu HospitalSea bass Terminal
Sea bass Terminal
Yokohama Municipal SubwayBlue Line
Minato mirai Line
Sakuragicho Sta.
Kannai Sta.
Kannai Sta.
Icho - Do -ri Avenue
Keyaki Do -ri Avenue
Yokohama City Air Terminal
East Exit
West Exit
Yokohama Sta.
SOGO Dept. Store
Exhibition Hall
Annex HallConference Center
Bus Stop (Grand floor of SOGO Dept. Store)
Yokohama Museum
of Art
Red Brick Warehouse
Yokohama World Porters
Navios Yokohama
Bus Terminal
Taxi Stand
Yokohama Royal Park Hotel
Nippon Maru Memorial Park
Yokohama Cosmo World
To Shin-yokohama
Rinko Park
National Convention Hall
of Yokohama
Pukarisanbashi pier
Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu
1F Entrance1 F入口
Conference Center会議センター
Keyaki Do-ri Avenueけやき通り
Sakura Do-ri Avenueさくら通り
Exhibition Hall機器展示ホール
2F Annex Hall2F
Queen’s Square 2F
クイーンズスクエア横浜2 F
Exhibition Hall ARegistration学会参加登録受付展示ホールA
InterContinental Yokohama Grandインターコンチネンタルホテル
【東急東横線〔みなとみらい線 乗り入れ〕】 約 30分(特急)
【みなとみらい線】 約 3 分
【バス】 約 10分(東口そごう 1 階 市営・京急バス14のりば)
【タクシー】 約 7 分(東口ポルタ地下 2 階 タクシーのりば)
【徒歩】 約 3 分
【徒歩】 約12分
【バス】 約 7 分(市営バス 1 のりば)
【タクシー】 約 5 分
【JR横浜線】 約15分
【横浜市営地下鉄】 約15分
Tokyu Toyoko Line, 30 min.
Minato Mirai Line, 3 min.
10 min. by Bus from Bus stop 14 located at the 1st floor of Sogo Department Store, Yokohama St. Est. Ext.
7 min. by Taxi. Taxi Stand on B 2F of Porta, Yokohama St. Est. Ext.
3 min. on foot.
12 min. on foot.
7 min. by Bus from Bus Stop 1.
5 min. by Taxi.
JR Yokohama Line, 15 min.
Yokohama Subway, 15 min.
渋谷駅Shibuya Sta.
横浜駅Yokohama Sta.
新横浜駅Shin-yokohama Sta.
桜木町駅Sakuragicho Sta.
Minato Mirai Sta.
※Each time required shows approximately.※上記所要時間は,おおよその目安です.
National Convention Hall
of Yokohama国立大ホール
CyPosViewing AreaCyPos閲覧会場
Registration 1 F登録受付 1F
Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu横浜ベイホテル東急
Queen’s Square Yokoham
Sakura Do -ri Avenue
Yokohama Landmark Tower
Moving Walkway
Minatomirai Sta.
Bashamichi Sta.
Sakuragicho Sta.
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 1 2017/03/24 16:49
Venue Map
JRS 日医放会場
JSRT 技術学会会場
JSMP 医学物理学会会場
Common 合同会場
Help Center(Conference Center 2F) ヘルプセンター 045-228-6391JRS Committee(213) 日医放実行委員会室 045-228-6387JSRT Committee(514) 技術学会実行委員会室 045-228-6388JSMP Committee(425) 医学物理学会実行委員会室 045-228-6389ITEM Administration 工業会事務局 045-228-6614JRC Administration(212) JRC事務局 045-228-6390
Conference Center 3F会議センター 3F
To Convention Hall国立大ホール連絡通路
302 304
317 318
Conference Room会議室
Conference Center 2F会議センター 2F
Conference Room会議室
Help Center(Travel/Infomation)ヘルプセンター
JRS Committee日医放実行委員会室
JRC AdministrationJRC事務局
211 212 213EV
To Exhibition Hall機器展示ホール
To Annex Hallアネックスホール
Conference Room会議室
Drink Cornerドリンクコーナー
B1F PC Preview Center 2PCプレビューセンター 2
Main Hallメインホール
Luncheon Seminar Registration昼食付セミナー整理券発券受付
Conference Center 1F会議センター 1F
Conference Center 4F会議センター 4F
JSMP Presentation Room医学物理学会会場
Conference Room会議室
JSMP Administration医学物理学会事務局
JSMP Committee医学物理学会実行委員会室
422 423 424
Image Interpretation Cornerイメージインタープリテーション症例掲示
Conference Room 021 ·022会議室 021·022
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 2 2017/03/24 16:49
Conference Center 5F会議センター 5F
JSRT Committee技術学会実行委員会室
JSRT Administration技術学会本部事務局・打合せ室
513 514
National Convention Hall 3F国立大ホール 3F
National Convention Hall 2F国立大ホール 2F
Conference RoomN302 ·N303 ·N304 ·N306
会議室 N302·N303·N304·N306
Seaside Lobbyシーサイドロビー
Entrance Lobbyエントランスロビー
Hallホール 1 階席
To Conference RoomN302 ·N303 ·N304 ·N306N302·N303·N304·N306 会議室へ
National Convention Hall 1F国立大ホール 1F
To Conference RoomN302 ·N303 ·N304 ·N306N302·N303·N304·N306 会議室へ
JSRT CyPosQ&A Booth技術学会 CyPos質疑応答ブース
Marine Lobby
To Hall国立大ホールへ
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 1電子ポスター発表ブース 1
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 2電子ポスター発表ブース 2
Product Exhibition Area
CyPos Viewing AreaCyPos閲覧会場
Entrance Lobbyエントランスロビー
Conference Center 6F会議センター 6F
Drink Corner
To Conference Center 3F会議センター3Fへ
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 3 2017/03/24 16:49
AM 1
Exhibition Hall
Annex Hallアネックスホール
F205 + 206
Exhibition Hall 機器展示ホールConference Center 会議センター
Conference Room 会議室
Conference Center会議センターE201
Conference Room会議室 E201
AM 2
Book Exhibition書籍展示
Exhibition Hall機器展示ホール
Annex Hall アネックスホール
Luncheon Seminar Registration昼食付セミナー整理券発券受付
F203 + 204
F201 + 202
Harbor Lounge BハーバーラウンジB
Harbor Lounge AハーバーラウンジA
A12 A11
JRS Desk 日医放
To Conference Room M2F中 2 階(M2F)会議室へ
JSRT Desk 技術学会
JSMP Desk医学物理
Help Desk登録Helpデスク
PC Preview Center 1PCプレビューセンター 1
Desks for Each Organization
Entrance 入口
General Information 総合案内Overseas 海外受付
PRESS 報道受付
Exhibition Hall機器展示ホール
To Co
ITEM 国際医用画像総合展Exhibition Hall 機器展示ホール
To Harbor Lounge A ·B EntranceハーバーラウンジA·B入口へ
To Harbor Lounge A ·B EntranceハーバーラウンジA·B入口へ
JRS 日医放会場
JSRT 技術学会会場
JSMP 医学物理学会会場
Common 合同会場
To Harbor Lounge A ·BハーバーラウンジA·Bへ
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 4 2017/03/24 16:49
Time Table
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 5 2017/03/24 16:49
April 13 (Thursday)Venue
National Convention Hall
Main Hall 1F
421 JSMP Board ofDirectors
Harbor Lounge A
Annex Hall
Harbor Lounge B
Convention Hall
Marine Lobby Electronic Exhibition/Product Exhibition
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 1
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 2
Exhibition Hall A~D
8 9 10 11 12 13
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 6 2017/03/24 16:49
Representative Assembly RSNA Lecture
Introduction of RSNA and ESR
Special Invited Lecture 1
Special Invited Lecture 2
1. IR 1 2. IR 2
3. RT 1 4. Breast 1
5. NM 1 6. NM 2
Measurement (Computed Tomography)Radiation Dose Evaluation
Measurement (Mammography)Radiation Dose Evaluation
Measurement (General Radiography)Radiation Dose Evaluation
Radiation Protection (Multi-modality)Dose Management, Diagnostic
Reference Level
Radiation Protection (Multimodality)
Eye Lens Exposure
Radiation Protection (IVR)
Dose Management
Terminal Viewing Room
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 1
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 2
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 3
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 4
Medical Imageand Information
Radiation Therapy(particle) 1
Radiation Therapy(particle) 2
Nuclear Medicine 1 Nuclear Medicine 2 Nuclear Medicine 3
JSMP Board of Directors
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)
Brain: Contrast, Motion Correction
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Clinical Safety and Management
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) MRCP
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)
Image Reconstruction
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Musculoskeletal: Extremity, Vessel
Nuclear Medicine (PET)
Cardiovascular Imaging
Nuclear Medicine (PET)
Brain Imaging
Nuclear Medicine (Radionuclide Therapy)
Radium-223 Theraphy
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar)Dopamine Transporter 1
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar)Dopamine Transporter 2
Theme SessionMulti-modality
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Radiation Dose
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Exposure Control
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Iterative Reconstraction:
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Contrast Technique: Optimisation
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Contrast Technique: Detectability
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Contrast Technique: Chest
Radiotherapy4D CT
Radiotherapy Treatment planning,
Radiotherapy IGRT
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Cardiac: Contrast Technique
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Myocardial Perfusion
Imaging (MRI)Extremity
Imaging (MRI)Brain: Imaging Technique
Imaging (General Radiography, IVR)Dose Reduction
Imaging (General Radiography, Fluoroscopy)
CAD: Radiography
Imaging (Multimodality)CAD: Multi-modality
Electronic Exhibition/Product Exhibition
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Joint Session
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April 14 (Friday)Venue
National Convention Hall
Educational Lecture 1 Resident Seminar (Diagnosis) 1
Main Hall 1F Educational Lecture 2 Symposium 1
Honorary Lecture 1
Luncheon Seminar 1
Educational Lecture 3 Special Project 1
Special Invited Lecture 3
Luncheon Seminar 2
302 Educational Lecture 4
Honorary Lecture 2
Honorary Lecture 3
Overseas Lecture1
Luncheon Seminar 3
303 Educational Lecture 5 7. Chest 1 8. Chest 2 9. Chest 3 Luncheon
Seminar 4
304 Educational Lecture 6
Overseas Lecture2
10. Breast 2 11. Liver 1 Luncheon Seminar 5
311+312 Educational Lecture 7
15. IT・Education 16. NM 3 17. NM 4 Luncheon
Seminar 6
313+314 Educational Lecture 8
Luncheon Seminar 7
315 Educational Lecture 9
20. Uroradiology 1
21. Uroradiology 2
22. Uroradiology 3
Luncheon Seminar 8
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 2
EL 2 (Radiation Protection) 44th. Radiation Protection Division
416+417 Terminal Viewing Room
418MorningEducationalLecture 1
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 5
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 6
Lunch Time Lecture 1
419 DiagnosticImaging 1
DiagnosticImaging 2
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 1
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Musculoskeletal: MRE, MRS
JSRT-JSMP Joint Symposium BC 1 (Medical Informatics)
502 AC 1(Measurement)
EL 1 (Diagnostic Imaging) 68th. Diagnostic Imaging Division AC 2 (CT)
503 Symposium 2 JIRA WorkshopEducation Committee Session 1
Harbor Lounge A
Annex HallHarbor Lounge B
F201+202Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 3
Radiotherapy Dose
Radiotherapy Radiological Biology
Expert Lecture 1 BC 2(Radiotherapy)
Presentation Support Seminar 1
Imaging (MRI)Heart
Imaging (MRI)Imaging Processing and Evaluation
Basic Lecture of Diagnostic Imaging by Radiologist 1
F205+206 Educational Lecture 10
Educational Lecture 11 指導者講習会 Luncheon
Seminar 9
Convention Hall
Imaging (MRI) Other
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Head and Neck
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Musculoskeletal, Clinical Safety
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Abdomen and Pelvis
Marine Lobby 7:15
Electronic Exhibition/Product Exhibition
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 1
Poster 1Cardiovascular 1
Poster 2Cardiovascular 2
Poster 3RT 1
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 2
Poster 7IR 1
Poster 8IR 2
Yokohama BayHotel Tokyu
The 2nd Asia Radiology Summit(B2F Ambassador’s Ballroom)
Exhibition Hall A~DITEM2017OpeningCeremony
8 9 10 11 12 13
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Resident Seminar (Radiation Oncology)
Opening CeremonyJoint SpecialLecture 1
Honorary Member Award Ceremony Joint Symposium 1
Joint Special Lecture 2
Overseas Lecture3
Symposium 2
Symposium 3Overseas Lecture4
Overseas Lecture5
Overseas Lecture6
Overseas Lecture7
Overseas Lecture8
12. Liver 2 13. Liver 3 14. Liver 4
18. IR 3 19. IR 4
23. Cardiovascular 1
24. Cardiovascular 2
Clinical Safety
and Others
Imaging Techniques and Research (IVR)Evaluation
Imaging Techniques and Research (IVR)Analysis
Imaging Techniques and Research (IVR)Technology
Terminal Viewing Room
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 7
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 8
Radiation Therapy(particle) 3
Radiation Therapy(particle) 4
EL 3(Medical Informatics) 29th. Medical Informatics Division
EL 4 (Image Sciences) 81st. Image Sciences Division
Expert Lecture 2 Radiation Protection Forum
RadiationProtection (CT)Dose Evaluation
Standardization Forum
Imaging Techniques and Research (Other)Tomosynthesis
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Head and Neck MRA
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Liver: Contrast
Enhancement, MRE
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)
Dual-energy: Basic Evaluation
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Dual-energy: Clinical 1
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Metal Artifact: Evaluation and Reduction Technique
Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar)Dopamine Transporter 3
Electronic Exhibition/Product Exhibition
Poster 4Neuro 1
Poster 5Neuro 2
Poster 6RT 2
Poster 9Abdomen 1
Poster 10Chest 1
Poster 11Chest 2
Reception for All Participants (Congress Party)(B2F Queen’s Grand Ballroom)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Joint Session
EL: Educational Lecture AC: Advanced Course BC: Basic Course ★:Simultaneous interpretation
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 9 2017/03/24 16:49
April 15 (Saturday)Venue
National Convention Hall
Educational Lecture 12 Resident Seminar (Diagnosis) 2
Main Hall 1F Educational Lecture 13 Joint Symposium 2 Luncheon
Seminar 10
Educational Lecture 14 Symposium 4 Luncheon
Seminar 11
302 Educational Lecture 15
Overseas Lecture9
Overseas Lecture10
Overseas Lecture11
Luncheon Seminar 12
303 Educational Lecture 16
Overseas Lecture12
Overseas Lecture13
Special InvitedLecture 4
Overseas Lecture14
Luncheon Seminar 13
304 Educational Lecture 17 30. GI 1 31. GI 2 32. GI 3 Luncheon
Seminar 14
311+312 Educational Lecture 18 37. MSK 38.
Abdomen 1Luncheon Seminar 15
313+314 Educational Lecture 19
Luncheon Seminar 16
315 Educational Lecture 20
44. OB/GYN 1
45. OB/GYN 2
Luncheon Seminar 17
BC 5(Measurement)
EL 6(Measurement) 49th. Measurement Division BC 6 (Radiation
416+417 Terminal Viewing Room Luncheon Seminar 18
418MorningEducationalLecture 2
RadiationTherapy(particle) 5
Radiation Therapy(photon/electron) 9
MeidcalPhysicsEducation Lunch Time
Lecture 2419
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 4
Nuclear Medicine
(SPECT, Planar)Instrument
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar)Brain and
Cardiac Imaging
Nuclear Medicine(SPECT, Planar)
Multi-focus Fan Beam Collimator, Semiconductor Detector
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar)Quantitative Analysis
AC 3 (Nuclear Medicine)
502 BC 3 (MR) EL 5 (Diagnostic Imaging) 68th. Diagnostic Imaging Division AC 4 (Medical
503 BC 4 (Image Sciences) Executive Committee Session Symposium
Segi Award Winner’s Lecture
Education Committee Session 2
Harbor Lounge A
Annex HallHarbor Lounge B
F201+202 English Presentation Support Seminar 2
Imaging (CT)Image Processing
Imaging (CT)Image
Analysis 1
Imaging (CT)Image
Analysis 2
Imaging (CT)Iterative Reconstruction: Image Evaluation
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 5
F203+204 Radiotherapy Irradiation Technique
Radiotherapy Measurement
Radiotherapy 4D Planning, Moving Object Tracking
Radiotherapy Irradiation Position, Setup Error
Basic Lecture of Diagnostic Imaging by Radiologist 2
F205+206 Educational Lecture 21
Educational Lecture 22
Educational Lecture 23
Luncheon Seminar 19
Convention Hall
Imaging (General Radiography)Image
Evaluation, etc
Imaging (Multi-modality)System
Evaluation, etc
Marine Lobby7:15
Electronic Exhibition/Product ExhibitionProduct ExhibitionCore Time
Electronic Exhibition/
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 1
Poster 12RT 3
Poster 13RT 4
Poster 14RT 5
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 2
Poster 19Ulorogy and gynecology
Poster 20Breast 1
Poster 21Breast 2
Exhibition Hall A~D ITEM2017
8 9 10 11 12 13
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Symposium 5Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)
Ultra High-resolution CT
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Colonography
Joint Symposium 3 Image Interpretation Session
Symposium 6Overseas Lecture15
Special InvitedLecture 5
Symposium 7Overseas Lecture16
25. Head and Neck 1
26. Chest 4 27. Chest 528.
Pediatric 1
29. Pediatric 2
33. GI 4 34. GI 5 35. RT 2 36. RT 3
39. Emargency and others
40. Ai
41. IR 5 42. IR 6 43. IR 7
46. Neuro 1
47. Neuro 2
48. Neuro 3
49. Technology
Imaging(Multi-modality)Visual Evaluation, etc
Imaging (General Radiography)
Scattered Radiation Correction Processing
Medical Information System
Medical InformationOperations Analysis, Education, Others
Terminal Viewing Room
Information Exchange Meeting on Medicine Physics Education Course
JSMP General Meeting of Members
EL 7 (Nuclear Medicine) 74th. Nuclear Medicine Division
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar)Image Processing
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Cardiovascular, Large Vessel
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Head and Neck
Symposium 1
Imaging Techniques and Research
(General Radiography)Image Processing, Other
Imaging Techniques and Research (General Radiography)Scattered Radiation Processing
JSRT-JSMP Joint Session
Plenary Lecture 1Regular General Meeting
DeviceDevelopmentand Others
Radiation Safety Management Forum
Patient Safety Forum
Imaging (General Radiography, IVR)Image Evaluation
Imaging (MRI)Spine
Imaging (MRI)Brain Function
Imaging (MRI)Head and Neck MRA
Education Committee Session SymposiumImaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Genitourinary
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Basic Technique and Technology
Educational Lecture 24
Educational Lecture 25
Educational Lecture 26
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)CyPos 2
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)CyPos 2
Imaging Techniques and Research (IVR)
/Product Exhibition Product Exhibition Core Time Electronic Exhibition/Product Exhibition
Poster 15NM 1
Poster 16NM 2
Poster 17MSA and others
Poster 18RI therapy and others
Poster 22GI
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Joint Session
EL: Educational Lecture AC: Advanced Course BC: Basic Course
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 11 2017/03/24 16:49
April 16 (Sunday)Venue
National Convention Hall
AC 6(Radiotherapy)
EL 9(Radiotherapy) 74th. Radiotherapy Division
Main Hall 1F Educational Lecture 27
Overseas Lecture17
Symposium 8 Luncheon Seminar 20
Educational Lecture 28
Overseas Lecture18 Symposium 9
Broadcast: 302
Luncheon Seminar 21
302 Educational Lecture 29
Overseas Lecture19
Luncheon Seminar 22
303 Educational Lecture 30
Overseas Lecture20
Special Project 2 Luncheon Seminar 23
304 Educational Lecture 31 50. RT4 51. RT 5 Luncheon
Seminar 24
311+312 Educational Lecture 32 53. NM 5 54. NM 6 Luncheon Seminar 25
313+314 Educational Lecture 33
57. Head and neck
258. Neuro 4 59. Abdomen 2 Luncheon
Seminar 26
315 Educational Lecture 34 61. IR 8 62. IR 9
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 6
Measurement (Lens Dose&Dosimeter)Radiation Dose Evaluation
Measurement (Hazard)
Radiation Dose Evaluation
Measurement (IVR)
Radiation Dose Evaluation
Next Generation Session
RPT Doi Awards Ceremony and Winner’s Lectures
416+417 Terminal Viewing Room
418MorningEducationalLecture 3
Brachytherapy RadiationMeasurement 1
Lunch TimeLecture 3
419Radiation Therapy(particle) 6
Radiation Therapy(particle) 7
JSMP-JSMBE Joint Session
AC 5 (Image Sciences)
Imaging (MRI)Chest and Abdomen
Imaging(Multi-modality)Image Analysis
Imaging (CT)Dual-energy:Clinical 2
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 7
502 BC 7 (US) EL 8 (Diagnostic Imaging) 68th. Diagnostic Imaging Division AC 7 (Radiation
503 Symposium 3JSRT-JSMPJoint Session
Plenary Lecture 2 ★
Basic Lecture of Diagnostic Imaging by Radiologist 3
Harbor Lounge A
Annex HallHarbor Lounge B
Presentation Support Seminar 3
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Basic Evaluation
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Clinical Technique
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)
Myocardium: Relaxation Time Measurement
BC 8(Nuclear Medicine)
F203+204Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar)
In-111, GSA Imaging
Nuclear Medicine (PET)
Image Processing
Nuclear Medicine (PET)
Image Evaluation 1
Nuclear Medicine (PET)
Image Evaluation 2
F205+206 Educational Lecture 35
Educational Lecture 36
Educational Lecture 37
Luncheon Seminar 27
Convention Hall
Marine Lobby7:15
Electronic Exhibition/Product Exhibition
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 1
Poster 23 Pediatric / Whole Body /
Emergency radiology
Poster 24IT and others
Poster 25MSK
Electronic Poster Presentation Booth 2
Poster 26 RT 6
Poster 27 Liver 1
Poster 28 Liver 2
Exhibition Hall A~D ITEM2017
8 9 10 11 12 13
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Educational Lecture 38
Closing and Awards Ceremony
Special Project 3
52. RT 6
55. NM 7 56. NM 8
60. Abdomen 3
63. IR 10 64. IR 11
Terminal Viewing Room
RadiationMeasurement 2
RadiationMeasurement 3
RadiationTherapy(particle) 8
Session for students
Imaging (CT)Brain and Pancreas
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT)Cardiac: Clinical
Imaging Techniques and Research
(General Radiography)Breast
Imaging Techniques and Research (General Radiography, Dual-energy X-ray Absorption) Bone, Other
Theme SessionHead and Neck
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI)Brain Function
Radiotherapy TreatmentPlanning
RadiotherapyParticle Beam
JCR Hour 2017
Electronic Exhibition/Product Exhibition
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Joint Session
EL: Educational Lecture AC: Advanced Course BC: Basic Course ★:Simultaneous interpretation
01_総合プロ_前付.indd 13 2017/03/24 16:49
Ⅰ.Joint Sessions for Japan Radiology CongressOpening Ceremony・ Opening Ceremony : April 14 (Fri.) 13:00-14:30 (Main Hall)
Joint Special Lecture・ Joint Special Lecture 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30 (Main Hall)
Moderator: Masumi Kadoya (Shinshu Univ.)Hidetoshi Nakata's Special Talk Hidetoshi Nakata (A former Japanese professional footballer)
・ Joint Special Lecture 2 : April 14 (Fri.) 17:20-17:50 (Main Hall)
Moderator: Koji Noda (QST/NIRS)Prospect of Medicine with Quantum Science and Technology Toshio Hirano (QST)
Joint Symposium・ Joint Symposium 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 15:10-17:10 (Main Hall)「What Should We Do for Reaching the Summit and the Horizon of Radiology?」
Moderator: Kuni Ohtomo (International Univ. of Health and Welfare) Hiroshi Hirano (Marunouchi Hosp.)
1. To the Summit of Radiology, to the Horizon of Radiology: From the Point of View of Diagnostic Radiology Shigeki Aoki (Juntendo Univ.)
2. Interventional Radiology, Desirable Now and Future Susumu Kanazawa (Okayama Univ.)3. The Point of View from Radiation Oncologists Naoyuki Shigematsu (Keio Univ.)4. Considering Collaborative Education: Medical Radiation Exposure Yasuo Okuda (NIRS)5. What Medical Physics Promotes in Radiology Toru Yamamoto (Hokkaido Univ.)
・ Joint Symposium 2 : April 15 (Sat.) 9:40-11:50 (Main Hall)「International Standards and Protocols for Radiology」 Moderator: Takahiro Yamada (Kindai Univ.)
Shigekazu Fukuda (QST/NIRS)1. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards for Light Ion Beam Medical Electrical (ME)
Equipment Michael Moyers (Shanghai Proton and Heavy Ion Center, Shanghai, China)2. IEC/TR 62926 for Radiotherapy Systems for Moving Targets Yuichi Hirata (Hokkaido Univ.)3. International Standards for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Hiroshi Watabe (Tohoku Univ.)4. International Standards and Protocols of Dosimetry for Radiology with Activities of ISO/TC85/SC2/WG22
Changbum Kim (Korea University, Korea)5. Current Status and Update of the IAEA Code of Practice for External Beam Radiotherapy Dosimetry
Karen Christaki (IAEA, Austria)
Performance: Ensemble DunamizKeynote lecture
President: Masumi Kadoya (Shinshu University) The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society (JRS) Conference President: Tosiaki Miyati (Kanazawa University) The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT) Congress Chair: Koji Noda (QST/NIRS)
Chairman: Kenichi Komatsu Japan Medical Imaging and Radiological Systems Industries Association (JIRA)
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・ Joint Symposium 3 : April 15 (Sat.) 13:00-15:00 (Main Hall)「Current Status and Issues of Radiological Protection in Pediatric Radiology」
Moderator: Michiaki Kai (Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences) Yoshiya Shimada (QST/NIRS)
1. Progress in Radiation Protection of Children in Large Part of the World and Issues for Future Madan M. Rehani (Massachusetts General Hospital, USA)
2. Present Situation of Pediatric CT in Japan Osamu Miyazaki (National Center for Child Health and Development)
3. Skills to Reduce Radiation Dose in Pediatric Orthopedic Imaging Atsushi Fukuda (Shiga Medical Center for Children)
4. Revealed of the Facts by Japan DRLs 2015 for Pediatric CT Yasutaka Takei (Hamamatsu University Hosp.)
Reception for All Participants (Congress Party)・ Reception for All Participants (Congress Party) : April 14 (Fri.) 18:15-19:30 (Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu B2F Queen's Grand Ballroom)
Closing and Awards Ceremony・ Closing and Awards Ceremony : April 16 (Sun.) 15:00-16:15 (Main Hall)
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Ⅱ.JRS ActivitiesHonorary Member Award Ceremony・ Honorary Member Award Ceremony : April 14 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 (Main Hall)
Moderator: Hiroshi Honda (Kyushu Univ.) Masumi Kadoya (Shinshu Univ.)
Robert J. Herfkens (Stanford University School of Medicine, USA) Jae Hoon Lim (Myungji Hospital Seonam University Medical School, Korea) Nicholas Gourtsoyiannis (Emeritus of the University of Crete, Greece)
Honorary Lecture・ Honorary Lecture 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 11:20-11:50 (Main Hall)
Moderator: Sachio Kuribayashi (HIMEDIC Imaging Center at Lake Yamanaka)Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Flow from Beginning to the Future: A Historical Perspective Robert J. Herfkens (Stanford University School of Medicine, USA)
・ Honorary Lecture 2 : April 14 (Fri.) 10:00-10:30 (302)
Moderator: Hiromu Mori (Oita Univ.)Striving for Radiology Education in Europe: The European School of Radiology
Nicholas Gourtsoyiannis (Emeritus of the University of Crete, Greece) ・ Honorary Lecture 3 : April 14 (Fri.) 10:40-11:10 (302)
Moderator: Osamu Matsui (Kanazawa Univ.)Morphology of Choangiocarcinoma Jae Hoon Lim (Myungji Hospital Seonam University Medical School, Korea)
Special Project・ Special Project 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 9:10-11:10 (301)「Special Project for QIBA (Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance)」
Moderator: Tomio Inoue (Yokohama City Univ.) Shigeki Aoki (Juntendo Univ.)
1. Current Status and Future Direction of RSNA/ QIBA for Chest CT Yoshiharu Ohno (Kobe Univ.)2. Recent Topics in RSNA/QIBA: MRI Utaroh Motosugi (Univ. of Yamanashi)3. RSNA/QIBA: Nuclear Medicine Ukihide Tateishi (Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.)4. Proposal for the Way of Industry-university Alliance in Japan Takashi Ichihara (Fujita Health Univ.)
・ Special Project 2 : April 16 (Sun.) 9:50-11:50 (303)「Research and Training Abroad: Suggestions and Advices from US-based Japanese Radiologists」
Moderator: Shigeru Ehara (Iwate Medical Univ.) Hiroyuki Abe (University of Chicago, USA) Satomi Kawamoto (Johns Hopkins, USA) Osamu Sakai (Boston University, USA) Yutaka Sato (University of Iowa, USA) Naoki Takahashi (Mayo Clinic, USA) Hiroshi Yoshioka (University of California, Irvine, USA)
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・ Special Project 3 : April 16 (Sun.) 13:00-14:30 (302)「Diagnostic Imaging Guideline 2016: Summary of the Renewed Contents and Future Direction」
Moderator: Sadayuki Murayama (Univ. of the Ryukyus)1. Overview and Points of Revision for Japan Radiological Society Imaging Guideline
Masahiro Okada (Univ. of the Ryukyus)2. Revised Points in Gynecology in the Japanese Imaging Guideline 2016
Yumiko Oishi Tanaka (The Cancer Institute Hosp.)3. Revised and Updated Points in JRS/JCR Imaging Guideline 2016: Gastrointestinal Disorders
Kengo Yoshimitsu (Fukuoka Univ.)4. Revision Point of Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging Noriko Aida (Kanagawa Children's Medical Center)5. Revised Points of Nuclear Medicine Field Ukihide Tateishi (Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.)6. Future Direction of Clinical Practice Guideline Masako Kataoka (Kyoto University Hosp.)
Special Invited Lecture・ Special Invited Lecture 1 : April 13 (Thu.) 16:40-17:10 (302)
Moderator: Shinji Naganawa (Nagoya Univ.)
Maximilian F. Reiser (Department of Clinical Radiology, Ludwig- Maximilians- University, Munich, Germany) ・ Special Invited Lecture 2 : April 13 (Thu.) 17:10-17:40 (302)
Moderator: Yasuyuki Yamashita (Kumamoto Univ.)My Best Abdominal Imaging Cases with Pathologic Correlation
Pablo R. Ros (University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, USA) ・ Special Invited Lecture 3 : April 14 (Fri.) 11:20-11:50 (301)
Moderator: Kengo Yoshimitsu (Fukuoka Univ.)The History of Liver Imaging: What Have We Learned? Richard L. Baron (University of Chicago, USA)
・ Special Invited Lecture 4 : April 15 (Sat.) 10:30-11:00 (303)
Moderator: Kazuro Sugimura (Kobe Univ.)MRI of Prostate Cancer Bernd Hamm (Charité, University Hospital, Germany)
・ Special Invited Lecture 5 : April 15 (Sat.) 15:50-16:20 (301)
Moderator: Takamichi Murakami (Kindai Univ.)CT and MR Liver Imaging: Now and Beyond? Richard L. Baron (University of Chicago, USA)
RSNA Lecture・ RSNA Lecture : April 13 (Thu.) 16:40-17:10 (301)
Moderator: Hiroshi Honda (Kyushu Univ.)Innovations in Education James P. Borgstede (University of Colorado, Denver, USA)
Introduction of RSNA and ESR・ Introduction of RSNA and ESR : April 13 (Thu.) 17:10-17:40 (301)
Moderator: Hiroshi Honda (Kyushu Univ.) James P. Borgsted (University of Colorado, Denver, USA) Bernd Hamm (Charité, University Hospital, Germany)
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Overseas Lecture・ Overseas Lecture 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 11:20-11:50 (302)
Moderator: Kazuo Awai (Hiroshima Univ.)Publication Ethics: AJR Communication and Management Processes for Author Misconduct Issues
Thomas H. Bequist (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA) ・ Overseas Lecture 2 : April 14 (Fri.) 9:10-9:40 (304)
Moderator: Ichiro Isomoto (St. Francis Hospital)Abbreviated MRI and Accelerated MRI of the Breast Hiroyuki Abe (The University of Chicago, USA)
・ Overseas Lecture 3 : April 14 (Fri.) 15:10-15:40 (301)
Moderator: Nagara Tamaki (Hokkaido Univ.)Oncologic Evaluation by Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Application for Therapeutic Strategy
Homer A. Macapinlac (University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA) ・ Overseas Lecture 4 : April 14 (Fri.) 17:20-17:50 (302)
Moderator: Ryohei Kuwatsuru (Juntendo University Hosp.)Benign Pancreatic Lesions Mimicking Neoplasm Satomi Kawamoto (Johns Hopkins, USA)
・ Overseas Lecture 5 : April 14 (Fri.) 15:10-15:40 (303)
Moderator: Yutaka Imai (Tokai Univ.)Managing Radiological Examinations Dose Management and Beyond
Elmar Kotter (Vice Chairman of the Department of Radiology and Associate Professor of Radiology at Freiburg University, Germany)
・ Overseas Lecture 6 : April 14 (Fri.) 15:50-16:20 (303)
Moderator: Yukunori Korogi (Univ. of Occupational and Environmental Health)Neuroradiology: Trends Today and Tomorrow
Mauricio Castillo (School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) ・ Overseas Lecture 7 : April 14 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00 (303)
Moderator: Yukio Miki (Osaka City Univ.)Multimodal MRI Evaluation of Brain Tumors
Jean-François Meder (Sainte-Anne Hospital – Paris Descates University, France) ・ Overseas Lecture 8 : April 14 (Fri.) 17:10-17:40 (303)
Moderator: Osamu Abe (The Univ. of Tokyo)Cerebral Hemodynamics and Ischemic Stroke Colin Derdeyn (University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, USA)
・ Overseas Lecture 9 : April 15 (Sat.) 9:10-9:40 (302)
Moderator: Jongmin John Lee (Kyungpook National Univ., Korea)Recent Development in CT of the Aorta: Dual Energy and Wide Detector
William P. Shuman (University of Washington, School of Medicine, USA)
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・ Overseas Lecture 10 : April 15 (Sat.) 9:50-10:20 (302) Moderator: Yasuaki Arai (National Cancer Center Hosp.)
Digestive Aneuryms and False Aneuryms Embolizations. A Twelve Years Experience. (180 cases) Dennis Krause (Department of Radiological Diagnosis and Therapeutic Imaging University Hospital - Dijon - FRANCE)
・ Overseas Lecture 11 : April 15 (Sat.) 10:30-11:00 (302)
Moderator: Shozo Hirota (Hyogo College of Medicine)Rationale for Interventional Treatments in liver metastases of Colorectal cancer
Ralf-Thorsten Hoffmann (Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der Technischen Universität Dresden, Germany)
・ Overseas Lecture 12 : April 15 (Sat.) 9:10-9:40 (303)
Moderator: Yasuo Nakajima (St. Marianna Univ. School of Medicine)Auditing Ugandan Referral Hospitals to Improve Breast Ultrasound Use in a Low-income Country
John Scheel (University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA) ・ Overseas Lecture 13 : April 15 (Sat.) 9:50-10:20 (303)
Moderator: Kaori Togashi (Kyoto Univ.)Problems in Early Pregnancy "Ectopic Pregnancy and Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Sung Il Jung (Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea) ・ Overseas Lecture 14 : April 15 (Sat.) 11:10-11:40 (303)
Moderator: Seung Hyup Kim (Seoul National University Hosp., Korea)Quantitative Imaging, Radionics and Machine Learning in Renal Tumor Imaging
Naoki Takahashi (Mayo Clinic, USA) ・ Overseas Lecture 15 : April 15 (Sat.) 15:10-15:40 (301)
Moderator: Katsuyoshi Ito (Kawasaki Medical School)HCC Microvascular Invasion Assessed by Imaging: Can It Be Predicted?
Antonio Rotondo (The Second University of Naples, Italy) ・ Overseas Lecture 16 : April 15 (Sat.) 15:10-15:40 (302)
Moderator: Hisao Tonami (Kanazawa Medical Univ.)Imaging of Penetrating Neck Injuries: Current Practice at a Level I Trauma Center (in the United States)
Osamu Sakai (Boston University School of Medicine, USA) ・ Overseas Lecture 17 : April 16 (Sun.) 9:10-9:40 (Main Hall)
Moderator: Masataka Uetani (Nagasaki Univ.)Advanced MR Imaging of the Wrist Hiroshi Yoshioka (University of California, Irvine, USA)
・ Overseas Lecture 18 : April 16 (Sun.) 9:10-9:40 (301)
Moderator: Kei Yamada (Kyoto Prefectural Univ. of Medicine)
Yutaka Sato (Radiology Department, University of Iowa, USA)
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・ Overseas Lecture 19 : April 16 (Sun.) 9:10-9:40 (302) Moderator: Noriyuki Tomiyama (Osaka Univ.)
Hyun-Ju Lee (Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea) ・ Overseas Lecture 20 : April 16 (Sun.) 9:10-9:40 (303)
Moderator: Toshihide Ogawa (Tottori Univ.)The Meaning of Evolution for Radiology and Medicine by Turkish Society of Radiology
Tamer Kaya (President, Turkish Society of Radiology, Turkey)
The 2nd Asia Radiology Summit・ The 2nd Asia Radiology Summit : April 14 (Fri.) 10:00–12:00 (“Ambassador’s Ballroom” Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu 2nd Basement Floor)
Moderator: Noriyuki Tomiyama (Osaka Univ.) Kei Yamada (Kyoto Prefectural Univ. of Medicine)
Symposium・ Symposium 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 9:10-11:10 (Main Hall)「New Disease Concepts Every Radiologist Should Know」 Moderator: Manabu Minami (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Taro Shimono (Osaka City Univ.)
Tomohiko Masumoto (Univ of Tsukuba)2. New Disease Concepts of Interstitial Pneumonia
Hiromitsu Sumikawa (Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases)3. Tumors of the Bile and Pancreatic Duct; Recent Knowledge and Newly Established Tumor Entities
Shigeki Arizono (Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine)4. Bone and Soft Tissue Takatoshi Aoki (Univ of Occupational and Environmental Health)
・ Symposium 2 : April 14 (Fri.) 15:40-17:40 (301)「Oncological Evaluation by Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Applications for Therapeutic Strategy 」
Moderator: Nagara Tamaki (Hokkaido Univ.) Ukihide Tateishi (Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.)
1. Diagnosis of Brain Tumors Using System A Amino Acid Transport PET Imaging with C-11-MeAIB Ryuichi Nishii (QST/NIRS)
2. From the Evaluation of Tumor Hypoxia to the New Therapeutic Strategies with FMISO-PET Shozo Okamoto (Hokkaido University Hosp.)
3. Current Clinical Status of 18F-FLT PET or PET/CT in Oncology Masatoyo Nakajo (Kagoshima Univ.)4. Dedicated Breast PET and Its Clinical Roles in Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Current Evidence and Future Directions
Kanae Miyake (Rakuwakai Otowa Hosp.)5. Application of Cu-62/64 ATSM PET for the Treatment of Glioma Tomohiro Kaneta (Yokohama City Univ.)
・ Symposium 3 : April 14 (Fri.) 15:10-17:10 (302)「Diagnosis of IgG4-related Diseases」 Moderator: Shigeyuki Kawa (Shinshu Univ.)
Hiroyuki Irie (Saga Univ.)1. Imaging Findings of IgG4-related Disease in the Head, Neck, and Brain
Masaki Katsura (University of Tokyo Hosp.)2. Intrathoracic IgG4-related Lesions Ryoko Egashira (Saga Univ.)
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3. IgG4-related Disease in Upper Abdomen Dai Inoue (Kanazawa University Hosp.)4. IgG4-related Disease in Kidney and Retroperitoneum Naoki Takahashi (Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, USA)5. Radio-pathology Collaboration for the Diagnosis of IgG4-related Disease Yoh Zen (Kobe Univ.)6. Several Issues in the Establishment of the Diagnostic Criteria for Autoimmune Pancreatitis, AIP, and IgG4 Related
Diseases, IgG4RD Shigeyuki Kawa (Shinshu Univ.) ・ Symposium 4 : April 15 (Sat.) 9:10-11:10 (301)「Treatment Strategy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)」 Moderator: Shiro Miyayama (Fukui-Ken Saiseikai Hosp.)
Yasushi Nagata (Hiroshima Univ.)1. Indications and Outcomes of Surgical Resection and Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Kiyoshi Hasegawa (University of Tokyo)2. Progress and Improvement of Outcome in Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
Namiki Izumi (Musashino Red Cross Hosp.)3. Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization (TACE)-current Status and Future
Shiro Miyayama (Fukuiken Saiseikai Hosp.)4. Current Status and Perspective for Radiation Therapy for Liver Tumors
Hideyuki Sakurai (University of Tsukuba)5. Molecular Targeted Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Current Status and Future Perspective
Masatoshi Kudo (Kindai Univ.) ・ Symposium 5 : April 15 (Sat.) 13:00-15:00 (National Convention Hall)「High-precision Radiotherapy and Diagnostic Imaging」 Moderator: Kenji Nemoto (Yamagata Univ.)
Katsumasa Nakamura (Hamamatsu Univ. School of Medicine)1. High Precision Radiation Therapy - Its Method and Role in Cancer Therapy
Katsuyuki Karasawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome Hosp.)2. Role of Multi-modality Imaging before Radiation Therapy Masayuki Matsuo (Gifu Univ.)3. Diagnostic Imaging after Radiation Therapy Hidetake Yabuuchi (Kyushu Univ.)4. Interventional Image Guided Approach is Mandatory to Achieve High Functioning Radiation Therapy
Kazushi Kishi (Sapporo High Functioning Radiation Therapy Center)5. How Will Advanced Imaging Change Radiotherapy? Masashi Koto (QST/NIRS)
・ Symposium 6 : April 15 (Sat.) 13:00-15:00 (301)「Imaging of Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma; Pathologic Correlation and Clinical Application」
Moderator: Osamu Matsui (Kanazawa Univ.) Masumi Kadoya (Shinshu Univ.)
Keynote Lecture Imaging of Multistep Hepatocarcinogenesis Osamu Matsui (Kanazawa Univ.)1. Hemodynamics of Carcinogenic Hepatocyte Nodules: Computed Tomography, Radio-pathological Correlations
and Outcomes of the Nodules Kazuhiko Ueda (The Cancer Institute Hosp. of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research)
2. Are Gadoxetic Acid Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Necessary to Make the Diagnosis of Hypovascular (Non-hypervascular) Nodules?
Hiroko Iijima (Internal Medicine, Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease, Ultrasound Imaging Center, Hyogo College of Medicine)
3. Important Roles of Non-contrast and Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI for Diagnosing Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma Yasunari Fujinaga (Shinshu Univ.)
4. Hepatocyte-phase Images of Gd-EOB-DTPA-MRI: A Breakthrough Imaging Technique for Detection and Differentiation of Early HCC Tomoaki Ichikawa (Saitama Medical University International Medical Center)
5. EOB-MRI as a Biomarker of Hepatocarcinogenesis Azusa Kitao (Kanazawa University Hosp.)
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6. Imaging Diagnostic Algorithm for Clinical Management of Early HCC Takamichi Murakami (Kindai Univ.) ・ Symposium 7 : April 15 (Sat.) 13:00-15:00 (302)「We must Understand Breast Cancer Subtypes to Provide a Best Personalized Medicine Approach for Breast Cancer from
the Perspective of Radiologists」 Moderator: Hiroko Kawashima (Kanazawa Univ.) Takayoshi Uematsu (Shizuoka Cancer Center)
1. Individualized Intervention for Breast Cancer ~from Screening to Systemic Therapy~ Hiroji Iwata (Aichi Cancer Center Hosp.)
2. Understanding"Subtypes"in Breast Cancer Rin Yamaguchi (Kurume University Medical Center)3. Tumor Subtypes in Mammography Interpretation Kazuaki Nakashima (Shizuoka Cancer Center Hosp.)4. Ultrasonic Characteristics Related to the Subtype of Breast Cancer
Hiroko Tsunoda (St Luke's International Hosp.)5. Intrinsic Subtypes of Breast Cancer: MR Imaging Findings
Roka Namoto Matsubayashi (National Kyushu Medical Center)6. Impact of Molecular Subtypes on Strategies and Outcomes of Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer
Chikako Yamauchi (Shiga Medical Center for Adults) ・ Symposium 8 : April 16 (Sun.) 9:50-11:50 (Main Hall)「Diagnostic Imaging for Emergency Cases:Bunt or Home-run? Learn from Active Cases!」
Moderator: Yukihisa Saida (Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.) Hiroshi Kondo (Teikyo Univ. School of Medicine)
1. Imaging Findings of Non-traumatic Emergent Conditions of the Head and Neck Hiroki Kato (Gifu Univ.)2. Diagnostic Radiology in Emergent Medicine Hiroyuki Ueda (Kobe City Medical Center General Hosp.)3. Emergency Imaging of Acute Abdomen: Don't Be Afraid to Swing and Miss, Usually Ttry to Hit a Home Run
Mitsuru Matsuki (Kindai Univ.)4. Pelvic Emergencies; a Practical Role of Diagnostic Radiology Junko Takahama (Nara Medical Univ.)
・ Symposium 9 : April 16 (Sun.) 9:50-11:50 (301, Broadcast:302)「Useful IR Techniques You Should Know: What Is an Expert’s Choice?」
Moderator: Yukunori Korogi (Univ. of Occupational and Environmental Health) Susumu Kanazawa (Okayama Univ. Medicla School)
1. IR Techniques to Be Acknowledged: Chest/Non-vascular Takao Hiraki (Okayama Univ.)2. Technical Tips on TACE for Liver Cancer Toshihiro Tanaka (Nara Medical Univ.)3. IR Techniques You Should Know: How Do You Do? Non-vascular IR in the Abdomen
Koichiro Yamakado (Hyogo College of Medicine)4. Technique in Current UAE for Uterine Leiomyoma Tetsuya Katsumori (Saiseikai Shiga Hosp.)5. Interventional Radiology for peripheral vascular malformations
Hidefumi Mimura (St.Marianna University School of Medicine)6. Useful Techniques in Interventional Neuroradiology: Cases Review Hiro Kiyosue (Oita University Hosp.)
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Image Interpretation Session・ Image Interpretation Session : April 15 (Sat.) 17:00-19:00 (Main Hall)「Road to General!」 Moderator: Tadashi Sagoh (Fukui Red Cross Hosp.)
Hitoshi Abo (Toyama Prefectural Central Hosp.) Ryusuke Ookura (Osaka Saiseikai Nakatsu Hosp.) Takao Kiguchi (Ichinomiya Nishi Hosp.) Yusuke Sakurai (Nagoya University Hosp.) Kenichi Mizuki (Seirei Hamamatsu General Hosp.)
Resident Seminar (Diagnosis)・ Resident Seminar (Diagnosis) 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 9:10-11:50 (National Convention Hall)「Diagnosis 1: Diagnostic Imaging for Acute Abdomen」 Moderator: Toshifumi Gabata (Kanazawa Univ.)
1. Diagnostic Imaging of Acute Abdomen in Hepatobiliary System and Pancreas Kotaro Yoshida (Kanazawa Univ.)
Hitoshi Abo (Toyama Prefectural Central Hosp.)3. Bowel Obstruction, Hernia and Ischemia Toru Yamamoto (Fukui prefectural Hosp.)4. Diagnostic Imaging of Genitourinary Disorders in Acute Abdomen Yasuhisa Kurata (Kyoto Univ.)
・ Resident Seminar (Diagnosis) 2 : April 15 (Sat.) 9:10-11:40 (National Convention Hall)「Diagnosis 2: Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging: Learn about Emergency Imaging」
Moderator: Noriko Aida (Kanagawa Children's Medical Center)1. Emergency Pediatric Imaging: Introduction and Non-traumatic Brain Emergency
Noriko Aida (Kanagawa Children's Medical Center)2. Imaging of Respiratory Emergencies in Children Eiji Oguma (Saitama Children's Medical Center)3. Pediatric Trauma Rieko Furukawa (Jichi Children's Medical Center Tochigi)
Resident Seminar (Radiation Oncology)・ Resident Seminar (Radiation Oncology) : April 14 (Fri.) 15:10-17:10 (National Convention Hall)「Radiation Oncology: Progress of Recent Radiotherapy」 Moderator: Hiroshi Onishi (Univ. of Yamanashi)
1. Radiotherapy for Uterine Cervical Cancer Takafumi Toita (Univ of the Ryukyus)2. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hiroshi Mayahara (Kobe Minimally-invasive Cancer Center)3. Charged Particle Radiotherapy Yoshiyuki Shioyama (Ion Beam Therapy Center, SAGA HIMAT Foundation)
Educational Lecture・ Educational Lecture 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (National Convention Hall)「[MOC requirements] Radiation Safety Protection」 ※ JRS members only
Moderator: Hiromitsu Hayashi (Nippon Medical School)1. Keeping of Safety for MRI Instruments and Clinical MRI Measurements Masafumi Harada (Tokushima Univ.)2. Safe Management of Iodine Contrast Materials Kazuo Awai (Hiroshima Univ.)
・ Educational Lecture 2 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (Main Hall)「Gastrointestinal Radiology 1」
Moderator: Tomoaki Ichikawa (Saitama Medical Univ. International Medical Center) Fukukura Yoshihiko (Kagoshima Univ.)
2. Hepatic Vascular and Perfusion Disorders: CT and EOB-enhanced MRI Tatsuyuki Tonan (Kurume University School of Medicine)
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・ Educational Lecture 3 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (301)「Genitourinary Radiology 1」 Moderator: Takehiko Gokan (Showa Univ.)
1. Primary Prostate Cancer: Multiparametric MR Imaging with PI-RADS V2 for Detection/Localization and Staging Tsutomu Tamada (Kawasaki Medical School)
2. Multiparametric Prostate MRI - Before and After Treatment Yoshiko Ueno (Kobe Univ.) ・ Educational Lecture 4 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (302)「Chest Radiology 1」 Moderator: Kiyoshi Murata (Shiga Univ. of Medical Science)
1. Chest Radiographs in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Kazuto Ashizawa (Nagasaki Univ.)2. CT Diagnosis for Lung Masses or Nodules Masahiko Kusumoto (National Cancer Center Hosp. East)
・ Educational Lecture 5 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (303)「Neuroradiology 1」 Moderator: Takaaki Hosoya (Yamagata Univ.)
1. Syndromes Associated with Cerebrovascular Disease Satoshi Matsushima (The Jikei University School of Medicine.)
2. Vasculopathies with Onset as Thunderclap Headache: RCVS and Arterial Dissection Masami Shimoda (Tokai University Hachioji Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 6 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (304)「Nuclear Medicine 1」 Moderator: Shin-ichiro Kumita (Nippon Medical School)
Artery Disease Hiroshi Higashino (Matsuyama Heart Center Yotsuba Circulation Clinic)2. Current Application of Myocardial Nuclear Imaging to Non-ischemic Heart Disease
Tomonari Kiriyama (Nippon Medical School) ・ Educational Lecture 7 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (311+312)「Cardiac Radiology 1」 Moderator: Masahiro Jinzaki (Keio Univ.)
1. Role of Coronary CT Angiography for Ischemic Heart Disease Michinobu Nagao (Tokyo Women's Medical Univ.)
2. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ischemic Heart Disease Atsushi Kono (National Cardiovascular Research Center)
・ Educational Lecture 8 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (313+314)「Musculoskeletal Radiology 1」 Moderator: Hideharu Sugimoto (Jichi Medical Univ.)
1. Shoulder MRI: Anatomy and Biomechanics Taiki Nozaki (St.Luke's International Hosp.)2. Imaging of the Painful Shoulder Waka Nakata (Jichi Children's Medical Center Tochigi)
・ Educational Lecture 9 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (315)「IVR 1」 Moderator: Kenji Ogawa (Nippon Koukan Hosp.)
1. Interventional Radiology for Vascular Injury Koji Sugimoto (Kobe Univ.)2. Basic Procedure of Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty and Stent Placement and Current Interventional
Radiology for Intracranial and Carotid Artery Stenosis Katsutoshi Takayama (Ishinkai Yao General Hosp.) ・ Educational Lecture 10 : April 14 (Fri.) 8:00-9:00 (F205+206)「Radiation Oncology 1」 Moderator: Hiroki Shirato (Hokkaido Univ.)
1. Radiation Therapy for Malignant Brain Tumors Toshihiro Kumabe (Kitasato Univ.)
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2. Radiotherapy for Management of Malignant Gliomas Minako Sumi (Cancer Institute Hosp. Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research)
・ Educational Lecture 11 : April 14 (Fri.) 9:10-10:10 (F205+206)「Radiation Oncology 2」 Moderator: Natsuo Oya (Kumamoto Univ.)
1. Radiation Therapy for Malignant Lymphoma Emiko Shimoda (Higashiosaka Medical Center/Nara Medical Univ.)
2. Recent Advances in Treatment of Hematopoietic Tumors Norifumi Tsukamoto (Gunma University Hosp.) ・ Educational Lecture 12 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (National Convention Hall)「[MOC requirements] Radiation Safety Protection」 ※ JRS members only
Moderator: Kazuko Ohno (Kyoto College of Medical Science)1. Medical Safety and Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine Practices Makoto Hosono (Kindai Univ.)2. Radiation Therapy (from the Standpoint of Protection or Safety) Masahiko Aoki (Hirosaki University Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 13 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (Main Hall)「Gastrointestinal Radiology 2」 Moderator: Kiyoshi Matsueda (The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR)
1. Metabolic Liver Disorders: Fatty Liver Disease, Iron Overload Disease, Glycogen Storage Disease Hiromitsu Onishi (Osaka Univ.)
2. Acute, Fulminant and Chronic Hepatitis Akihiro Nishie (Kyushu Univ.) ・ Educational Lecture 14 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (301)「Genitourinary Radiology 2」 Moderator: Yoshifumi Narumi (Osaka Medical College)
1. Benign Cystic Lesions of the Adnexa Akiko Takahata (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)2. Differential Diagnosis of Benign Solid Ovarian Tumor Sayaka Daido (Kyoto University Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 15 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (302)「Radiation Oncology 3」 Moderator: Masahiko Oguchi (The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR)
1. Radiotherapy for Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Masahiko Koizumi (Osaka Univ.)2. Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Liver Tumors Atsuya Takeda (Ofuna Chuo Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 16 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (303)「Neuroradiology 2」 Moderator: Hajime Kitagaki (Shimane Univ.)
1. Diverse Imaging Findings of Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: Hemorrhagic and Non-hemorrhagic Lesions Keita Sakurai (Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Center of Gerontology)
2. Vascular Malformations of the Brain Daisuke Yoshida (Hokkaido Univ.) ・ Educational Lecture 17 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (304)「Nuclear Medicine 2」 Moderator: Kiyoshi Koizumi (Tokyo Medical Univ. Hachioji Medical Center)
1. PET Tracer Beyond FDG Ryogo Minamimoto (National Center for Global Health and Medicine)2. PET in Oncology: Recent Advancement of Technology Koji Murakami (Juntendo Univ.)
・ Educational Lecture 18 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (311+312)「Head and Neck Radiology 1」 Moderator: Toshi Abe (Kurume Univ.)
1. Diagnostic Imaging of Cervical Lymph Node Metastases; Before and after Treatment Fumitoshi Aga (Kagawa Univ.)
2. Imaging of Cervical Lymph Nodes: Non-neoplastic Lymphadenopathy Mika Kitajima (Kumamoto Univ.)
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・ Educational Lecture 19 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (313+314)「Musculoskeletal Radiology 2」 Moderator: Kunihiko Fukuda (The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine)
1. Osteonecrosis: Imaging Features Shigeru Ehara (Iwate Medical Univ.)2. Anatomic Variants of Skeletal System Satoshi Tatsuno (Advanced Imaging Center Yaesu Clinic)
・ Educational Lecture 20 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (315)「IVR 2」 Moderator: Kimihiko Kichikawa (Nara Medicali Univ.)
1. Endovascular Treatment for Iliac and Femoropopliteal Artery Occlusive Diseases Ichihashi Shigeo (Nara Medical Univ.)
2. Interventional Therapy for Peripheral Arterial Disease. CLI/below the Knee Lesions Tomoyasu Sato (Tsuchiya general Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 21 : April 15 (Sat.) 8:00-9:00 (F205+206)「Chest Radiology 2」 Moderator: Satoshi Noma (Tenri Hosp.)
Masaki Hara (Nagoya City West Medical Center)2. Role of FDG-PET/CT for Solitary Pulmonary Nodule and Lung Cancer Masahiro Endo (Shizuoka Cancer Center)
・ Educational Lecture 22 : April 15 (Sat.) 9:10-10:10 (F205+206)「Breast Imaging」 Moderator: Tokiko Endo (National Hospital Organization Higashi Nagoya Hosp.)
1. Comprehensive Review of Mammographic Breast Density Takayoshi Uematsu (Shizuoka Cancer Center Hosp.)2. The Know-how of Breast MRI Interpretation According to ACR-BIRADS MRI Ken Yamaguchi (Saga Univ.)
・ Educational Lecture 23 : April 15 (Sat.) 10:20-11:20 (F205+206)「Cardiac Radiology 2」 Moderator: Toshiaki Nitatori (Kyorin Univ.)
Basics for Congenital Heart Disease Imaging Yutaka Tanami (Saitama Children's Medical Center) ・ Educational Lecture 24 : April 15 (Sat.) 13:00-14:00 (F205+206)「Radiation Oncology 4」 Moderator: Takashi Mizowaki (kyoto Univ.)
1. Radiation Therapy for Solid Tumors in Children Motoko Omura (Shonan Kamakura General Hosp.)2. Radiotherapy for Benign Disease Hiroshi Sekine (the Jikei University, School of Medicine)
・ Educational Lecture 25 : April 15 (Sat.) 14:10-15:10 (F205+206)「Radiation Oncology 5」 Moderator: Takashi Nakano (Gunma Univ.)
1. Usefulness of PET in Radiation Oncology Rikiya Onimaru (Hokkaido Univ.)2. Medical Image for Radiotherapy Takuyo Kozuka (Toranomon Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 26 : April 15 (Sat.) 15:20-16:20 (F205+206)「Chest Radiology 3」 Moderator: Teruhito Mochizuki (Ehime Univ.)
1. Lung Cancer Screening and Guidelines for Pulmonary Nodule Management Yuichiro Maruyama (Komoro Kosei General Hosp.)
2. Evaluation of Therapeutic Effect and Complications Related to Therapy Hidetake Yabuuchi (Kyushu Univ.) ・ Educational Lecture 27 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:00 (Main Hall)「[MOC Requirements] Quality of Imaging Diagnosis」 ※ JRS members only
Moderator: Ryohei Kuwatsuru (Juntendo University Hosp.)1. Medical Information Integration Through the Use of International Standards
Norinari Honda (Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical Univ.)
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2. Quality Control in Diagnostic Imaging Masahiko Fujii (Kobe Minimally invasive Cancer Center) ・ Educational Lecture 28 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:00 (301)「Gastrointestinal Radiology 3」 Moderator: Kyo Ito (Kobe City Medical Center General Hosp.)
1. Liver Cirrhosis Satoshi Goshima (Gifu University Hosp.)2. Imaging Findings of Sclerosing Cholangitis Kazuto Kozaka (Kanazawa Univ.)
・ Educational Lecture 29 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:00 (302)「Cardiac Radiology 3」 Moderator: Naofumi Matsunaga (Yamaguchi Univ.)
1. The Basics about Vasculitis Seitaro Oda (Kumamoto Univ.)2. Image Findings of Vasculitis Hideki Ota (Tohoku University Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 30 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:00 (303)「Neuroradiology 3」 Moderator: Masafumi Harada (Tokushima Univ.)
1. Vascular Disorders in Central Nervous System Associated with Pregnancy Harushi Mori (Univ of Tokyo)2. Recent Topics of Brain Aneurysm Imaging Yosiyuki Watanabe (Osaka Univ.)
・ Educational Lecture 31 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:00 (304)「Nuclear Medicine 3」 Moderator: Hiroshi Matsuda (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
1. Basis of Brain Perfusion SPECT and Clinical Applications for Cerebro-vascular Diseases Hiroshi Toyama (Fujita Health Univ.)
2. Neurodegenerative Diseases in Nuclear Medicine Hiroshi Ito (Fukushima Medical Univ.) ・ Educational Lecture 32 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:30 (311+312)「Pediatric Radiology」 Moderator: Hiroshi Oba (Teikyo Univ.)
1. Pediatric Images with Skeletal Maturation Masashi Koyama (Okazaki City Hosp.)2. Pediatric Skeletal Trauma and Child Abuse (Non-accidental Trauma) Yuka Morita (Univ of the Ryukyus)3. Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Taiki Nozaki (St.Luke's International Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 33 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:00 (313+314)「Head and Neck Radiology 2」 Moderator: Yoshito Tsushima (Gunma University Hosp.)
1. Imaging of Perineural Extension of Head and Neck Malignancies Ko Matsumoto (Miyagi Cancer Center)2. PET/CT in Head and Neck Cancers Yuji Nakamoto (Kyoto University Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 34 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:00 (315)「IVR 3」 Moderator: Tsuneo Ishiguchi (Aichi Medical Univ.)
1. Percutaneous Vertebroplasty Noboru Tanigawa (Kansai Medical Univ.)2. RFA and Cryoablation for Musculoskeletal Tumor Masaya Miyazaki (Gunma University Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 35 : April 16 (Sun.) 8:00-9:00 (F205+206)「[MOC Requirements] Quality of Radiotherapy」 ※ JRS members only
Moderator: Masatoshi Hasegawa (Nara Medical Univ.)Quality of Radiation Therapy Tsuyoshi Takanaka (Koseiren Takaoka Hosp.)
・ Educational Lecture 36 : April 16 (Sun.) 9:10-10:10 (F205+206)「Radiation Oncology 6」 Moderator: Yasumasa Nishimura (Kindai Univ.)
1. Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) Hiroya Shiomi (Miyakojima IGRT Clinic)2. Image-guided Respiratory Motion Management Mitsuhiro Nakamura (Kyoto University Hosp.)
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・ Educational Lecture 37 : April 16 (Sun.) 10:20-11:20 (F205+206)「Radiation Oncology 7」 Moderator: Yasuhiro Ogawa (Hyogo Prefectural Kakogawa Medical Center)
Hiroshi Onishi (Univ of Yamanashi)2. Basic Knowledge of Health Economic Evaluation Tomoyuki Takura (Osaka Univ.)
・ Educational Lecture 38 : April 16 (Sun.) 13:00-14:00 (National Convention Hall)「[MOC Requirements] Medical Ethics」 ※ JRS members only Moderator: Tomio Inoue (Yokohama City Univ.)
Ethics of Terminal Care Hitoshi Arima (Yokohama City Univ.)
指導者講習会・ 指導者講習会 : April 14 (Fri.) 10:50-11:50 (F205+206)
Takamichi Murakami (Kindai Univ.)
April 16 (Sun.) 13:00-14:00 (301) Yasushi Kaji (Dokkyo Medical Univ.)
JCR Hour 2017・ JCR Hour 2017 : April 16 (Sun.) 13:00-14:30 (F205+206)
Moderator: Masahiro Ida (Ebara Hosp.) Hiroshi Onishi (Univ. of Yamanashi)
1. Present Status of Choosing Wisely of Radiological Medicine in Japan a. Diagnosis Area Yoshiyuki Watanabe (Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka Univ.) b. Radiotherapy Area Masamichi Nishio (Hokkaido Cancer Center) c. Present Status in UA Kei Yamada (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)2. Special Lecture Present Status of Radiological Medicine in Balkan
Dimitrios Tsetis (President of Balkan Society of Radiology)
Luncheon Seminar・ Luncheon Seminar 1 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (Main Hall)「Diagnostic Imaging of the Elderly」 Moderator: Osamu Abe (Graduate school, the Univ. of Tokyo)
1. Imaging of Aging Brain Takashi Yoshiura (Kagoshima Univ.)2. Recent Progress of Osteoporosis; Diagnosis and Treatment Masako Ito (Nagasaki Univ.)
Sponsored by : DAIICHI SANKYO.CO., LTD ・ Luncheon Seminar 2 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (301)「Diffusion MRI: Past, Present and Future」 Moderator: Shigeki Aoki (Juntendo Univ.)
1. Current Topics in MRI Toshiba Medical Systems2. Diffusion MRI: Past, Present and Future Denis Le Bihan (NeuroSpin, CEA Saclay-Center, France)
Sponsored by : TOSHIBA MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION ・ Luncheon Seminar 3 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (302)「Advanced Applications」 Moderator: Takamichi Murakami (Kindai Univ.)
1. MAGiC(SyMRI): Up-to-date Review Akifumi Hagiwara (Juntendo Univ.)2. The New Development in Diagnostic Liver Imaging with Use of MR Imaging Biomarkers
Akira Yamada (Shinshu Univ. School of Medicine)Sponsored by : GE Healthcare Japan Corporation
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・ Luncheon Seminar 4 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (303)「Shaping the Future through Innovation with Spectrum Shaping」
Sponsored by : Siemens Healthcare K.K. ・ Luncheon Seminar 5 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (304)「Innovative MR/CT technology」 Moderator: Kazuo Awai (Hiroshima University Hosp.)
Kazuhiro Katahira (Kumamoto Chuo Hosp.)2. Advances and potential of IQon spectral CT in clinical application: comparison with low kVp CT
Takeshi Nakaura (Kumamoto Univ.)Sponsored by : Philips Electronics Japan
・ Luncheon Seminar 6 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (311+312)「Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism Based on Updated Evidence」
Moderator: Hitoshi Ogino (Tokyo Medical Univ.) Masaru Hatano (Univ. of Tokyo)
・ Luncheon Seminar 7 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (313+314)「Image guided percutaneous cryoablation」 Moderator: Tadashi Shimizu (KKR Sapporo Medical Center Tonan Hosp.)
Marco van Strijen (St. Antonius Hosp. Nieuwegein, Netherlands)Sponsored by : HITACHI Ltd,
・ Luncheon Seminar 8 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (315)「 Content Based Image Retrieval System for Supporting Image Diagnosis Using AI Technology.
Expansion to Diffuse Lung Disease (Non-neoplastic Lung Disease)」 Moderator: Masahiro Endo (Shizuoka Cancer Center)
1. Content-based Image Retrieval System: Basics and Clinical Utility Atsuko Kurosaki (Fukujyuji Hosp.)2. Early clinical experience of content based image retrieval system for pulmonary diseases
Atsushi Nambu (Teikyo University, Mizonokuchi Hosp.)Sponsored by : FUJIFILM Medical Co., Ltd.
・ Luncheon Seminar 9 : April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (Annex Hall F205+206)「Topics of Contrast enhanced CT:」 Moderator: Yasuyuki Yamashita (Kumamoto Univ.)
1. LDH never lie!
Takashi Koyama (Kurashiki Central Hosp.)2. Contrast-induced Nephropathy: Up To Date Yoshito Tsushima (Gunma Univ.)
Sponsored by : Eisai Co., Ltd. ・ Luncheon Seminar 10 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (Main Hall)「“Clinical Impact of Ultra High Resolution CT”」 Moderator: Noriyuki Tomiyama (Osaka Univ.)
1. Clinical Impact of Neuroradiology Using Ultra High Resolution CT Kazuhiro Murayama (Fujita Health Univ.)2. Clinical Impact of Abdominal Radiology Using Ultra High Resolution CT
Miyuki Sone (National Cancer Center Central Hosp.)3. Clinical Impact of Cardiovascular Radiology Using Ultra High Resolution CT
Kunihiro Yoshioka (Iwate Medical Univ.)Sponsored by : TOSHIBA MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION
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・ Luncheon Seminar 11 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (301)「The 10 Best Basic Comfortable Functions of PSP PACS」 Moderator: Masahiro Jinzaki (Keio Univ.)
Kazuhiro Katahira (Kumamoto Chuo Hosp.)Sponsored by : PSP Corporation.
・ Luncheon Seminar 12 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (302)「 」
Moderator: Osamu Abe (Graduate school, the Univ. of Tokyo) Shinji Naganawa (Nagoya Univ.)
Sponsored by : Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd. ・ Luncheon Seminar 13 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (303)「Possibility of Nuclear Oncology」 Moderator: Ukihide Tateishi (Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.)
1. Nuclear Imaging as a Biomarker in Oncology –Introduction of QIBA and Various Quantitative Parameters– Mitsuaki Tatsumi (Osaka University Hosp.)
2. Utility of Tumor Nuclear Medicine Diagnosis and Its Application to Radiotherapy Ryoichi Yoshimura (Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.)
Sponsored by : FUJIFILM RI Pharma Co., Ltd. ・ Luncheon Seminar 14 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (304)「Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI of the Abdomen: Usefulness of Radial VIBE and the Future Outlook for Radial
Sequences」 Moderator: Toshifumi Gabata (Kanazawa Univ.) Yasunari Fujinaga (Shinshu Univ.)
Sponsored by : Siemens Healthcare K.K. ・ Luncheon Seminar 15 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (311+312)「 」 Moderator: Masahito Uesugi (Hokkaido Information Univ.)
Naoto Hayashi (The University of Tokyo Hosp.)Sponsored by : J-MAC SYSTEM, INC.
・ Luncheon Seminar 16 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (313+314)「New Horizon of 4D Imaging」 Moderator: Hiroshi Moriya (Ohara General Hosp.)
1. Planning for Respiratory Motion Tracking Radiotherapy using the Four Dimensional Motion Analysis Nobuhiro Tsukamoto (Japanese Red Cross Saitama Hospital)
2. Physiological Imaging for Obstructive Lung Diseases: 4D-CT Analysis using PhyZiodynamics Tsuneo Yamashiro (Univ. of the Ryukyus)
Sponsored by : Ziosoft, Inc. / Amin Co., Ltd ・ Luncheon Seminar 17 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (315)「Evolving Technique of Tomosynthesis」
Moderator: Nobuyuki Shiraga (Toho University Medical Center Omori Hospital)1. Today and Tomorrow of Tomosynthesis Technique Masahiro Nakajima (Kofu Municipal Hosp.)2. Clinical Application of Tomosynthesis in ERCP Yosuke Suyama (National Defense Medical College)
Sponsored by : Shimadzu Corporation
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・ Luncheon Seminar 18 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (416+417)「Evolution of Angio Suite」 Moderator: Shiro Miyayama (Fukui-ken Saiseikai Hosp.)
1. Clinical experience of new Angio Suite in the Netherlands Marco van Strijen (St. Antonius Hosp. Nieuwegein, Netherlands)
2. Concept of new Angio Suite and its impression in Japan Miguel Klokgieters (Philips Healthcare, Netherlands)Sponsored by : Philips Electronics Japan
・ Luncheon Seminar 19 : April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (Annex Hall F205+206)「Diagnostic imaging of abdomen」 Moderator: Takamichi Murakami (Kinki Univ.)
Tomoaki Ichikawa (Saitama Medical University International Medical Center) Kengo Yoshimitsu (Fukuoka Univ.)
Sponsored by : FujiPharma Co., Ltd. ・ Luncheon Seminar 20 : April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (Main Hall)「The Role of Imaging for Clinical Management of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension」
Moderator: Kei Takase (Tohoku Univ.) Hideki Ota (Tohoku University Hosp.)
Sponsored by : Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd. ・ Luncheon Seminar 21 : April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (301)「Revolution CT – The Cutting Edge of Cardiac CT」 Moderator: Masahiro Jinzaki (Keio Univ.)
1. Revolutionize Cardiac CT by Smart Cardiac Technology Hideyuki Sato (Edogawa Hosp.)2. Clinical Outcome of Cardiac CT by Revolution CT Takehiko Keida (Edogawa Hosp.)
Sponsored by : GE Healthcare Japan Corporation ・ Luncheon Seminar 22 : April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (302)「Forefront of prostate MRI」 Moderator: Yasuyuki Yamashita (Kumamoto Univ.)
1. MRI diagnosis of prostate cancer with PI-RADS Ver.2 Yasushi Kaji (Dokkyo Medical Univ.)2. Pitfalls to Avoid in interpreting prostate MRI Satoru Takahashi (Kobe Univ.)
Sponsored by : FujiPharma Co., Ltd. ・ Luncheon Seminar 23 : April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (303)「Present and Future Roles of FDG-PET/CT in the Management of Lung Cancer. –What Do the Surgeons Want to Know? –」 Moderator: Masayuki Inubushi (Kawasaki Medical School)
Katsuhiko Shimizu (Kawasaki Medical School)Sponsored by : Nihon Medi-Physics Co., Ltd.
・ Luncheon Seminar 24 : April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (304)「MRI of Prostate Cancer with Pathologic Correlation: Pitfalls in Interpreting Multiparametric MRI」
Moderator: Yusuke Inoue (Kitasato Univ.) Hiroshi Shinmoto (National Defense Medical College)
Sponsored by : PSP Corporation. ・ Luncheon Seminar 25 : April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (311+312)「Realization of Next Generation Imaging Information Systems - Integration Experience at St. Marianna University School
of Medicine Group Hospital」 Moderator: Osamu Abe (Graduate school, the Univ. of Tokyo) Yasuyuki Kobayashi (St. Marianna Univ. School of Medicine)
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・ Luncheon Seminar 26 : April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (313+314)「Noise Reduction」 Moderator: Manabu Minami (Tsukuba University Hosp.)
1. Physical Evaluation of Noise Reduction Features Mounted on the Post-processing Workstation Shota Watanabe (Institute of Advanced Clinical Medicine, Kindai Univ.)
2. Recent Advance in AZE Workstation –Clinical Evaluation of Noise Reduction Software in Both CT and MRI– Kazuhiro Katahira (Kumamoto Chuo Hosp.)
Sponsored by : AZE, Ltd. ・ Luncheon Seminar 27 : April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (Annex Hall F205+206)「 」
Moderator: Takashi Mizowaki (Kyoto Univ.) Kenton Thompson (Icon Integrated Cancer Centre)
Sponsored by : Varian Medical Systems K.K.
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E001 Three-dimensional Double Inversion Recovery Imaging: Clinical Applications and Usefulness in a Wide Spectrum of Central Nervous System Diseases Maki Umino / Dept. Radiology, Mie University School of Medicine
E002 Benign Circumscribed Mass of the Spinal Cord: Radiologic-pathologic Correlation Motoaki Sato / Depat. of Radiology, Kamagaya General Hospital
E003 Normal Variations of Intracranial Dural Venous Sinus-Superior Sagittal Sinus to Internal Jugular Vein- Akio Fukusumi / Nara City Medical Labolatory Center
E004 Structural and Functional Imaging in Machado-Joseph Disease Makoto Ochi / Dept. of Radiology, Nagasaki Kita Hosp.
E005 MRI of Brain Injury in Preterm Infants Kumiko Ando / Dept. of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
E006 MR and CT Angiography Findings of External Carotid-vertebrobasilar Anastomoses Akira Uchino / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center
E007 Diagnosis and Imaging of Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Masahiro Nawata / Dept. of Radiology, Tominaga hospital
Head and neck
E008 Imaging Features of Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: Comparison between Panoramic Radiography, CT, and MRI Ichiro Ogura / Radiology, The Nippon Dental University Niigata Hospital
E009 CT and MR Imaging Findings of Malignant Melanoma in the Neck Masaya Kawaguchi / Dept. of Radiology, Gifu University School of Medicine
E010 Head and Neck Trauma in the Young and Elderly: What Is the Difference? Naoko Saito / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Saitama Medical University, International Medical Center
E011 Imaging of Parapharyngeal Space Lesions Koshi Ikeda / Dept. of Radiology, Kansai Medical University Medical Center
E012 Radiologic Images of Pulmonary Complications after Lung Transplantation Katsuhide Kojima / Dept. Radiology, Okayama University Hospi-tal
E013 Direct Connection of the Lung to the Mediastinum:CT of Normal Subjects, Pneumothorax, Pectus Excavatum, and after Lobectomy Koji Takahashi / Dept. of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical Univ.
E014 Pulmonary Cryptococcosis: Spectrum of Imaging Findings Kiyomi Furuya / Department of Radiology, National Hospital Organization Kyushu Medical Center, 1-8-1 Jigyohama, Chuo-ku
E015 Respiratory Phases Are Reflected in Dynamic Respiratory CT Images Hiroshi Moriya / Dept. of Radiology, Ohara General Hospital
E016 The Pictorial Essay of Pneumoconiosis and Differential Diseases Yurika Kitano / Dept. of Radiology, Tenri Hospital
E017 Pitfalls in Chest Radiographic Interpretation for Lung Cancer Diagnosis Mio Mori / Dept. of Clinical Oncology, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
E018 Understanding of Pulmonary Lesion Enhancement Techniques Using Digital Chest X-ray Images Yasuo Sasaki / Dept. of Rdiology, Iwate Prefectural Central Hospital
E019 Cardiac Disease for the General Radiologist on Non ECG-gated CT Takashi Norikane / Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
E020 Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease Using 3D Computed Tomography Angiography Naofumi Watanabe / Dept. of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical University
E021 Dual Source CT for Whole-heart and Vascular Imaging: Clinical Implications in Infants with Congenital Cardiovascular Disease Natsuhiko Saito / Dept. of Radiology, Nara Medical University
E022 High-resolution MR Lymphangiography for the Anatomical and Functional Assessment of Lymphedema and Other Lymphatic Circulation Disorders Shigeyoshi Soga / Department of Radiology, National Defense Medical College
E023 Pre- and Post-operative Imaging of the Congenital Heart Disease: A Pictorial Essay Nobuko Tanitame / Dept. of Radiology, Hiroshima City Hiroshima Citizens Hospital
E024 Imaging Findings of the Chemoradiation-therapy Related Cardiac Complications for Thoracic Malignancies Kentaro Takanami / Department of Radiology, Tohoku Univer-sity Hospital
Hepatobiliary and pancreas
E025 Virtual Monoenergetic Imaging Using TwinBeam Dual Energy MDCT on Abdominal Cancer Diagnosis Hiroyuki Horikoshi / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Gunma Cancer Center
E026 Pancreatobiliary Reflux in Patients with a Normal Pancreaticobiliary Junction: Clinical Implication and Recent Advancement Reiji Sugita / Dept. of Radiology, Sendai City Medical Center
WITHDRAWNs Using Digital Chest X-ray s Using Digital Chest X-ray kiki // Dept of Rdiology Iwate PrefeDept of Rdiology Iwate Prefe
tanding of Pulmonary Lesion Enhaues Using Digital Chest X-ray Ima
a u
April 13 (Thu.)~April 16 (Sun.)
Educational Exhibition Programs JRS
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E041 Sex Cord-stromal Tumors of Ovary: Imaging Findings and Pathologic CorrelationShigenobu Motoshima / Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kokura Medical Center
E042 MR Image of Sac Within Cervical Canal During Early Pregnancy: Inevitable Abortion and Ectopic PregnancyYuko Otake / Dept. of Radiology, Jichi Medical Univercity
E043 Clinical Utility of “preserved Follicle Sign” for the Differential Diagnosis of Adnexal MassesMayumi Takeuchi / Dept. of Radiology, Tokushima University
E044 MR Imaging of Endometrial Stromal Tumors: Review with Pathologic CorrelationMina Asatani / Dept. of Radiology, Niigata Cancer Center Hospital
E045 Usual and Unusual MR Imaging Findings of Ovarian Fibroma and ThecomaNaoko Mukuda / Dept. of Radiology, Tottori University
E046 Imaging of Sex Cord Stromal Tumors of the OvaryYasuomi Fujimoto / Dept. of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical University
E047 MRI Findings of Various Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes: The Importance of Intratumoral HeterogeneitySachiko Yuen / Div. of Breast Imaging, Shinko Hospital
E048 Imaging Features of Hereditary Breast CancerHidemi Okuma / Dept. of Radiology, The University of Tokyo Hospital
E049 General Understanding of Mammographic Breast DensityTakayoshi Uematsu / Dept. of Clinical Physiology and Breast Imaging/Intervention
E050 Images of Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma of the BreastHiroshi Nakahara / Dept. of Radiology, Breastopia Miyazaki Hospital
E051 Imaging of the Rare Sites of Distant Metastases from Breast CancerMihoko Kondo / Department of Radiology, Tokushima University Hospital
E052 Chemical Shift MR Imaging of the Spine: The Impact in Differentiating Various Diseases in Clinical PracticeKoichiro Kimura / Dept. of Radiology, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center
E053 Clinical and Radiological Features of Fibro-adipose Vascular Anomaly (FAVA), a Newly Proposed DisorderNoriko Nishioka / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Tonan Hospital
E054 Ossifying Fibroma Imaging Findings: A Rare Case and a Literature ReviewKazumasa Oiso / Dept. Radiology, Kanazawa Medical University
E027 Hepatic Non-neoplastic Mass: The Great MimickerSatoshi Yamauchi / Dept. of Radiology,Nara Medical University
E028 Images of Radiation Induced Hepatitis and the Estimation of Therapeutic Effect Regarding Irradiated Hepatocellular CarcinomaShigeyuki Takamatsu / Dept. of Radiation therapy, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
E029 MDCT of Inguinal Hernias : Diagnosis, Postoperative Findings, and ComplicationsEliko Tanaka / Dept. of Radiology, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital
E030 Various Causes and Systematic Image Interpretation of Bowel ObstructionAkitoshi Inoue / Dept. of Radiology, Shiga University of Medical Science
E031 Ask Patients “What Did You Eat ?” Gastrointestinal Complications and Other Complications Caused by Ingested FoodHitoshi Ito / Dept. of Radiology, Okitama General Hospital
E032 Adenocarcinoma Arising from Fistula in Ano: Characteristic Features and Pitfalls in MR ImagingDaisuke Yamada / Dept. of Radiology, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center
E033 Neoplasms of the Small Bowel and Mesentery: Diagnostic Pitfalls and MimickersRyo Takaji / Dept. of Radiology, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
E034 CT and MRI Findings of Mesenteric Tumors: Differentiation between Benign and Malignant TumorsKazuya Matsunari / Dept. of Radiology, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital
E035 Current Topics of Radiological Diagnosis in Gastric Cancer ScreeningTakahiro Itoh / Dept of Radiology, Nara Medical University
E036 The Sigmoid Mesocolon: Review of Anatomy and PathologyKoki Kato / Dept. of Radiology, Saiseikai Utsunomiya
E037 Calcification in Adrenal Gland: Imaging Patterns, Interpretation and RelevanceRuonan Li / Dept. of Radiology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
E038 "Burned-out" Testicular Tumor: Clinical, Radiological, and Pathological ManifestationsHitoshi Abo / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Toyama Pref. Centr. Hosp.
E039 Optimal Use of CT and MRI for Planning Therapeutic Strategies of Urothelial Cancer (UC)Yukiko Honda / Dept. of Radiology, Hiroshima University
E040 Image Diagnosis of Spermatic Cord DiseasesShunta Ishitoya / Department of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical University,
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E055 Differential Diagnosis of Basal Ganglia Abnormalities in Pediatric PatientsShigeko Kuwashima / Department of Radiology Dokkyo Medical University
E056 Characteristic Sonographic Findings of Branchial Cleft Sinus/Fistula in Pediatric PatientsTakahiro Hosokawa / Department of Radiology, Saitama Children Medical Center
Whole body
E057 The MDCT Findings and MRI Features of Multiple MyelomaNobukata Kazawa / Dept. of Radiology,Nagoya City University School of Medicine
E058 Methotrexate-associated Lymphoproliferative Disorders (MTX-LPD): Their Clinical, Radiological, and Pathological ManifestationsMasashi Taka / Dept. of diagnostic Radiology, Toyama Pref. Centr. Hosp.
E059 Multimodality Imaging of Post Transplantation Lymphoproliferative Disorder (PTLD)Akaike Gensuke / Dept. of Radiology University of Washington Medical Center
E060 A Review of the Imaging Features of SarcoidosisTomohiro Kikuchi / Dept. of Radiology, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine
E061 Target-like Appearance on Abdominal ImagingKiyoyuki Minamiguchi / Nara Medical University ,Department of Radiology
E062 Pictorial Review of AmyloidosisNaoto Uyama / Tokushima Univ. Hosp.
E063 Imaging Findings of Methotrexate-associated Lymphoproliferative DisordersShoko Ariyoshi / Dept. of Radiology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
E064 Radiological Analyses of Cases with SarcoidosisJumpei Fujimoto / Department of Radiology, Otsu Red Cross Hospital,
E065 Jet Ski-related Injuries: Typical Imaging FeaturesYui Yogo / Dept. of Radiology, Japanese Red Cross Otsu Hospital
E066 Imaging Findings in Medical Emergency of Heritable Connective Tissue DisordersChika Yamada / Dept. of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center
E067 Image Quality and Clinical Applications of Full Iterative Reconstruction in CTKoichiro Yasaka / Dept. of Radiology, The University of Tokyo, The Institute of Medical Science
E068 Geometric Interpretation of Vector Space in Spin One-half Systems for Approaching the Quantum-mechanical Principles of MR ImagingMakoto Fujita / Dept. of Radiology, Nishinomiya Municipal Central Hospital
E069 Treatment-related Toxic Effects and Therapeutic Response Using Immune Checkpoint Blockade Drugs: What Radiologists Should KnowTomohiro Itonaga / Dept. of Radiology , Tokyo Medical University
E070 Neuroendocrine Tumors in the Abdomen: Clinical, and Radiologic FeaturesRyosuke Taiji / Dept. of Radiology, Nara Medical University
E071 Radiologic-pathologic-anatomic Correlation: A Pictorial Review of Postmortem CT and MRI Prior to Pathological AutopsyYohsuke Makino / Dept. of Forensic Medicine, The University of Tokyo
E072 Current and Novel Imaging Techniques in Digital Tomosynthesis RadiographyHaruhiko Machida / Department of Radiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University Medical Center East
Nuclear Medicine
E073 MRI and Nuclear Medicine Imaging Patterns of Atypical Parkinsonian SyndromeAtsushi Nakanishi / Dept.of radiology, Juntendo University Schoole of Medicine
E074 Relevance Evaluation of Quantitative Hepatic Uptake on I-131 Whole Body Scan and the Residual Thyroid TissueMichihiro Nakayama / Dept. of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical University
E075 Role of FDG- PET/CT at Pre- and Posttreatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer in Clinical Management and Prediction of PrognosisYoshihiro Okumura / Dept. of Radiology, Okayama Kyokuto Hospital
E076 FDG-PET/CT Findings of Splenic Lesions: A Pictorial EssayShunsuke Yuge / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Kurashiki Central Hospital
E077 FDG-PET/CT in Hepatic Lesions Other Than Hepatocellular CarcinomaYoichi Otomi / Dept. of Radiology, Tokushima University Hospital
E078 Relationship between Macroscopic Findings and 18
F-FDG Uptake on PET/CT in Gastrointestinal and Mesenteric Low-grade Malignant LymphomaTakaharu Tsuda / Dept. of Radiology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine
E079 PET Imaging of the Adrenal GlandsYoshitaka Toyama / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Tohoku University School of Medicine.
E080 Present and Future Role of FDG-PET/CT Imaging in the Management of Breast CarcinomaKazuhiro Kitajima / Division of Nuclear Medicine and PET Center, Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
E081 Pictorial Essay of Diffuse or Multiple Focal Abnormal Uptakes on Bone Scintigraphy with Tc-99m Labeled DiphosphonateMana Ishibashi / Division of Radiology, Department of Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Science, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
E082 Clinical Experience of a High Sensitivity PET/CT with a New Bayesian Penalized-likelihood Reconstruction AlgorithmTakayoshi Ishimori / Dept. of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Grad. Sch. of Medicine, Kyoto University
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E083 An Utilization of High-resolution Image with Novel Algorism for F-18 FDG PET/CT in Patients with Head and Neck TumorAtsutaka Okizaki / Dept. of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical University
Radiation oncology
E084 Impact of Functional Imaging for Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaMunetaka Matoba / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa Medical University
E085 Classificatioin of Oligometastases: Oligo-recurrence and Sync-oligometastasesYuzuru Niibe / Dept. of Radiology, Toho University Omori Medical Center
E086 Intra-arterial Infusion Chemotherapy for Advanced Maxillary Cancer: Role of CT Angiography of Feeding ArteriesAkio Tamura / Dept. of Radiology, Iwate Medical University School of Medicine
E087 A Trial of TACE Marking of HCC by Diluted Lipiodol Emulsion with Contrast Material for CT-guided RFATaichi Kurose / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology,Hiroshima Prefectual Hospital
E088 Endovascular Procedures for Carotid Blowout Syndrome and Fatal Tracheo-innominate Artery FistulaMunemasa Okada / Dept. of Radiology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine
E089 Thoracic Duct Embolization for Chylothorax after Thoracic Surgery: Clinical Results and TechniqueShuji Kariya / Dept. of Radiology, Kansai Medical University
E090 CT-guided Drainage for Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis and Iliopsoas Abscesses: What to Need to Know before You StartTomohiro Matsumoto / Dept. Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
E091 The Usefulness of Virtual Fluoroscopic Preprocedural Planning During Interventional Radiology ProceduresMitsuhiro Kinoshita / Dept. of Radiology, Tokushima Unive
Autopsy imaging/Safety
E092 Time-course Appearances of Cerebral Decomposition on Postmortem CTSeiji Shiotani / Dept. of Radiology, Seirei Fuji Hospital
E093 Heat Hematoma:Another Epidural Hematoma Found in Severely Burned BodiesMaiko Yoshida / Department of Legal Medicine, Chiba University
E094 Safety of Indwelling Devices for MRI Use (2016)Sae Miyashita / Dept of Radiology,Kanazawa Medical Center
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April 13 (Thu.)
April 13 (Thu.)
15:00 - 15:30 (303)1. Interventional Radiology 1: TACE 1
Hiroyuki Tajima
001 Epirubicin or Cisplatin? Which Drug Is Better for Intermediate Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Microsphere TACE?Yuko Takeguchi / Dept. of Rdaiology, Red Cross Musashino Hospital
002 Short-term Outcomes of Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) with CDDP-loaded HepaSpheres and Embospheres for Hepatocellular Carcinoma as a Single-Center ExperienceNoboru Maeda / Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiol-ogy, Osaka International Cancer Institute
003 Transarterial Chemoembolization(TACE) of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Comparison of Short-term Efficacy and Safety between Drug-eluting Beads TACE(DEB-TACE) and Lipiodol Emulsion TACE(cTACE)Eiji Sugihara / Dept. of Radiology, Osaka General Medical Center
15:40 - 16:10 (303)2. Interventional Radiology 2: TACE 2
Masakatsu Tsurusaki
004 Outcome of Transarterial Chemoembolization with Drug-eluting Microspheres for HCC Non-responsive to Conventional Transarterial Chemoembolization in One InstituteTomoyo Fuji / Dept. of Radiology, Hiroshima University Hospital
005 Efficacy and Safety of Single-step Chemoembolization with Drug Eluting Beads for Unresectable Giant Hepatocellular Carcinoma Compared with Lipiodol ChemoembolizationYohei Ikebe / Dept. of Radiology, Nagasaki University Hospital
006 Usefulness of Parenchymal Blood Volume Imaging in TACE for HCCMasao Hamuro / Dept. of Radiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
15:00 - 15:40 (304)3. Radiation Oncology 1: Breast Koichi Sakata
007 Time-dependent Changes of the Tumor Beds after Intra-operative Radiotherapy of the Breast CancerMariko Kawamura / Dept. of Radiology, Nagoya University Hospital
008 Non-surgical Treatment with Novel Enzyme-targetingradiosensitization for Unilateral Breast Cancer in Early Stage WithoutchemotherapyKana Kobayashi / Dept. of Radiology, Kochi University
009 Incidental Radiation Dose to Internal Mammary Lymph Node in Tangential Breast Irradiation : Comparison of Calculation AlgorismRumiko Kinoshita / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Hokkaido University. Hospital
010 Acute Toxicity Evaluation of Adjuvant Hypofractionated Radiotherapy after Cryotherapy for Early Breast CancerSawa Kono / Dept. of Radiationoncology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
15:50 - 16:30 (304)4. Breast 1: MRI Hiroyuki Abe
011 The Role of Abbreviated Breast DWIKazunori Kubota / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital
012 Kinetic Volume Analysis on Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI of Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Association with Recurrence-free and Overall SurvivalYoko Hayashi / Dept. Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
013 Suspicious Microcalcification Lesions of the Breast Detected by Mammography: Evaluation with MR ImagingShuichi Monzawa / Dept. of Radiology, Shinko Hospital
014 Differentiation of Breast Phyllodes Tumors from Fibroadenomas Using MR Texture AnalysisZhuo Wu / Department of Radiology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
15:00 - 15:40 (311+312)5. Nuclear Medicine 1: Neuro 1 Yasuo Kuwabara
015 Clinical Significance of Quantitative Assessments in DaTSCAN SPECT and Neuromelanin MRIYumiko Kono / Dept. of Radiology, Kansai Medical University
016 Evaluation of Diffuse Decrease of 123I-ioflupane Striatal Uptake in DAT SPECTTatsuya Yoneyama / Divs. of Thyroid, Mattou Ishikawa Hospital
017 Relationship between Hippocampus Atrophy and Glucose Hypometabolism in the Brain Analyzed by VSRAD and ZsmapIkuo Odano / Sendai Medical Imaging Center
018 Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow with O-15 Water PET/MR StudyHidehiko Okazawa / Biomedical Imaging Research Center, University of Fukui
15:50 - 16:20 (311+312)6. Nuclear Medicine 2: Neuro 2
Toshimitsu Momose
019 The Effect of Shape of Region of Interest (ROI) in Aortic Arch for Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification Using 99mTc-ECDBinh A Dang / Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Gunma Graduate School of Medicine
020 Influence of Attenuation and Scatter Corrections on Quantitative Analysis of [123I] FP-CIT SPECT Brain ImagingTran Vu Quynh Vy / Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
Oral Presentation Programs JRS
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April 14 (Fri.)
032 Mobile Chest X-Ray Film Audit- A Four Sided ViewAnitha L. Thalluri / Department of Radiology, Royal Adelaide Hospital
033 Role of Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Pulmonary Cavitatory LesionsSunil Kumar Suganchand Rikabchand / Department of radiology, Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital
9:50 - 10:40 (304)10. Breast 2: Miscellaneous Hiroko Satake
034 Diagnostic Performances of US Elastography in Breast Masses: Comparison between Shear- wave and Strain ElastographyTomoyuki Fujioka / Dept. of Radiology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
035 Deformation of Breast Masses Due to Posture: Comparison between Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance ImagingMariko Yoshida / Dept. of Radiology, Kyoto Prefectural University Graduate School of Medicine
036 Diagnostic Accuracy of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Added to Mammography in Breast Cancer ScreeningMisaki Shiraiwa / Breast Center, Kagawa Prefectural Central Hosp.
037 Evaluation of Diffusion Weighted MRImaging and 18F FDG PET for Monitoring Triple Negative Breast Cancer Response to Cisplatin TreatmentHuong Thu Nguyen / Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medincine, Gunma university
038 Preoperative Tumor Size Assessment by Mammography and Ultrasound: Do Breast Density and Histology Type Affect the Accuracy?Joyce Hei Man Cheng / Department of Radiology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong
11:10 - 11:50 (304)11. Liver 1: HCC Satoshi Kobayashi
039 Carbon Dioxide Gas Digital Subtraction Angiography Under Temporary Microballoon Occlusion before Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular CarcinomaJun Koizumi / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
040 The Steatohepatitic Variant of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Radiologic-Pathologic CorrelationYukichi Tanahashi / Dept. of Radiology, Teikyo University School of Medicine
041 Histogram Analysis of Iodine Density Assessed by Dual-energy Imaging for Predicting Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence after Transcatheter Arterial ChemoembolizationTomoko Hyodo / Dept. Radiology, Kindai University Faculty of Medicine
042 Cost-effectiveness of EOB- MRI for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in JapanAkihiro Nishie / Department of Clinical Radiology, Kyushu University
021 Comparison of Cortex Glucose Metabolism and H-MRS Findings in Supraventricular White MatterIuliia G. Khomenko / N.P. Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences
April 14 (Fri.)
9:10 - 10:00 (303)7. Chest 1: Tumor Shuji Adachi
022 Fundamental Analysis of the Retrospective Progression of GGNs of the Lung by Measuring the Difference of Averaged CT NumbersNaoya Koizumi / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Niigata Cancer Hospital
023 The Utility of Subtraction CT by Non-rigid Registration Algorithm for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules in Dual-phase Contrast-enhanced CTMasahiro Endo / Div. of Diagnostic Radiology, Shizuoka Cancer Center
024 Accuracy of Clinical Staging for Lung Cancer by MDCT and FDG-PET/CTShingo Iwano / Dept. of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
025 Prediction of Locoregional Invasiveness in Primary Lung Cancer Using Enhanced Dual-energy CT: Comparison of Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell CarcinomaShingo Iwano / Dept. of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
026 A Multicenter Study for Lung Adenocarcinoma: Correlation of Thin-section CT Findings with Tumor InvasivenessMasahiro Yanagawa / Dept. Radiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
10:10 - 10:50 (303)8. Chest 2: Diffuse lung disease Fumikazu Sakai
027 Rib Pitting Sign on the Surface of Three-dimensional CT Images of the Lung for Supporting the Diagnosis of Interstitial PneumoniaHiroaki Watanabe / Dept. Radiology, Yamanashi University Graduate School of Medicine
028 CT Findings of Pulmonary Mycobacterium Kansasii Infection in Patients with AIDS Compared to Those in Non-HIV PatientsYuriko Yoshida / Dept. Radiology, Osaka National Hospital
029 Pleuroparenchymal Fibroelastosis on Chest CT in Daily Clinical PracticeHiromitsu Sumikawa / Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases
030 Diagnosis of Early Pneumoconiosis in Dust-exposed Workers: Comparison of Chest Radiography and CTHideyuki Hayashi / Dept. of Cli. Onc., Nagasaki Univ.
11:00 - 11:30 (303)9. Chest 3: Mediastinum, others Shuji Sakai
031 CT Features of Thymic Epithelial Tumors: Correlation with New WHO Histologic Classification and TNM Staging SystemsAkiko Sumi / Dept. of Radiology, Kurume University School of Medicine
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April 14 (Fri.)
055 Significance of Gadoxetic Acid Enhanced-MRI for Liver Metastases in Addition to Contrast-enhanced CTTakeyuki Watadani / Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
9:10 - 9:50 (311+312)15. IT・Education Kazuto Ashizawa
056 Management of Images and Records Acquired in the Operation Theatre by Enterprise PACSHiroshi Demachi / Department of Daignostic Radiology, Toyama Prefectural Central Hospital
057 The Impact of Cloud Technologies for Regional Sharing PACSHiroshi Kondoh / Div. Medical Informatics
058 The Current State of Medical Physics Education CourseKumiko Karasawa / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
059 Enhancing Students’ Professional Knowledge, Skills and Learning Experience by Providing a Learning Environment That Fosters Cross-disciplinary Understanding and Authentic PedagogyJyothi Thalluri / Division of Health Sciences, University of South Australia
10:00 - 10:40 (311+312)16. Nuclear Medicine 3: PET・Inflammation
Koji Murakami
060 Evaluation of 18F-FDG Uptake Pattern in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Non-rheumatoid Arthritis (non-RA)Anu Bhattarai / Diagnostic Radiology And Nuclear Medicine,Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
061 TAFRO Syndrome and Castleman Disease Evaluated with FDG-PET ImagingKento Nakajima / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa Medical University
062 F-18 FDG PET/CT in the Evaluation of IgG4-related Disease before and after TherapyHanae Okuda / Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
063 Prevalence and Risk Evaluation of Diverticular Disease in the Sigmoid Colon with F-18 FDG PET/CT Physical CheckupKohei Hayashida / Takeda Oncologic Positron Imaging Center
10:50 - 11:30 (311+312)17. Nuclear Medicine 4: RI theraphy Seigo Kinuya
064 Utility of I-123 Tracer Study before I-131 Radioactive Iodine Therapy for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma to Predict Treatment OutcomeYoshie Omiya / Dept. of Radiology, University of Yamanashi
065 Basic Study to Evaluate DNA Damage and Cell Survival with α-Particles from Astatine-211Naoyuki Watanabe / Gunma Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences
066 Therapeutic Effect of 90Y-DTPA-Bevacizumab Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) in Breast Cancer XenograftRyan Yudistiro / Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Gunma University
15:10 - 15:50 (304)12. Liver 2: Liver parenchyma Shinji Hirohashi
043 Risk Assessment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography During Follow-upShintaro Ichikawa / Dept. of Radiology, University of Yamanashi
044 Diagnosis of Liver Cirrhosis Using Morphological Score Derived from Magnetic Resonance LaparoscopySatoshi Funayama / Dept. of Radiology, University of Yamanashi
045 ECV Calculated from the Data Sets of the Equilibrium Phase of Dual-energy CT in Liver Fibrosis Assessment: Comparison with MREEmi Muto / Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University
046 The Quantitative Assessment of Liver Function by EOB-MRI: Combination of Hepatocyte Fraction and Volumetry of LiverMorikatsu Yoshida / Dept. Radiology, Amakusa Medical Center
16:00 - 16:50 (304)13. Liver 3: Miscellaneous Akira Yamada
047 Clinical Application of MSCTA in Diagnosing Congenital Intrahepatic Portosystemic Venous ShuntsMeng Wang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
048 The Severe Hepatic Arterial-portal Shunts Are Crucial for the Graft after Liver Transplantation: The Imaging Findings and Clinical ManifestationsXiaochun Meng / Department of Radiology, The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University
049 Quantitative Gd-EOB-DTPA Concentration Using T1 Mapping and Relative Signal Strength: A Phantom StudyZhenpeng Peng / Department of Radiology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
050 The Feasibility of Spectral CT for Monitoring and Predicting the Therapeutic Efficacy of Axitinib in Rabbit VX2 Liver TumorsPeijie Lu / The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University
051 Dynamic Contrast Gd-EOB-DTPA Enhanced MR Imaging of the Liver Using Parallel Imaging and Compressed SensingTakayuki Masui / Dept. of Radiology, Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital
17:00 - 17:40 (304)14. Liver 4: Assessment of liver lesions
Akihiro Nishie
052 Usefulness of Three-dimensional Isotropic T2-weighted Fast Spin-echo for Small Liver LesionsKenichiro Hirata / Diagnostic Radiology, Kumamoto University
053 Hepatic Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma MSCT FingdingsMeng Wang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
054 The Diagnostic Value of T1 Mapping in Focal Liver Lesions DifferentiationChang Li / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University
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April 14 (Fri.)
077 Right Adrenal Vein: Comparison between Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction and Model-based Iterative Reconstruction Yoshifumi Noda / Dept. of Radiology, Gifu University
078 Visualization of Right Adrenal Vein: Comparison with Three Phase Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT Yoshifumi Noda / Dept. of Radiology, Gifu University
079 Feasibility of the Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Study Using Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging for the Renal Artery at 3T MRI Kazuma Terauchi / Dept.of Radiology, Tesseikai Neurosurgery Hospital
10:00 - 10:30 ( 315 ) 21. Uroradiology 2 : Miscellaneous Yasushi Kaji
080 Ultrasound Usefulness in Diagnosis of Scrotal Filariasis: Filarial Dance Sign Pokhraj P Suthar / Department of Radiology, Sterling Hospital
081 Four-dimension Dynamic Imaging by 640-slice Multidetector CT for the Diagnosis of Urine Flow Related Diseases: A Preliminary Study Jian Guan / Department of Medical Imaging, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
082 Comparison between Standard Diffusion-weighted Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Detection and Characterization of Prostate Cancer Tsutomu Tamada / Dept. of Radiology, Kawasaki Medical School
10:40 - 11:40 ( 315 ) 22. Uroradiology 3 : Tumor Takehiko Gokan
083 Development and Validation of Logistic Regression Model at Multi-parametric Prostate MRI to Distinguish Transition Zone Cancers and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Yuji Iyama / Dept. Radiology, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medicine
084 Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of DW-MRI and CTU for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: Is Adding DW-MRI to CTU Clinically Useful? Hirotaka Akita / Dept. of Diagnostic Keio University School of Medicine
085 The CT and MRI Findings of Renal Oncocytoma with Pathological Correlation Nobukata Kazawa / Dept. of Radiology, Nagoya City University School of Medicine
086 Is There Any Metastases to the Chest in Patients with Non-invasive Bladder Cancer? Hiroshi Juri / Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Medical College
087 Bladder Carcinomas with Cysts Formation; Correlation between Radiologic Findings and Histologic Backgrounds Etsuro Sakata / Dept. of Diagnostic radiology, Kurashiki central hospital
088 Fat Quantification of Adrenal Masses Using 3D 6-point Dixon MR Imaging: Intermodality Agreement and Interobserver Reproducibility Study Norihiro Shinkawa / Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki
067 A Tc-99m and Fluorescence Labeled Arginine-Arginine-Leucine-containing Peptide: Multimodal Tumor Imaging Agent in a Murine Tumor Model Dae-weung Kim / Department of Nuclear Medicine, Institute of Wonkwang Medical Science and Research Unit of Molecular Imaging Agent (RUMIA), Wonkwang University School of Medicine
15:10 - 16:00 ( 313+314 ) 18. Interventional Radiology 3 : CT guided
Hideo Gobara
068 Comprehensive Understanding of Clinical Performance of Percutaneous Needle Biopsy of Lung Lesion: Meta-analytical Evaluation Using a 3-by-3 Table Soon Ho Yoon / Department of Radiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
069 The Impact of Pulmonary Emphysema on Preoperative CT-guided Lipiodol Marking for VATS of Small Lung Nodules or Ground-glass Opacity Lesions Shinsaku Maeda / Dept.of Radiology,Nara city Hospital
070 Direct MPR Method Under CT Fluoroscopy-guided Biopsy for Intrathoracic Lesions Masahiro Endo / Div. of Diagnostic Radiology, Shizuoka Cancer Center
071 Hybrid DynaCT-guided Hookwire Localisation of Pulmonary Lesions Prior to Surgical Resection in the Same Hybrid Operating Theater Cheuk Man Chu / Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
072 Robot-assisted Navigation System for CT-guided Percutaneous Lung Tumor Procedures Cheuk Man Chu / Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
16:10 - 16:40 ( 313+314 ) 19. Interventional Radiology 4 : US guided
Yusuke Sakuhara
073 Prospective Randomized Comparison of Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Needle Aspiration and Catheter Drainage of Liver Abscesses Paramdeep Singh / Department of Radiology, Guru Gobind Singh (GGS) Medical College and Hospital, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences
074 Percutaneous Hepatic Fiducial Marker Implantation for Real-time Tumor-tracking Radiotherapy (RTRT) Ryo Morita / Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
075 Transrectal Ultrasound-guided Prostate Fiducial Marker Placement for Image-guided Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer: Safety and Efficacy from a Single Centre Experience Cheuk Man Chu / Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
9:10 - 9:50 ( 315 ) 20. Uroradiology 1 : PET (Infl ammation)
Takuji Araki
076 Anatomical Variations of the Right Adrenal Vein: Concordance between Multidetector Computed Tomography and Catheter Venography Kensuke Omura / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Tohoku University Hospital
WITHDRAWNcutaneous Needle Aspiratiocutaneous Needle Aspiratiof Liver AbscessesLiver Abscesses
ive Randomized Comparison of Uercutaneous Needle Aspiration a p Singh / Department of Radiology Gur
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April 14 (Fri.)・April 15 (Sat.)
April 15 (Sat.)
15:50 - 16:20 (302)25. Head and Neck 1 Osamu Sakai
101 Computed Diffusion Weighted Imaging with Noise Reduction: Improvement of Contrast-to-noise Ratio in Middle Ear CholesteatomaKoji Yamashita / Department of Clinical Radiology, Kyushu University
102 Preoperative Tc -99m Sestamibi SPECT/CT Imaging Prior to Ultrasound to Facilitate Minimally Invasive Surgery in Patients with Primary HyperparathyroidismPriya Krishnarao / Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Depart-ment of Radiology
103 A Novel Parameter to Evaluate Thyroid Function with Dual Energy Computed Tomography in Patients with HyperthyroidismBinh Duong Duc / Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Gunma University, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
13:00 - 13:40 (303)26. Chest 4: Blood flow and anatomy
Shuichi Ono
104 Ventilation/perfusion Ratio Map by Dual-energy CT after Xenon Inhalation and Intravenous Contrast Media in Patients with LobectomyNorinari Honda / Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University
105 2D-TSE Sequence with Incremental Trigger Delay Time for Monitoring Vascular Signal Suppression in PPU-gated Black-blood Lung MR ImagingRyotaro Kamei / Dept. of Clinical Radiology, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
106 Evaluation of the Branching Pattern of the Right Upper Pulmonary Veins Using Thin-section CT and Three-dimensional CTMakiko Murota / Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
107 Evaluation of the Branching Pattern of the Right Middle and Lower Pulmonary Veins Using Thin-section CT and Three-dimensional CTMariko Ishimura / Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
13:50 - 14:40 (303)27. Chest 5: Low-dose CT Satoshi Noma
108 Association of Smoking and Airflow Limitation with Pleural Movement and Parenchymal Collapsibility Assessed by 4D-ULDCT in Supine and Lateral PositionYukihiro Nagatani / Dept. of Radiology, Shiga University of Medi-cal Science
109 Pleural Movement Against Chest Wall in Pulmonary Apical Region and Its Association with Ventilation at Supine/Lateral Position Assessed by 4D-ULDCTShigetaka Sato / Dept. of Radiology, Shiga University of Medical Science
110 Submillisievert CT Using New Model-based Iterative Reconstruction with Lung-specific Setting for the Evaluation of Interstitial Lung DiseaseAkinori Hata / Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
15:10 - 16:20 (315)23. Cardiovascular 1: Coronary A and muocardium
Hajime Sakuma
089 Clinical Value of Myocardial T1, Comparing between SMART1map and MOLLIShigeo Okuda / Dep. of Diagnostic Radiology, Keio University School of Medicine
090 Assessment of Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve Using Phase-contrast Cine MRI: Comparison with Myocardial Perfusion Reserve Determined by Positron Emission TomographyYasutaka Ichikawa / Department of Radiology, Mie University Hospital
091 Improved Coronary Stent Depiction Using Forward Projected Model-based Iterative Reconstruction SoluTion (FIRST)Eriko Maeda / Dept of Radiology, University of Tokyo School of Medicine
092 Anatomical Evaluation of Left Atrium and Pulmonary Vein Using CT Prior to Catheter Ablation in Patients with Atrial FibrillationYasukage Takami / Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
093 Evaluation of Delayed Contrast-enhancement CT with Iterative Model-based Reconstruction in Cardiac Sarcoidosis: Comparison with MRINoriko Oyama-manabe / Dept. of Radiology, Hokkaido University Hospital
094 Detection of Myocardial Ischemia Using Coronary Flow Imaging with 320-detector CT: Comparison of 13N Ammonia PETYuka Matsuo / Dept. of Diagnostic imaging & Nuclear Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University
095 Effects of Undersampling on Quantitative Parameters in Dynamic Myocardial CT Perfusion Imaging: Comparison between Deconvolution and Maximum-slope MethodTakahiro Yokoi / Dept. of Radiology, Ehime University School of Medicine
16:30 - 17:20 (315)24. Cardiovascular 2: Miscellaneous Kei Takase
096 Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: CT Findings, Treatment, and Natural HistoryRika Yoshida / Dept. of Radiology, Shimane University, Faculty of Medicine
097 Low-tube-voltage CT Assessment of Adamkiewicz ArteryYoshihiro Kubota / Dept. of Radiology, Chiba University Hospital
098 Stent-graft Displacement in Aneurysms by TypeII Endoleaks after EVAR: The Primary Blood Supply Comparison between the IMA and Lumbar ArteryHirotaka Tomimatsu / Dept. of Radiology, Tenri Hospital
099 The Effective Dose Estimation for Coronary CT Including Coronary Angiography on Two Different Scanners Using Size-specific Dose EstimationYoko Saito / Dept.of Radiation Science, Hirosaki Univ. School of Health Sciences
100 Prediction of Fontan-associated Liver Disease Using a Novel Cine MRI “vortex Flow Map” in the Right AtriumUmiko Ishizaki / Dept. of Diagnostic imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Tokyo Women´s Medical University
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April 15 (Sat.)
122 Low-dose Pelvic CT Using a New Reconstruction Technique - Forward Projected Model-based Iterative Reconstruction Solution (FIRST): A Phantom StudyTakashi Ota / Dept. Radiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
123 Rectus Abdominis Diastasis: Usefulness of MDCT for the Surgical Repair?Gaurav R. Parmar / Department of Radiology, Paramount Diagnostic and Reseach Center
10:00 - 10:30 (304)31. Gastrointestinal 2: PD junction and other
Syunrou Matsumoto
124 MDCT Presentation of Normal Pancreas: Individual VariationsGaurav R. Parmar / Department of Radiology, Paramount Diagnostic and Reseach Center
125 CT Findings of Disease in Pancreaticobiliary Duodenal Junction Area with Missed- And Misdiagnosis AnalyzingSi Yun Huang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
126 Optimisation of the Size Variation Threshold for CT Evaluation of Response in Advanced Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Treated with Octreotide LARYanji Luo / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
10:40 - 11:30 (304)32. Gastrointestinal 3: Rectal cancer
Utaroh Motosugi
127 Therapeutic Efficacy Impact of Average Iodine Density Assessed by Dual-energy CT for Preoperative Treatment of Advanced Rectal CancerFumiyasu Tsushima / Dept. of Radiology, Hirosaki University School of Medicine
128 Correlation of Hemodynamic Parameters Derived from Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) and Perfusion CT in Rectal CancerYanyan Xu / Department of Radiology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital
129 Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging in Rectal Cancer: Assessment of Quantitative Perfusion Parameters Compared to Perfusion CTHongliang Sun / Department of Radiology, China-Japan Friend-ship Hospital
130 Performance of CT-based Texture Analysis in Predicting Tumoral Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer PatientsSatoko Ishigaki / Dept. of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
131 A Comparison of Pseudo-continuous Arterial Spin Labeling and Permeability Imaging with Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI in Rectal CancerYuichi Kumagae / Dept. Radiology, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciiences
111 Evaluation of Silicosis Diagnosability Using Ultra-low Dose CTKatsuya Kato / Kawasaki Medical Center
112 Evaluation of the Image Quality of Low-dose Chest HRCT with MBIR : Comparison with Standard-dose Chest HRCT with Hybrid IRHiroaki Sakane / Dept. of Radiology, Hiroshima University School of Medicine
15:10 - 15:40 (303)28. Pediatric 1: Heart and lung Masashi Koyama
113 Comparison of Image Quality between Synthetic and Patients’ ECG Gated 320-row Pediatric Cardiac CTEriko Maeda / Dept. of Radiology, University of Tokyo, School of Medicine
114 Proton-weighted Pointwise Encoding Time Reduction with Radial Acquisition (PETRA) for Assessing the Airway and Lung in Neonates and InfantsKumiko Nozawa / Dept. of Radiology, Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
115 Evaluation of Low-kV Dual-source CT Angiography for Children with Congenital Heart Disease Using High-pitch Spiral Acquisition and Iterative ReconstructionYohei Marukawa / Dept. Radiology, Fukuyama City Hospital
15:50 - 16:30 (303)29. Pediatric 2: Neuro Reiichi Ishikura
116 Pontine and Cerebellar Injury in Neonatal Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy: MRI Features and Clinical OutcomeKatsumi Hayakawa / Department of Radiology, Iwate Prefectural Kamaishi Hospital
117 Imaging Findings of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection with Hearing LossShinya Hattori / Div. of Radiology, Saitama Children's Medical Center
118 Changes of Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Mucopolysaccharidoses Under Enzyme Replacement Therapy During Long-term ObservationYoshiko Matsubara / Dept. of Radiology, Hiroshima University Hosp.
119 Radiation Dose Reduction for Adolescents Head CT Using 100-kVp and SAFIRE: Impact on Grey-white Matter Contrast and Image NoiseYasunori Nagayama / Dept. Radiology, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medicine
9:10 - 9:50 (304)30. Gastrointestinal 1: Stomach and other
Tamaki Ichikawa
120 Risk Factors Affecting Atrophic Gastritis in Young Class Generation: A Retrospective Study Using Double-contrast Upper Gastrointestinal Barium X-Ray RadiographyKimihiko Endo / Dept.of Radiology,Miyazaki University School of Medicine
121 Multi-slice CT Angiography with Image Fusion Enables to Demonstrate the Perigastric Venous Anatomy for Patients with Gastric CancerXuehua Li / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
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April 15 (Sat.)
143 Effects of Electrical Muscle Stimulation Against Acute Adverse Effect During Lung Cancer Chemo-radiotherapyAnneyuko Saito / Dep. of Radiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine
144 Lung Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Centrally-located Lung TumorsShuri Aoki / Dept. of Radiology, University of Tokyo Hospital
16:00 - 16:40 (304)36. Radiation Oncology 3: Chest 2
Ryoichi Yoshimura
145 Pulmonary Toxicity after Robotic Radiosurgery System and Linear Accelerator Based Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Lung TumorsKazunari Miyazawa / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Saitama Univ. International Center
146 Measurement of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Serum Surfactant Protein D Levels for Monitoring Radiation Pneumonitis after Thoracic RadiotherapyHideya Yamazaki / Dept. of Radiology, Kyoto Pref Medical School
147 Is Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) a Prognostic Factor for Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy?Takashi Shintani / Department of Radiation Oncology and Image-applied Therapy, Kyoto University
148 Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy for Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer: Our ExperienceKazuma Iwashita / Dept. of Radiology, Tenri Hospital
9:10 - 10:10 (311+312)37. MSK Takatoshi Aoki
149 Feasibility of Simultaneous Display of Ultrasound/MR Imaging for Hip JointKayu Takezawa / Dept. of Radiology, Saitama Medical University Hospital
150 Improved Detection of Bone Metastases by Using a Temporal Subtraction Technique Based on Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping in CTMitsuteru Tsuchiya / Dept. Radiology, Seirei General Hospital
151 Bone Metastases from Head & Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC). Usage of Whole Body MRI (WB-MRI), FDG-PET and CTKatsuyuki Nakanishi / Dept. Diagnostic Radiology, Osaka Medical Ctr. for Cancer and Cardiovasculae Disease
152 Comparison of 3D Isotropic Fast Spin-echo and Conventional 2D Shoulder MRI for the Evaluation of Rotator CuffSaya Horiuchi / Dept. of Radiology, St`Lukes International Hospital
153 Comparison of Temporal CT Subtraction and Bone Scintigraphy Images in Detection of Bone MetastasisKoji Onoue / Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
154 New Image Analysis of Bone Erosion for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Study by HR-pQCTKo Chiba / Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Nagasaki University Hospital
13:00 - 13:40 (304)33. Gastrointestinal 4: CT Akira Furukawa
132 CT Enterography Score: A Potential Predictor for Severity Assessment of Active Ulcerative ColitisYingmei Jia / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
133 The Value of CT Enterography in Evaluation Treatment-effect in Crohn’s DiseaseMengjie Jiang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
134 CT Enterography Can Predict the Surgery-bowels before Surgery in Crohn’s DiseaseMengjie Jiang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
135 CT Enterography Score Can Assess the Possibility of Reoperation in Crohn’s DiseaseMengjie Jiang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
13:50 - 14:40 (304)34. Gastrointestinal 5: MRI Taro Takahara
136 Characterization of Perfusivity and Diffusivity from Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in Crohn’s DiseaseMeng-chen Zhang / Department of Radiology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
137 Application of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging to Bowel Fibrosis Analysis in Crohn’s Disease: Correlation with Surgical HistopathologyLi Huang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
138 Diffusion Kurtosis MR Imaging for Evaluating Inflammatory Activity in Crohn’s Disease: Is It Superior to Conventional Diffusion-weighted MRI?Li Huang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
139 Diffusion-weighted MRI Enables to Accurately Grade Inflammatory Activity in Patients of Ileocolonic Crohn’s Disease: Results from an Observational StudyXuehua Li / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
140 Assessment of Intestinal Fibrosis in Crohn’s Disease: Utility of MR T2*mapping Without Gadolinium InjectionSi Yun Huang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
15:10 - 15:50 (304)35. Radiation Oncology 2: Chest 1
Kazushige Hayakawa
141 A Preliminary Result of Computer-aided Radiotherapy Planning System Using Previous Approximate Cases for Stereotactic Body RadiotherapyTadamasa Yoshitake / Dept. of Comprehensive Clinical Oncol-ogy, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ.
142 Comparison the Outcome Among the Different Fractionated Radiation Schedule of SBRT for the Lung CancerAtsushi Ohta / Dept. of Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
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April 15 (Sat.)
166 Ultrasound-assisted Procedure Decreases the Incidence of Procedure-related Complications During Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for Insufficient Dialysis AccessEmiko Chiba / Dept of Radioligy,Saitama Medical Center,Jichi Medical University
167 Relationship between Catheter Shapes and Right Adrenal Vein Anatomy for Successful Right Adrenal Venous Sampling - Second ReportTakuji Arakai / Dept. of Radiology,University of Yamanashi School of Medicine
13:40 - 14:20 (313+314)42. Interventional Radiology 6: Large and small
vessel Masato Yamaguchi
168 Usefulness of Cone-beam CT Immediately after Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) for Detecting Limb StenosisMakiyo Hagihara / Dept. of Radiology, Aichi Medical University
169 Evaluation of 3D Roadmap Using CT During Aortography for Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in Hybrid Operation RoomsAkira Ikoma / Dept. of Radiology, Wakayama medical University
170 Ruptured Type B Aortic Dissection: CT Findings and OutcomeTetsuhiro Otsuka / Dept. of Radiology, Nagasaki University Hospital
171 Efficacy of Self Expanding Stents for Recanalization of Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease: Experience in the Veterans Affairs PopulationShota Yamamoto / University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
14:30 - 15:10 (313+314)43. Interventional Radiology 7: Oncologic
Hidefumi Mimura
172 Percutaneous Cryoablation for Renal Masses:A Single Center Initial ExperienceShintaro Kimura / Dept.or diagnostic and interventional radiology,Gunma university hospital
173 Ablation Therapy for Renal Cell Carcinoma in Patients with Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome: A Retrospective ReviewYusuke Matsui / Dept. of Radiology, Okayama University Medical School
174 Therapeutic Results of Intraarterial Chemoradiotherapy for Advanced Oropharyngeal Cancer: Initial ExperienceJoichi Heianna / Dept. of Radiology, University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Medical Science
175 The Validation of Double Balloon-occluded Arterial Infusion Therapy for Invasive Bladder CancerKiyohito Yamamoto / Dept. of Radiology, Osaka Medical College
10:10 - 10:50 (315)44. Obstetrics/Gynecology 1 Aki Kido
176 Pattern Recognition of Endometrial Lesions in Postmenopausal WomenRitwika Kaushik / Msm Hospital, Kota, Rajasthan
177 Role of Transcerebellar Diameter in Determining Gestational Age by Ultrasonography in Third TrimesterPokhraj P Suthar / Department of Radiology, Sterling Hospital
11:10 - 11:50 (311+312)38. Abdomen 1: CE-CT・MRI Tsutomu Tamada
155 Preliminary Investigation of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in the Upper AbdomenTaisuke Harada / Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hokkaido University
156 Quantitative Prediction of Contrast-enhancement Phases in Abdominal Dynamic Contract-enhanced CT Using Morphologic Prediction Factors on Pre-contrast CT: A Validation StudyAkira Yamada / Dept. of Radiology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
157 Quantitative and Versatile Prediction of the Best Scan Timing in Dynamic Contract-enhanced CT Using Morphologic Prediction Factors on Pre-contrast CTMana Nakamura / Dept. of Radiology, Shinsyu University School of Medicine
158 Comparison of Contrast and Image Quality between Gadovist and Other Extracellular Gadolinium-based Contrast Media Enhanced MRI Using Normalized Administration AmountHiroshi Ikeno / Dept. Radiology, Kanazawa University Hospital
15:10 - 15:40 (311+312)39. Emargency and others Masaaki Akahane
159 Imaging Spectrum of Gunshot and Stabbing Injuries at a Level One Trauma CenterJeffrey Dorr / Department of Radiology, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
160 Dengue Fever: Utility of Sonography in the Diagnosis and AssessmentPokhraj P. Suthar / Department of Radiology, Sterling Hospital
161 Gadolinium Retention in the Pups after Maternal AdministrationKhongorzul Erdene / Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medi-cine, Gunma University
15:50 - 16:20 (311+312)40. Autopsy Imaging Haruo Saito
162 Estimation of Heart Weight by Comparison of Postmortem Computed Tomography (PMCT) and Autopsy DataRei Ogawa / Dept. of Radiology, Niigata University School of Medicine
163 An Experimental Evaluation of Intermittent Breezing in Drowning Lung Appearance on Postmortem CTHideki Hyodoh / Center for Cause of Death Investigation, Hokkaido Univ. Graduate School of Medicine
164 Dual-kVps Technique Can Detect Ischemic Heart Disease in Post-mortem CTAkitoshi Saito / Dept of Radiology, Yamanashi Prefectual Central Hospital
13:00 - 13:30 (313+314)41. Interventional Radiology 5: Veins
Shunichi Sadaoka
165 The Innovation of Transcatheter Adhesive Treatment for Incompetent Great Saphenous Veins Using NBCA in JapanRie Yagi / Edogawa Hospital Vein Centor
02_総合プロ_JRS.indd 44 2017/03/24 16:50
April 15 (Sat.)
14:00 - 14:30 (315)47. Neuroradiology 2: Blood flow
Kazuhiro Tsuchiya
190 Evaluation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in Pituitary Adenoma Using Turbo Spin-echo Diffusion-weighted ImagingKiyohisa Kamimura / Dept. of Radiology, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
191 Assessment of Extracranial-intracranial Bypass by 3D ASL-based Non-contrast MRDSAKazuhiro Tsuchiya / Dept.of Radiology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital
192 Arterial Transit Time Measured by Multi-delay ASL Perfusion for Evaluating Major Cerebral Artery Stenosis/occlusive Disease: Correlation with 15O-H2O PET-CBFKayo Takeuchi / Dept. of Radiology, University of Fukui
14:40 - 15:20 (315)48. Neuroradiology 3: Misellaneous Satoshi Terae
193 Coccidioidomycosis of the Central Nervous System: CT and MRI Findings of a Rare InfectionJeffrey Dorr / Department of Radiology, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
194 Anti-N-Methyl-d-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis: A Case SeriesKok Soon Chow / Department of Radiology, Penang General Hospital
195 The Role of MRI in Diagnosis and Therapy Monitorization of Wilson’s DiseaseOnural Ozturk / Department of Radiology , University of Kocaeli
196 A Quantitative Diagnosis and Evaluation of Disease Progression of Parkinson’s Disease Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and Neuromelanin ImagingHiroto Takahashi / Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
15:30 - 16:30 (315)49. Technology Hiroshi Kondoh
197 Possible Flow Related Build-up Effect of Iodine Attenuation at 80kVp Tube Voltage CT: A Dynamic Phantom StudyKouichirou Matsuura / Saitama Medical University International Medical Center
198 Evaluation of Radiation Dose and Image Quality of CT Using Organ Effective ModulationSatoshi Tsuchiya / Dept. of Radiology, Chiba University Hospital
199 Nanoparticle-imaging and Treatment of Primary and Metastasized Tumors Through Immunogenic-cell-death and Abscopal-effect, Respectively, by Targeted Mertk-inhibition and PD-1-blockade Via RadiotherapySatoshi Harada / Dept. of Radiology, Iwate Medical University, School of Medicine
200 Monitoring of Fatigue of Radiologist Caused by Long Time Image Interpretation, Using FNIRSTakashi Nihashi / Dept. of Radiology, Nagoya University School of Medicine
201 Separation of Blood Component Using Gemstone Spectral ImagingHiroshi Kawada / Department of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital
178 Correlation of Placental Thickness to the USG Evaluation of Gestational AgePokhraj P Suthar / Department of Radiology, Sterling Hospital
179 Mullerian Duct Anomalies with Ovarian Maldescent and Elongation: Series of Five Cases with Review of LiteratureKewal A. Mistry / Department of Radiology, Synergy Institute of Medical Sciences
11:00 - 11:50 (315)45. Obstetrics/Gynecology 2 Shinya Fujii
180 A Review of MR Images of Pregnant Patients in First TrimesterMotoyuki Katayama / Dept. of Radiology, Seirei Hamamtsu General Hospital
181 Uterine Cervical Adenocarcinoma Associated with Lobular Endocervical Glandular Hyperplasia: Radiologic-pathologic CorrelationAyumi Ohya / Dept. of Radiology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
182 Longitudinal Changes in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Malignant Ovarian Tumors Associated with Ovarian Endometriotic CystsNaoko Nishio / Dept. of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
183 Logistic Regression Model with Multi-parametric MRI to Distinguish Uterine Sarcoma and Benign Leiomyoma: Comparison with 18F-FDG PET/CTMasataka Nakagawa / Dept. of Radiology, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
184 Clinico-radiological Features of Secondary Postpartum HemorrhageMasafumi Toguchi / Dept. Radiology, Toguchi University School of Medicine
13:00 - 13:50 (315)46. Neuroradiology 1: Tumor Takashi Yoshiura
185 Automatic Segmentation of Diffuse Gliomas in the TCGA-LGG Dataset Reveal Correlation with Biologically Distinct Molecular SubsetsShota Yamamoto / University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
186 Hyperintensity on Arterial Spin Labeling Images Outside Contrast-enhanced Area in Gliomas Is Related to Tumor Histology and PrognosisTakashi Abe / Dept. of Radiology, Tokushima University School of Medicine
187 Simultaneous PH- And Oxygen-Weighted Metabolic MRI of Human Gliomas Demonstrates Intratumoral Metabolic HeterogeneityTakashi Abe / Dept. of Radiology, UCLA School of Medicine
188 Relationship between Tumor Cell Invasion, Motility, and Proliferation Level Estimates (CIMPLE Maps) and 18F-Fluorodopa (FDOPA) PET in Low Grade GliomasTakashi Abe / Dept. of Radiology, UCLA School of Medicine
189 Differential Diagnosis between HGG and Lymphoma by Consecutive Acquisition Methods (DCE-MRDSA-DSC) by Using a 1.0-M Gadolinium-based Contrast AgentMiho Gomyo / Dept. of Radiology, Kyorin University Faculty of Medicine
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April 16 (Sun.)
13:00 - 14:00 (304)52. Radiation Oncology 6: Miscellaneous
Hideya Yamazaki
213 Dosimetric Comparison between Dual-isocentric Dynamic Conformal Arc Therapy and Mono-isocentric Volumetric-modulated Arc Therapy for Two Large Brain MetastasesMegumi Uto / Dept. Radiation Oncology and Image-applied Therapy, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
214 Hypofractionated Versus Conventionally Fractionated Radiotherapy for Early Stage Glottic Carcinoma: A Single-institutional Retrospective Study Using Propensity Score Matching AnalysisWataru Takahashi / Dept. of Radiology, the University of Tokyo hospital
215 Clinical Results of Dynamic Tumor Tracking Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy with Real-time Monitoring for Pancreatic Cancers Using a Gimbal Mounted LinacYoko Goto / Dept. of Radiation Oncology and Image-applied Therapy, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
216 Pilot Study of Radio-sensitization Using Hydrogen Peroxide (KORUTC) Instead of Brachytherapy for Chemo-radiotherapy of Cervical CancerHu Rong / Dept. of Radiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine
217 Palliative Radiotherapy for Malignant LymphomaHiroki Kawaguchi / Dept. of Radiation oncology, Kobe University Hosp.
218 Imaging Modalities for Evaluating Acute Therapeutic Effects after Photoimmunotherapy in VivoXieyi Zhang / Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
9:50 - 10:30 (311+312)53. Nuclear Medicine 5: OB/GYN Katsuhiko Kato
219 Assessment of Intratumor Heterogeneity in Mesenchymal Uterine Tumor by FDG-PET/CT Texture AnalysisTetsuya Tsujikawa / Biomedical Imaging Research Center, University of Fukui
220 Differentiation between Borderline Ovarian Tumors with Solid Portions and Stage I Malignant Ovarian Cancers by FDG PET/CTRyusuke Nakamoto / Dept.of Radiology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
221 Prognostic Value of FDG-PET/CT Metabolic Parameters and Their Correlation with Histological Grade in Patients with AngiosarcomaAyako Kato / Dept. of Radiology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
222 PET CT Use in Carcinoma of Unknown PrimaryAnkur Sharma / Park Hospital
10:40 - 11:50 (311+312)54. Nuclear Medicine 6: PET and others
Yuji Nakamoto
223 Lesion Detectability of a Newly-developed Flexible PET Scanner with Different Layouts of Detectors: A Pilot StudyMasao Watanabe / Dept. of Radiology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
202 Detectability of Small Peripheral Arteries in Lower Extremities by Ultra High Resolution CTRyoichi Tanaka / Dept. of Radiology, Iwate Medical University
April 16 (Sun.)
10:00 - 10:40 (304)50. Radiation Oncology 4: Uroradiology
Yuta Shibamoto
203 Experience with I-125 Seed Brachytherapy in Prostate Cancer Using TheraStrand-SLR®Kazuhito Toya / Dept. of Radiology, Int. Univ. of Health and Welfare, Mita Hosp.
204 Preliminary Results of VMAT Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy with Flattening Filter-free Beam for Prostate CancerMami Ogita / Dept. of Radiology, The University of Tokyo Hospital
205 Comparison of Iron-containing and Non-iron-containing Fiducial Marker for Prostate Radiotherapy in Visualization of CT and MR ImagesOsamu Tanaka / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Gifu Municipal Hospital
206 The Analysis of Radioactive Implant Migration in Patients Treated Iodine-125 Seeds for Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy(PPB) with Median Lobe Hyperplasia(MLH)Koichiro Muraki / Dept. of Radiology, Kurume University School of Medicine
10:50 - 11:50 (304)51. Radiation Oncology 5: GI Keiichi Jingu
207 Possibility of a "sentinel Effect" In Chemo-radiotherapy and a New Radio-sensitizer Injection (KORTUC)Shiro Obata / Dept. of Radiology and Radiotherapy, Nagasaki Prefecture Shimabara Hospital
208 Effect of Irradiation to Multiple Lugol Voiding Lesions of EsophagusTomohiko Matsuyama / Dept. Radiation Oncology, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medicine
209 Efficacy and Toxicity Profiles of Different Chemoradiotherapy Regimens for Esophageal Squamous Cell CarcinomaHirotake Saito / Department of Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
210 Salvage Esophagectomy after Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Patients with Esophageal Carcinoma ; A Single Institute Retrospective StudyTomoki Kiritoshi / The University of Tokyo Hospital
211 IFRT Combined with NDP/5-FU for Inoperable Esophageal Cancer on the Basis of FDG-PET in a Phase II Study: Long-term OutcomesHideomi Yamashita / Dept. of Radiology, The University of Tokyo Hospital
212 How Many Patients Underwent Esophagectomy for Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer after Chemoradiotherapy?Yuma Iwai / Dept. Radiology, Chiba University Hospital
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April 16 (Sun.)
14:10 - 14:50 (311+312)56. Nuclear Medicine 8: Chest and abdomen
Harumi Sakahara
236 Value of 18F-FDG PET/CT in Predicting the Malignant Grade of Thymic Epithelial TumorsMasatoyo Nakajo / Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University
237 Comparison of Lesion Detectability of 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET/CT and 111In-Pentetreotide-SPECT/CT in Patients with Known or Suspected Neuroendocrine TumorsYuji Nakamoto / Dept. of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
238 Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor: Comparison of FDG-PET/CT and Diffusion-weighted MRIAtsushi Tani / Dept. of Radiology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University
239 The Prognostic Value of 18F-FDG Uptake in Resected Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma PatientsHayato Kaida / Dept. of Radiology, Kindai Univserity Faculty of Medicine
9:10 - 9:50 (313+314)57. Head and neck 2: Tumor Keiko Toyoda
240 Rebound Adenoid Hyperplasia after Chemotherapy in Pediatric Patients with Head and Neck Lymphoma: MR Imaging FindingsHiroki Kato / Dept. of Radiology, Gifu University School of Medicine
241 Subtraction Technique Using a Non-rigid Registration Improves Tumor Evaluation of Head and Neck Cancer: Comparison with MRIKoiku Asakura / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Shizuoka Cancer Center
242 Usefulness of Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging for Differentiating Warthin’s Tumor and Oncocytoma of the Parotid GlandsKeita Fujimoto / Dept. of Radiology, Gifu University School of Medicine
243 Diagnostic Value of 3D Pseudo-continuous Arterial Spin Labeling: Differentiation of Benign and Metastatic Lymph Node in Head and Neck CancerKoji Takumi / Dept. of Radiology, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
10:00 - 10:50 (313+314)58. Neuroradiology 4: Miscellaneous
Tomohisa Okada
244 An International, Randomized, Controlled Trial of MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor : Behind and BeyondToshio Yamaguchi / Research Institute for Diagnostic Radiology, Shin-yurigaoka General Hospital
245 Asymmetry of the Labyrinthine Signal on Delayed FLAIRShinji Naganawa / Dept. of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
246 Tract-based DTI Analysis Along Perivascular Space (DTI-ALPS) in the Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus in Alzheimer’s Disease: Evaluation of Glymhatic SystemToshiaki Taoka / Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Hospital, Nagoya, Japan
224 Global Uptake of 18F-Sodium Fluoride in the Lateral Femoral Neck to Evaluate Changes in Bone Turnover with AgeWilliam Y. Raynor / Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania
225 Clinical Evaluation of Q.Freeze Compared with Q.Static; A Preliminary Study of New Motion Correction MethodsTomoaki Otani / Dept. of Radiology, Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki General Medical Center
226 Comparison of Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging with FDG-PET on a PET/MR SystemKoji Sagiyama / Dept. of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
227 Clinical Utility of a Bayesian Penalized Likelihood Reconstruction of PET (Q.Clear) for Assessment of Liver LesionsMunenobu Nogami / Dept. of Radiology, Hyogo Cancer Center
228 Assessment of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy with Ring Type Dedicated Breast PET Scan Compared with Conventional Whole Body PET ScanHiromi Koyasu / Dept. of Radiology, Gifu university
229 Data Expression of Bone SPECT Into 3D Volume-rendered CT Images: Its Principle and Clinical ApplicationTadaki Nakahara / Dept. of Radiology, Keio University School of Medicine
13:00 - 14:00 (311+312)55. Nuclear Medicine 7: Cardiovascular
Jun Hashimoto
230 Improvement of Detectability of Ischemic Myocardial Lesion Using 15O-H2O PET: Evaluation with AIC MethodChietsugu Katoh / Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
231 Comparison of Myocardial Scar and Active Inflammation Using Automated MRI-PETCT Fusion in Patients with Cardiac SarcoidosisKenji Fukushima / Department of Diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine
232 Diagnostic Impact of CTAC on CZT Myocardial Perfusion SPECT in CAD as Confirmed by Cardiac SPECT/CT Hybrid ImagingYoshimitsu Fukushima / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School Hospital
233 Diagnostic Performance of Hybrid Imaging on Cardiac CT and 13N-ammonia PET for the Detection of Obstructive Coronary Artery DiseaseNaoto Kawaguchi / Dept. of Radiology, Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
234 A Retrospective Study of Incidental Focal FDG Uptake in the Left VentricleKazuki Yoshida / Department of Radiology, Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
235 Association between Left Ventricular Phase Analysis and Myocardial Perfusion Indices or Clinical ParametersNoriko Tsuda / Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of life sciences, Kumamoto University
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April 15 (Sat.)
258 Risk Prediction Model of New Adjacent Vertebral Fractures after PVP for Patients with Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures Bin-yan Zhong / Department of Radiology, Zhong-da Hospital, Southeast University
259 Organized Hematoma of Maxillary Sinus: Angiographic Findings and Embolization Takuji Maruyama / Dept. of Radiology, Kansai Medical university
260 Initial Treatment Result of Stent-assisted Coil Embolization for Cerebral Aneurysm Using LVIS Stent Takeshi Wada / Dept. of Radiology, Nara Medical University
10:40 - 11:50 ( 315 ) 62. Interventional Radiology 9 : Experiments
Keigo Osuga
261 Difference of the Ice Ball Size between on MR Image and on Ultrasonogram Tadashi Shimizu / Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Tonan Hospital
262 Fundamental Study for Development of a Fiducial Marker with Calcium Phosphate Cement for Image-guided Radiotherapy Yusuke Sakuhara / Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hokkaido University Hospital
263 Effectiveness of a Tunnel-shaped Shield for the Operator’s Radiation Exposure During Computed Tomographic Fluoroscopy-guided Procedures Miyuki Nakatani / Dept. of Radiology, Kansai Medical University
264 Evaluation of Thermophysical Properties of Lipiodol in Freezing Tatsuya Yoshikawa / Dept. Radiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
265 A Reduced Expansion Technique of Cisplatin-loaded HepaSphere for Chemoembolization in Rabbit VX2 Liver Tumors Takeshi Sato / Dept. of Radiology and IVR Center, Nara Medical University
266 Factors Associated with Technical Success Rate of TACE in Rat Model of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Hideyuki Nishiofuku / Dept. of Radiology, IVR Center, Nara Medi-cal University
267 An Experimental Study of Embolic Effect According to Metallic Coil Density or Volume in an in Vitro Tube Model Kensuke Matsumoto / Dept. of Radiology, Tottori University School of Medicine
13:00 - 13:40 ( 315 ) 63. Interventional Radiology 10 : Embolization
Sojiro Morita
268 Selective Embolization for Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Initial Experience of Eleven Patients Masanori Inoue / Dept. of Diagnostic radiology, Keio University School of Medicine
269 Clinical Results of Transarterial Embolization for Obstetric Hemorrhage Asami Yoshida / Dept. of Radiology, Kansai medical University
270 Accelerated Enlargement of Spleen after Splenic Trauma: Comparison WithInjury Severity Score, AAST Splenic Injury Scale, and Splenic Arterial Embolization Kazuyoshi Nakahashi / Dept. Radiology, Hiroshima University
247 Delayed Appearance of Reversible Hyper Intense Foci on T1-weighted Images in Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Yusuke Kawanaka / Department of radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
248 Brain Structure Volume Changes after Whole-brain Radiation Therapy: Automated Brain Structure Segmentation Study Yohei Takeshita / Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine
11:00 - 11:50 ( 313+314 ) 59. Abdomen 2 : Pancreas Satoshi Goshima
249 Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging for Assessment of Chronic Pancreatitis Nobuhiro Fujita / Dept. of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu Univ.
250 Dynamic Contrast-enhancement Pattern of Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm on Multiphasic Contrast-enhanced CT Haruomi Yamaguchi / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center
251 Contrast-enhanced CT Assessment of Resectability of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Yoshifumi Noda / Dept. of Radiology, Gifu University
252 Relationship between Exocrine Pancreatic Function and Abdominal Symptoms: Evaluation Using Cine-dynamic MRCP Akira Yamamoto / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Kawasaki Medical School
253 Comparison of Imaging Methods for Detecting Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Meng Wang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University
13:00 - 13:30 ( 313+314 ) 60. Abdomen 3 : GB, pancreas and others
Yoshiki Asayama
254 Usefulness of a Full Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for Visualization of Cystic Artery on CT Angiography Toshihiko Hamamura / Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine
255 Dynamic Contrast Enhanced 3D T1WI of Upper Abdomen Using Combination of Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing at Wide-bore 3T Unit Motoyuki Katayama / Dept. of Radiology, Seirei Hamamtsu General Hospital
256 CT Perfusion Imaging in Blood Flow Change of the Liver, Pancreas and Spleen in the Case of Celiac Artery Stenosis Zhuang-nian Fang / Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University
9:10 - 9:50 ( 315 ) 61. Interventional Radiology 8 : Head and neck,
spine Hiro Kiyosue
257 Nomogram for Predicting Intradiscal Cement Leakage Following Percutaneous Vertebroplasty in Patients with Osteoporosis Vertebral Compression Fractures Bin-yan Zhong / Department of Radiology, Zhong-da Hospital, Southeast University
WITHDRAWNreas and Spleen in the Casereas and Spleen in the Caseosisosis
sion Imaging in Blood Flow Changncreas and Spleen in the Case ofean Fang / Department of Radiology The
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April 15 (Sat.)
271 Frequency of Reperfusion after an Alteration of Hemodynamics Using Coil Embolization: A Retrospective StudyAkira Imaizumi / Dept. of Radiology, University of Yamanashi
13:50 - 14:30 (315)64. Interventional Radiology 11: Embolization,
others Yoshitaka Inaba
272 Detachable Coil Embolization Via Single-marker MicrocatheterYuki Yoshino / Dept. of Radiology, Teine Keijinkai Hospital
273 Transarterial Local Chemotherapy for Positive Palliation of Tumor-related SymptomsAkihiko Seki / Dept. of Medical oncology, Suita Tokushukai Hospi-tal
274 Initial Experiences of Glubran-2 in Our InstitutionMotoki Nakai / Department of Radiology, Wakayama Medical University
275 Evaluation of Radiologic Findings after Ethanol Embolization of AVMHiroyasu Fujiwara / Dept. of Radiology, Okayama University School
02_総合プロ_JRS.indd 49 2017/03/24 16:50
April 14 (Fri.)
April 14 (Fri.)
9:10 - 9:45 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)1. Cardiovascular 1: Coronary A and muocardium
Yasuyuki Kobayashi
C001 Utility of Coronary CT Angiography in Detection of Irregularity of Plaque Surface, Which May Predict Coronary Artery Re-stenosisHideaki Suzuki / Dept. of Radiology, Omori Medical Center Toho University School of Medicine
C002 Diagnostic Performance of a Model to Predict Thin-cap Fibroatheroma Using Coronary CT AngiographyNobuo Tomizawa / Dept. of Radiology, New Tokyo Hospital
C003 Is Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography Justified for Symptomatic Females Less Than 50 Years Old?Makoto Amanuma / Dept. of Radiology, Takase Clinic
C004 Is Type O Blood a Risk Factor of Coronary Heart Disease in Japanese People? Evaluation by Coronary Computed Tomography AngiographyMakoto Amanuma / Dept. of Radiology, Takase Clinic
C005 The Usefulness of Iodine Density Image Using Single Source Dual-energy CT for Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluations of Myocardial InfarctionShinichiro Kitao / Dept. Radiology, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
10:00 - 10:28 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)2. Cardiovascular 2: Miscellaneous Shigeo Okuda
C006 Diagnostic Performance of CT-derived Fractional Flow Reserve Based on Structural and Fluid Analysis: Comparison with Invasive Fractional Flow ReserveKanako Kumamaru / Dept. of Radiology, Juntendo University
C007 Cardiac Effect of Cardiac Pacemaker Oversensing During ECG-gated Helical CT ScanEriko Maeda / Dept. of Radiology, University of Tokyo, School of Medicine
C008 Usefulness of Myocardial Iodine Density and Extracellular Volume Fraction with Dual-energy CT in Differentiation of Dilated Cardiomyopathy from Normal MyocardiumYasutoshi Ohta / Dept. of Radiology, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
C009 Assessment of Cardiac Amyloidosis by Myocardial Strain Analysis of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance ImagingSeitaro Oda / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Kumamoto University
11:00 - 11:42 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)3. Radiation Oncology 1: Head and neck
Ryohei Sasaki
C010 Feasibility of IMRT for Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Temporal BoneMiyako Myojin / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Keiyukaisapporo Hospital
C011 Treatment Outcome after Radiation Therapy for Mucosal Malignant Melanoma of Head and NeckKoichi Yasuda / Global Station for Quantum Medical Science and Engineering, GI-CoRE, and Department of Radiation Medi-cine, Hokkaido Univ.
C012 Postoperative Radiotherapy for Tongue CancerShinichiro Toyoshima / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Toyama Prefectural Central Hospital
C013 Usability of Intraoral Stent in Radiotherapy: Reduction of Setup Errors in Head and Neck Cancer PatientsHiroshi Doi / Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
C014 Predictive Value of Volume-based Parameters on Post-radiotherapy FDG-PET in Patients with HNSCCKei Nagasaki / Dept. of Radiology Ehime University
C015 Influence of Delay of Postoperative Radiotherapy on Treatment Outcomes of Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaYasushi Hamamoto / Dept. of Radiology, Ehime University
15:10 - 15:52 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)4. Neuroradiology 1 Akira Kunimatsu
C016 4D Flow Assessment of Ophthalmic Artery Flow in Patients with Atherosclerotic Internal Carotid Artery Stenotic DiseaseTetsuro Sekine / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School
C017 Bright Vessel Appearance in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction Using Perfusion MR Imaging with 3D Pseudo-continuous Arterial Spin LabelingYuki Shinohara / Dept. of Radiology, Tottori University
C018 Histogram Analysis of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion to Assess High T2-weighted Signal Intensity Around Brain Tumor: Initial Clinical ExperienceKazuhiro Murayama / Department of Radiology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
C019 Changes in Appearance of Carmustine (Gliadel) Wafers on MRI Over Time: A Phantom StudySatoshi Doishita / Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
C020 Differentiating Glioblastoma from Lymphoma by ELTE (Enhancement Less Than Expected)Takashi Katsube / Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University School
C021 Diffusivity in Pituitary Adenoma: Comparison with Multi-shot EPI and Single-shot TSE TechniqueAkio Hiwatashi / Department of Clinical Radiology Graduate School of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
16:00 - 16:42 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)5. Neuroradiology 2 Makoto Sasaki
C022 Quantitative Comparison of Gadobutrol and Gadopentetate Dimeglumine for Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance ImagingYutaka Hoshino / Hokkaido University School of Medicine
Electronic Poster Presentation Programs
02_総合プロ_JRS.indd 50 2017/03/24 16:50
April 14 (Fri.)
9:10 - 9:45 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)7. Interventional Radiology 1: TAE Koji Sugimoto
C035 The Feasibility of DEB-TACE for Lung and Mediastinal TumorsYoshihisa Kodama / Dept. of Radiology, Teine Keijinkai Hospital
C036 Consideration for Outcome of Beads-TACE in Our HospitalYu Sasaki / Dept. of Radiology, Yamanashi University school of Medicine
C037 Evaluation of Transarterial Chemoembolization with Drug Eluting Beads for Hepatocellular Carcinoma and the Relationship between Vascular Lake and Local ResponseTakayuki Sanomura / Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
C038 Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE) Combined with Dilation and Curettage (D&C) for the Treatment of Cesarean Scar Pregnancies (CSP)Hiroyuki Tokue / Dept. of Radiology, Gunma University School of Medicine
C039 Evaluation of the Transcatheter Arterial Embolization with N-Butyl-2- Cyanoacrylate in the Management of Refractory Spontaneous HematomaYasufumi Ohuchi / Dept. of Radiology, Fuculty of Medicine, Tottori University
10:00 - 10:49 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)8. Interventional Radiology 2: Miscellaneous
Tadashi Shimizu
C040 Analysis of Eye Lens Radiation Dose Estimated on Film Badges and Electronic Pocket Dosimeters in Transarterial Chemoembolization(TACE)Masakazu Hirakawa / Dept. of Radiology, Kyushu University Beppu hospital
C041 Evaluation of Our Institution’s Success Rate for Adrenal Venous Sampling (AVS)Kazuya Kawashima / Dept.of Radiology, Iwate Medical University
C042 The Usefulness of the Small Bore Catheter Thoracostomy Under Chest CT Guidance for Complicated Parapneumonic Effusions or EmpyemasMika Kodani / Dept. of Radiology, Tottori University School of Medicine
C043 Stage I Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated by Radiofrequency Ablation Versus Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Evaluation of Single Center ExperienceToshihiro Iguchi / Dept. of Radiology, Okayama University Medi-cal School
C044 Development of Novel Steerable Needle Using Active Sheath MechanismNorihisa Nitta / Department of Radiology, Shiga University of Medical Science
C045 Robotic CT-guided IR: Results of Phantom and Animal Experiments with 3rd-generation Robot (Zerobot®)Takao Hiraki / Dept. of Radiology, Okayama University Medical School
C046 The Evaluation of Intra-arterial Chemotherapy for Invasive Bladder CarcinomaKazumichi Tsukamoto / Dept. of Raiology, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
C023 Surface-based Morphometric MRI Analysis in Brain with Hepatic Virus InfectionJunko Kikuta / Department of Radiology, Nihon University School of Medicine
C024 A New Brain CT Reference Line: A Tangential Line from the Lower Eyelid to the The Inner Occipital BaseHiroshi Ishizaka / Dept of Radiology, Maebashi Red Cross Hospital
C025 Reduced Insula Cortex Volumes in MDD Patients with the s/s Genotype of 5-HTTLPR: VBM Study in a Japanese PopulationNatsuki Igata / Department of Radiology, University of Occupa-tional and Environmental Health, Kitakyushu, Japan
C026 MRI-based Volumetry of the Virchow Robin Spaces - An Initial Clinical ExperienceKoichi Takano / Dept. of Radiology, Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine
C027 MR Imaging Findings of Peripheral Facial Palsy: Differentiation between Bell’s Palsy and Ramsay-Hunt SyndromeKeita Kuya / Dept. of Radiology, Tottori University
17:00 - 17:49 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)6. Radiation Oncology 2: STI and CPT
Hidetoshi Kobayashi
C028 Investigation of Plan Quality of Non-coplanar VMAT SRT for Multiple Brain MetastasesKotaro Yoshio / Dept. of Radiology, Kagawa prefectural central hospital
C029 Safety and Efficacy of Carbon-ion Radiotherapy for Non-squamous Cell Carcinoma in Head and NeckKatsuyuki Shirai / Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center
C030 The Results of Dose Escalated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Stage IA Non-small Cell Lung CancerTakafumi Komiyama / Dept. of Radiology, University of Yamanashi Faculty of Medicine
C031 Radiotherapy for Solitary Pulmonary Nodules after Resection of Lung Cancer: A Comparison between Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy and Conventionally Fractionated RadiotherapyShigeo Takahashi / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Kagawa University Hospital
C032 First-in-human Visualization of Complex DNA Double-strand Breaks in Tumor Treated with Carbon Ion Radiotherapy Using Advanced High-resolution MicroscopyTakahiro Oike / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
C033 Stereotactic Body Radiation Thrapy for Lymph Node MetastasesKan Marino / Dept. of Radiology, Yamanashi University School of Medicine
C034 Technical Results of Total Skin Irradiation Using Helical TomoTherapyKae Okuma / Dept. of Radiology, The University of Tokyo Hospital
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April 14 (Fri.)・April 15 (Sat.)
17:10 - 17:38 ( Poster Presentation Booth 2 ) 11. Chest 2 : Miscellaneous Masashi Takahashi
C059 Difference in Diaphragmatic Motion During Tidal Breathing between COPD Patients and Normal Subjects: Time-resolved Quantitative Evaluation Using Dynamic Chest Radiography Yoshitake Yamada / Dept. of Radiology, Keio University School of Medicine
C060 CT Guided Lung Nodule Marking with Indocyanine Green Prior to VATS Keisuke Nagai / Dept. of Radiology, Osaka National Hospital
C061 Optimal Beam Quality for Chest Flat Panel Detector System: Realistic Phantom Study Chie Kuwahara / Dept. of Radiology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
C062 Pleuroparenchymal Fibroelastosis (PPFE) Finding on CT in Daily Practice: Prevalence and Serial Changes Ryoko Egashira / Dept. of Radiology, Saga University
April 15 (Sat.)
9:10 - 9:45 ( Poster Presentation Booth 1 ) 12. Radiation Oncology 3 Tadashi Kamada
C063 Palliative Reirradiation for Painful Bone Metastasis Gen Suzuki / Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
C064 Reirradiation of Paraspinal In-field Recurrences with IG-VMAT Yukio Akagi / Hiroshima Heiwa Clinic High-Precise Radiotherapy Center
C065 Requests of Palliative Radiation Therapy Were Increased by the Change of National Health Insurance Ryosuke Takenaka / Dept. of Radiology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital
C066 Evaluation About Quality of Life and Psychophysiological Effect in Patients Treated with Palliative Radiotherapy for Cancer Recurrence or Metastasis Takafumi Yamano / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Saitama Medi-cal University Center
C067 Adverse Events after Palliative Radiation Therapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Molecular-targeted Agents Takesumi Ozawa / Dept. of Radiology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
10:00 - 10:35 ( Poster Presentation Booth 1 ) 13. Radiation Oncology 4 Masahiko Aoki
C068 Long-term Survival in a Case of Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Multidisciplinary Therapies Masayuki Ito / Department of Radiation Oncology, Fujita health university School of Medicine
C069 Clinical Outcomes of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Hiromi Sakaguchi / Dept. of Radiology, Tottori University School of Medicine
WITHDRAWNlular Carcinoma Treated witlular Carcinoma Treated witplinary Therapiesplinary Therapies
rm Survival in a Case of Advancecscki Ito / Department of Radiation Oncolog
15:10 - 15:59 ( Poster Presentation Booth 2 ) 9. Abdomen 1 : Lve and pancreas
Manabu Hashimoto
C047 Tumor-vascular Conspicuity in Hepatic Malignancies Using Rapid KVp-switching Dual Energy CT: to Compare Low-keV Images with Equivalent-keV Images Nobuyuki Takeyama / Dept. of Radiology, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital
C048 Imaging Features of Serum Amyloid a Hepatocellular Neoplasm (SAA-HN) Arising from Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis: Comparison with Hypervascular HCC Norihide Yoneda / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa University Hospital
C049 Imaging Characteristics of OATP1B3 Positive Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Reanalysis from Different Points of View Azusa Kitao / Department of Radiology, Kanazawa University Hospital
C050 Factors Affecting Washout of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the Equilibrium Phase of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT Makoto Sakane / Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
C051 Does Autoimmune Pancreatitis Cause Encasement of the Extrapancreatic Arteries? Fumihito Toshima / Dept. of Radiology, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa University School of Medical Science
C052 Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of the Pancreas: CT Findings in Six Patients Kentaro Mochizuki / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Toyama Prefectural Central Hosp.
C053 Pancreatic Changes in Patients with Viral Hepatitis-induced Cirrhosis: MRI Evaluation Tomohiro Sato / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Kawasaki Medical School
16:30 - 17:05 ( Poster Presentation Booth 2 ) 10. Chest 1 : Tumor Kiminori Fujimoto
C054 The Added Value of Computer-aided Detection System Based on Chest Tomosynthesis Imaging for the Detection of Pulmonary Nodules Yoshitake Yamada / Dept. of Radiology, Keio University School of Medicine
C055 Flat Shaped Attenuation Area on Chest X-ray May Reveal a Primary Lung Cancer Akinaga Sonoda / Shiga University of Medical Science
C056 Anterior Mediastinal Solid Tumors: Characterization Using Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Analysis and Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI Takahiko Nakazono / Dept. of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
C057 CT Features Associated with EGFR T790M Mutation Status in Patients with Lung Adenocarcinoma with Acquired Resistance to EGFR-TKIs Hiroto Hakamada / Dept. of Radiology, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
C058 Correlation between Kurtosis of CT Density Histograms and Standardized Uptake Values of FDG-PET/CT in Solid Primary Lung Cancer Maho Tsubakimoto / Dept. of Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Science, University of the Ryukyus
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April 15 (Sat.)
13:50 - 14:25 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)16. NM 2: Chest Yusuke Inoue
C083 FDG-PET Evaluation of Anterior Mediastinal Masses: Among Thymomas, Thymic Cancer, and Malignant LymphomasYo Kaneko / Dept. of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital
C084 Diagnostic Value of Dynamic F-18 FDG PET/CT for the Evaluation of Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes in Patients with Lung CancerTakayoshi Shinya / Dept. of Radiology, Tokushima University Hospital
C085 Differentiation of Cardiac Sarcoidosis Lesions and Physiological FDG Uptakes Using Texture AnalysisOsamu Manabe / Depr. of Nuclear Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
C086 Incremental Value of Myocardial Perfusion Reserve for Detection of Multi-vessel Coronary Artery Disease with Use of a Cadmium-zinc-telluride SPECTEmiri Watanabe / Dept. of Radiology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine
C087 Comparison of MBF and MFR by Dynamic SPECT with Clinical Risk Factors of CAD in Patients with Normal MPSShinya Shiraishi / Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
14:40 - 15:22 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)17. NM 3: MSA and others Yoshihiro Nishiyama
C088 Diagnostic Performance of Bone Scintigraphy and FDG-PET/CT for Bone MetastasisToshiro Ozaki / Dept. Radiology, Niigata Cancer Center Hospital
C089 FDG-PET Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Usual ScansSuga Tsuyoshi / Dept. of Radiology, Tenri Hospital
C090 PET/MR Versus PET/CT in Suspected Occult Tumors, Using a Trimodality PET/CT+MR SystemTetsuro Sekine / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School
C091 18F-FDG Dose Reduction in Clinical PET/MR with SiPM Detector Based on Patient BMITetsuro Sekine / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School
C092 The Role of 18-FDG PET/CT in Primary Skin MalignancyTamaki Ichikawa / Dept.of Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
C093 The Influence of the Surrounding Tissue Activities on Metabolic Tumor Volume AssessmentAkira Arai / Dept. of Radiology, Sendai Seiryo Clinic
15:40 - 16:08 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)18. NM 4: RI therapy and others
Mayuki Uchiyama
C094 Experience of the Foreign Radioiodine (131I) Therapy after the Total Thyroidectomy in the Differentiated Thyroid CancerNaoki Kan / Dept. of Radiology,Kansai Medical University
C095 Preliminary Experience of Yttrium-90 Ibritumomab Tiuxetan in Patients with Low-Grade B Cell Non-Hodgkin LymphomaJunichi Yokouchi / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital
C070 Combined High-dose-rate Brachytherapy (HDR-BT) and Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Including Pelvic Lymph Nodes for High Risk Prostate CancerTomoyasu Kumano / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa University
C071 Comparison of MRI/CT Fusion and CT for Prostate Postimplant Dosimetry Using Sector AnalysisNorihisa Katayama / Okayama University, Radiology
C072 Image Guided Brachytherapy for Uterine Cervical Cancer in Our InstitutionYuko Kaneyasu / Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Fukuyama Medical Center
11:00 - 11:35 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)14. Radiation Oncology 5 Takeshi Kodaira
C073 Case Series Analysis of External Beam Radiotherapy for Thyroid Cancer in a University HospitalNoriyasu Sekiya / Dept. of Radiology, Tokyo University School of Medicine
C074 The Effective Measurement of Chemoradiotherapy for Breast Cancer with Severe Skin Symptom (DESIGN-R)Noriko Horikawa / Dept. of Radiology, Nara Prefecture General Medical Center
C075 Prognostic Value of HER2 Status in Breast Cancer Patients with Brain MetastasesShintaro Tsuruoka / Dept. Radiology, Shikoku Cancer Center
C076 Radiotherapy for Five Cases with Kimura DiseaseMiki Shioi / Dept. of Radiology, University of Niigata
C077 The Importance of Clinical Course in the Management of an Internal Auditory Canal TumorShinya Sutani / Department of Radiology, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
13:00 - 13:35 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)15. NM 1: Neuro Hitoshi Terada
C078 Site-based Metabolic Tumor Volume May Be a Prognostic Factor in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid CarcinomaKenji Hirata / Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
C079 18F-FDG PET Findings of Spinal Cord TumorsKentaro Kobayashi / Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Hokkaido University
C080 Clinical ZTE Attenuation Correction for Brain FDG-PET/MR ImagingTetsuro Sekine / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School
C081 Clinically Uncertain Parkinsonian Syndromes: Usefulness of 123I-FP-CIT SPECT for Their DifferentiationKenta Anai / Dept. of Radiology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine
C082 Comparison of Semi-quantitative Parameters Normalized by Various Reference Areas on 123I-ioflupane SPECT in Diagnosing Parkinson’s DiseaseYoichi Mizutani / Dept. of Radiology, Univ of Miyazaki
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April 15 (Sat.)・April 16 (Sun.)
11:20 - 11:48 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)21. Breast 2 Ryusuke Murakami
C109 Prognostic Value of SUV Max on 18F-FDG PET/CT in Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients Without LN MetastasisRyusuke Murakami / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School
C110 Diagnostic Advantage of Breast Cancer Detection in Digital Beast TomosynthesisHitomi Tani / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School
C111 Study of Nuclear Grade Prediction of DCIS Based on Mammographic FindingsNaoko Koyanagi / breast centre, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association Fukujuji Hospital
C112 Effect of Size and Location of Tumor on Measurement of Optical Parameters of Breast Cancer by Time-resolved Near-infrared SpectroscopyNobuko Yoshizawa / Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
15:00 - 15:42 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)22. Gastrointestinal Masamitsu Hatakenaka
C113 Evaluation of Gastric Cancer Early Lesions Using Tomosynthesis by Successive Approximation MethodMasaki Tachi / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School
C114 Development and Validation of Magnetic Resonance Enterocolonography Scoring System for Crohn’s Disease Using Decision Tree AnalysisYoshio Kitazume / Dept. of Radiology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
C115 Morphologic Evaluation Related to the Extramural Invasion of Rectal Cancer Using MRI: Compare MRI and Histopathological FindingsSatomi Morise / Dept. of Radiology, Kansai Medical University
C116 Cecal Vein Identification: Feasibility and Diagnostic UsefulnessOsamu Sato / Dept. of Radiology, North Medical Center Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
C117 Gastric Submucosal Vessels Visualized on Contrast Enhanced CT Gastrography: Morphological Classification on Virtual Dissection Wall-carving Image and Its Clinical SignificanceDaisuke Tsurumaru / Dept. of Radiology, Kyushu University
C118 Reducing the Radiation Dose for CT Colonography Using Forward Projected Model-based Iterative Reconstruction Solution: Preoperative Assessment of Colorectal CancerNarumi Taguchi / Dept. of Radiology, Kumamoto University Hospital
April 16 (Sun.)
9:10 - 9:45 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)23. Pediatric / Whole Body / Emergency radiology
Shunsuke Nosaka
C119 Analysis of 4 Typed HIE, Including Total Brain Injury, with ADC Score and MRI ScoreSachiko Koshino / Radiology,Japanese red cross Kyoto diichi Hospital, Kyoto, Japan
C096 Production of At-211 by In-house Cyclotron and Characterization at Fukushima Medical UniversityNoboru Oriuchi / Advanced Clinical Research Center
C097 Tumor Accumulation Difference of Ga-67 Labeled Anti-HER2 Antibody Made by Site Specific or NotYumiko Kono / Dept. of Radiology, Kansai Medical University
9:10 - 9:59 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)19. Ulorogy and gynecology Satoru Takahashi
C098 Kinking of the Upper Ureter in CT Urography: Anatomic and Clinical SignificanceMinobu Kamo / Department of Radiology, St. Luke's Interna-tional Hopsital
C099 The Peak Site of Stone Impaction in the Upper Ureter with Respect to a Newly Identified Area of ConstrictionMinobu Kamo / Department of Radiology, St. Luke's Interna-tional Hospital
C100 Metabolite Changes in Ischemic Testes Detected by Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyMasayuki Yamaguchi / Division of Functional Imaging, National Cancer Center
C101 Detectability of T1a (< 4cm) Renal Cell Carcinoma on Screening Non-contrast CTAiko Gobara / Dept. of Radiology, Shimane University Faculity of Medicine
C102 Separate Detection of Iron and Fat by Dual Energy CT: Experimental Study Using Phantoms and Iron and Fat MixturesHiroaki Terada / Dept. of Radiology, Hiroshima University School of Medicine
C103 The Detectability of Prostate Cancer at Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI: Comparison of Gadobutrol and Other Gadolinium Contrast MediaTakeshi Hara / Department of Radiology, NHO Iwakuni clinical center
C104 CT and MR Imaging Findings of Uterine Carcinosacroma: Qualitative and Quantitative AnalysisTakeru Fukunaga / Divison of Radiology, Tottori University Faculuty of Medicine
10:40 - 11:08 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)20. Breast 1 Mari Kikuchi
C105 Assessing the Extent of Breast Cancer Using Dual Energy CTKoichi Ishiyama / Dept. of Radiology, Akita University School of Medicine
C106 Quantitative Analysis of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound for Diagnosis of Early Lymph Node Metastasis of Breast CancerNaoko Mori / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
C107 Luminal-type Breast Cancer Imaged by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging: Relation to the Ki-67 Labeling IndexHiroko Kawashima / Faculty of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
C108 Intratumoral Kinetic Heterogeneity of Invasive Breast Cancer: Comparison between Dynamic MRI Parameters and Prognostic MarkersKen Yamaguchi / Dept. of Radiology, Saga University
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April 16 (Sun.)
C131 Initial Experience of High-resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography in the Evaluation of Bone Changes in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Comparison with MRINozomi Oki / Dept. of Radiological Science, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
C132 Immunoglobulin G4-related Paravertebral Lesions: CT Findings in 24 PatientsTakahiro Komori / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science
9:10 - 9:38 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)26. Radiation Oncology 6: skin and fundamental
research Tetsuo Akimoto
C133 Cytoplasmic Methionine Transfer-RNA Foci Induced by Radiation Stress in Several Cancer Cell LinesAtsuto Katano / Dept. of Radiology, University of Tokyo Hospital
C134 Effect of Tirapazamine and Mild Temperature Hyperthermia on the Recovery from Radiation-induced Damage in Pimonidazole-unlabeled Probably Oxygenated Intratumor Quiescent CellsShin-ichiro Masunaga / Particle Radiat. Biol., Div. of Radiat. Life Sci., Res. Reactor Inst., Kyoto Univ.
C135 Single Institutional Experience of the Treatment of Localized Angiosarcoma of the ScalpHiroki Ihara / Dept. of Proton Beam Therapy, Okayama Univer-sity Graduate School
C136 Effect of Chemoradiotherapy Using Low-dose Carcinostatic Drug for HeLa-S3 and MIA Paca CellsAki Kanazawa / Dept. of Radiology, Chiba University School of Medicine
10:40 - 11:08 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)27. Liver 1: Anatomy Hiroki Haradome
C137 Variations in Subdivision of Right Anterior Superior Area (Segment 8) of the Liver in Relation to Hepatic Venous DrainageYoshito Nishikawa / Dept. of Radiology, Nippon Medical School
C138 Morphometric Analyses of Small Accessory Liver LobesKumi Ozaki / Dept. of Radiology, Fukui Prefectural Hospital
C139 A Bridging Band-like Structure Connecting the Abdominal Wall and Lateral Segment of the Liver in the Patients with Massive AscitesMizuho Ishiyama / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
C140 Periportal Lymphatic MR Images Following Hepatobiliary Phase on Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced Imaging at 3.0-TMaki Kiyonaga / Dept. of Radiology, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
11:20 - 11:48 (Poster Presentation Booth 2)28. Liver 2: MRI technique and others
Koki Yoshikawa
C141 Effect of Gravity on Portal Venous Flow: A Preliminary Study Using Gravity MRIYoshisuke Kadoya / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
C142 Imaging Findings of the Liver after Fontan ProcedureChiaki Ueshima / Dept. of Radiology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
C120 MR Assessment of Fetal Lung Development by Lung Signal Intensities and Lung Volume MeasurementsRyo Ogawa / Dept. of Radiology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine
C121 Computed Tomography Findings in Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-positive Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) of the Elderly: Comparison with EBV-negative DLBCLFumito Okada / Dept. of Radiology, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
C122 CT Findings in Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome; An New Emerging Infection Vectored by a TickTakashi Koyama / Department of Diagnostic radiology, Kurashiki Central Hospital
C123 Frequency of Acute Head Trauma Findings on Whole-body CT in Patients Without Physical and Neurological Evidence in Traffic TraumaKeiji Kitatani / Dept of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Miyazaki University
10:00 - 10:35 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)24. IT and others Yasuo Takehara
C124 Model-based Iterative Reconstruction Reduces Image Noise and Improves Small Vessel Depiction: Assessment in Dynamic CT for Pancreatic and Biliary DiseasesYusuke Watanabe / Dept. of Radiology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
C125 Dual Energy Computed Tomography for the Assessment of Lipiodol Deposition in Transnodal Lymphangiography: A Pilot StudyKohei Hamamoto / Dept. of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University
C126 Feasibility of New Apoptosis-specific Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (USPIO) Particles: Experimental InvestigationAkihiro Nishie / Department of Clinical Radiology, Kyushu University
C127 Enhancement of Radiological Regional Collaboration System (3rd Report): Medical Record Sharing Beyond Radiology, and Access Log AnalysisRyosuke Hirakata / Dept. of Radiology, Shin-Kokura Hospital
C128 Effect of Aroma to Recover from Fatigue by Long Time Image Interpretation, Using FNIRSTakashi Nihashi / Dept. of Radiology, Nagoya University School of Medicine
11:00 - 11:28 (Poster Presentation Booth 1)25. MSK Hajime Fujimoto
C129 Prevalence and Distribution of Intervertebral Cervical Disc Degeneration in Brain Dock Examinees and Its Relationship with Metabolic SyndromeAtsuko Oda / Dept. Radiology, Tohoku Central Hospitall of the Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers
C130 Analysis of Bone Mineral Density in Individuals with Thalidomide Embryopathy: Comparison Among Types of DisabilitiesKota Yokoyama / Dept. of Radiology, National Center for Global Health and Medicine
02_総合プロ_JRS.indd 55 2017/03/24 16:50
April 16 (Sun.)
C143 Diagnostic Acceptability Assessment of Non-contrast-enhanced 3D MR Portography Within a Breath-hold Using Compressed Sensing AcceleratioAyako Ono / Dept. of Radiology, Kyoto University Hosp.
C144 Hepatic Fat Quantification Using Automated Six-point Dixon of 3.0T Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Comparison with Chemical Shift Based Sequences and CTTomohiro Namimoto / Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Kuma-moto University
02_総合プロ_JRS.indd 56 2017/03/24 16:50
April 15 (Sat.)
11:00-11:45, 14:00-15:00 (Marine Lobby)Core Time
Development and Verification of an Interactive Web System Designed for Medical Imaging ConferencesSoichiro Miki / Univ. of Tokyo Hosp. Dept. of Computational Diagnostic Radiology and Preventive Medicine
Building an Integrated CAD Development Environment in Clinical Settings (the 10th Report): Web-based DICOM Viewer ComponentYukihiro Nomura / Dept. of CDRPM, The University of Tokyo Hospital
Product Exhibition Programs JRS
02_総合プロ_JRS.indd 57 2017/03/24 16:50
JSRT-JSMP Joint SessionsJSRT-JSMP Joint Symposium
JSRT-JSMP Joint SymposiumRadiological Physics and Technology
JSRT-JSMP Joint Session Plenary Lecture 1~
「 」
JSRT-JSMP Joint Session Plenary Lecture 2【 】~
「 」
Expert LecturesExpert Lecture 1
~ +「 」
Expert Lecture 2~
「 」
Segi Award Winner's Lecture (Best Paper in 2016)~,
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 59 2017/03/24 16:50
RPT Doi Awards Ceremony and Winner's Lectures~ +
SymposiaSymposium 1
~「How to Assist Radiologists' Interpretation in Terms of Radiological Technology and Sciences」
Symposium 2~
「Integration of Medical Engineering and Radiological Technology: Expected New Technology」...
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 60 2017/03/24 16:50
Symposium 3~
「Steps to be Taken to Create a World Trend in "Radiological Science and Technology"」.
Executive Committee Session SymposiumChallenge of AI in Radiology and Radiological Technology: IBM Watson and Deep Learning
Education Committee Session SymposiumUpdates on MR Imaging Diagnosis of the Brain: Focused on Demyelinating and White MatterDiseases
~ +
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 61 2017/03/24 16:50
Educational LecturesEducational Lecture 1 (Diagnostic Imaging)
~「 」
Educational Lecture 2 (Radiation Protection)~ +
「 」
Educational Lecture 3 (Medical Informatics)~
「 」
Educational Lecture 4 (Image Sciences)~
「 」「 」
Educational Lecture 5 (Diagnostic Imaging)~
「 」
Educational Lecture 6 (Measurement)~ +
「 」
Educational Lecture 7 (Nuclear Medicine)~
「 」
Educational Lecture 8 (Diagnostic Imaging)~
「 」
Educational Lecture 9 (Radiotherapy)~
「 」
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 62 2017/03/24 16:50
Scientific Divisions81st. Image Sciences Division
74th. Nuclear Medicine Division~
「 」
74th. Radiotherapy Division~
「 」.
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 63 2017/03/24 16:50
68th. Diagnostic Imaging Division~
68th. Diagnostic Imaging Division~
68th. Diagnostic Imaging Division~
49th. Measurement Division~ +
「 」..
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 64 2017/03/24 16:50
44th. Radiation Protection Division~ +
「 」..
29th. Medical Informatics Division~
「 」.
Basic CoursesBasic Course 1 (Medical Informatics)
~「 」
Basic Course 2 (Radiotherapy)~ +
「 」
Basic Course 3 (MR)~
「 」
Basic Course 4 (Image Sciences)~
「 」
Basic Course 5 (Measurement)~ +
「 」
Basic Course 6 (Radiation Protection)~ +
「 」
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 65 2017/03/24 16:50
Basic Course 7 (US)~
「 」
Basic Course 8 (Nuclear Medicine)~ +
「 」
Advanced CourseAdvanced Course 1 (Measurement)
~「 」
Advanced Course 2 (CT)~
「 」
Advanced Course 3 (Nuclear Medicine)~
「 」
Advanced Course 4 (Medical Informatics)~
「 」
Advanced Course 5 (Image Sciences)~
「 」
Advanced Course 6 (Radiotherapy)~
「 」
Advanced Course 7 (Radiation Protection)~
「 」
Education Committee SessionsEducation Committee Session 1
~「 」
Education Committee Session 2~
「 」
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 66 2017/03/24 16:50
Basic Lectures of Diagnostic Imaging by RadiologistsBasic Lecture of Diagnostic Imaging by Radiologist 1
~ +「 」
Basic Lecture of Diagnostic Imaging by Radiologist 2~ +
「 」
Basic Lecture of Diagnostic Imaging by Radiologist 3~
「 」
Basic Lectures of Radiological TechnologyBasic Lecture of Radiological Technology 1
~「 」
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 2~ +
「 」
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 3~ +
「 」
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 4~
「 」
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 5~ +
「 」
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 6~ +
「 」
Basic Lecture of Radiological Technology 7~
「 」
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 67 2017/03/24 16:50
English Presentation Support SeminarEnglish Presentation Support Seminar 1
~ +「 」
English Presentation Support Seminar 2~ +
「 」
English Presentation Support Seminar 3~ +
「 」
JIRA WorkshopContribution of Japan for Global Society
ForumsPatient Safety Forum
~ +
「 」.
Radiation Protection Forum~
「 」
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 68 2017/03/24 16:50
Standardization Forum~
Radiation Safety Management Forum~
「 」.
Next Generation Session(学生セッション)~ +
「 」.
「 」
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 69 2017/03/24 16:50
Oral Presentation
April 13 (Thu.) 501
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Brain: Contrast, Motion Correction: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Clinical Safety and Management: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Heart: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 70 2017/03/24 16:50
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) MRCP: ~ : ( )
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Image Reconstruction: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Musculoskeletal: Extremity, Vessel: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 13 (Thu.) 502
Nuclear Medicine (PET) Cardiovascular Imaging: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 71 2017/03/24 16:51
Nuclear Medicine (PET) Brain Imaging: ~ : ( )
( ).
. β
Nuclear Medicine (Radionuclide Therapy) Radium-223 Theraphy: ~ : ( )
( ).
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) Dopamine Transporter 1: ~ : ( )
( ).
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) Dopamine Transporter 2: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 72 2017/03/24 16:51
Theme Session Multi-modality: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 13 (Thu.) 503
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Radiation Dose: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Exposure Control: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Iterative Reconstraction: Clinical: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 73 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Contrast Technique: Optimisation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Contrast Technique: Detectability: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Contrast Technique: Chest: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 74 2017/03/24 16:51
April 13 (Thu.) 414 + 415
Measurement (Computed Tomography) Radiation Dose Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Measurement (Mammography) Radiation Dose Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Measurement (General Radiography) Radiation Dose Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiation Protection (Multi-modality) Dose Management, Diagnostic Reference Level: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 75 2017/03/24 16:51
Radiation Protection (Multi-modality) Eye Lens Exposure: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiation Protection (IVR) Dose Management: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 13 (Thu.) F201 + 202
Radiotherapy 4D CT: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiotherapy Treatment planning, Simulation: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 76 2017/03/24 16:51
Radiotherapy IGRT Verification: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiotherapy Detector: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiotherapy QA/QC: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 77 2017/03/24 16:51
Radiotherapy Planning Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 13 (Thu.) F203 + 204
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Cardiac: Contrast Technique: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Myocardial Perfusion: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (MRI) Extremity: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 78 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging (MRI) Brain: Imaging Technique: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (General Radiography, IVR) Dose Reduction: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (General Radiography, Fluoroscopy) CAD: Radiography: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (Multi-modality) CAD: Multi-modality: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 79 2017/03/24 16:51
April 14 (Fri.) 501
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Musculoskeletal: MRE, MRS: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 14 (Fri.) 503
Radiation Protection (CT) Dose Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 14 (Fri.) 414 + 415
Clinical Safety and Others: ~ : ( )
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 80 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging Techniques and Research (IVR) Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (IVR) Analysis: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (IVR) Technology: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 14 (Fri.) Harbor Lounge B
Imaging Techniques and Research (Other) Tomosynthesis: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 81 2017/03/24 16:51
April 14 (Fri.) F201 + 202
Radiotherapy Dose Management: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiotherapy Radiological Biology: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Head and Neck MRA: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 82 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Liver: Contrast Enhancement, MRE: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 14 (Fri.) F203 + 204
Imaging (Multi-modality) Breast: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (MRI) Heart: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 83 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging (MRI) Imaging Processing and Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Dual-energy: Basic Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Dual-energy: Clinical 1: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Metal Artifact: Evaluation and Reduction Technique: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 84 2017/03/24 16:51
April 15 (Sat.) 501
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) Instrument: ~ : ( )
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) Brain and Cardiac Imaging: ~ : ( )
( ).
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) Multi-focus Fan Beam Collimator, Semiconductor Detector: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 85 2017/03/24 16:51
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) Quantitative Analysis: ~ : ( )
( ).
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) Image Processing: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 15 (Sat.) 502
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Cardiovascular, Large Vessel: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 86 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Head and Neck: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 15 (Sat.) 503
Imaging Techniques and Research (General Radiography) Image Processing, Other: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (General Radiography) Scattered Radiation Processing: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 87 2017/03/24 16:51
April 15 (Sat.) 414 + 415
Imaging (Multi-modality) Visual Evaluation, etc: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (General Radiography) Scattered Radiation Correction Processing: ~ : ( )
( ).
Medical Information System Development: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 88 2017/03/24 16:51
Medical Information Operations Analysis, Education, Others: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 15 (Sat.) Harbor Lounge B
Device Development and Others: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 15 (Sat.) F201 + 202
Imaging (CT) Image Processing: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (CT) Image Analysis 1: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 89 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging (CT) Image Analysis 2: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (CT) Iterative Reconstruction: Image Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (General Radiography, IVR) Image Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (MRI) Spine: ~ : ( )
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 90 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging (MRI) Brain Function: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (MRI) Head and Neck MRA: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 15 (Sat.) F203 + 204
Radiotherapy Irradiation Technique: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiotherapy Measurement: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 91 2017/03/24 16:51
Radiotherapy 4D Planning, Moving Object Tracking: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiotherapy Irradiation Position, Setup Error: ~ : ( )
( ). γ
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Genitourinary: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Basic Technique and Technology: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 92 2017/03/24 16:51
April 15 (Sat.) National Convention Hall
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Ultra High-resolution CT: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Colonography: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 16 (Sun.) 501
Imaging (MRI) Chest and Abdomen: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 93 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging (Multi-modality) Image Analysis: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (CT) Dual-energy: Clinical 2: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging (CT) Brain and Pancreas Perfusion: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Cardiac: Clinical: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 94 2017/03/24 16:51
April 16 (Sun.) 502
Imaging Techniques and Research (General Radiography) Breast: ~ : ( )
Imaging Techniques and Research (General Radiography, Dual-energy X-ray Absorption) Bone, Other: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 16 (Sun.) 503
Theme Session Head and Neck: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 95 2017/03/24 16:51
April 16 (Sun.) 414 + 415
Measurement (Lens Dose&Dosimeter) Radiation Dose Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Measurement (Hazard) Radiation Dose Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
Measurement (IVR) Radiation Dose Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 16 (Sun.) F201 + 202
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Basic Evaluation: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 96 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) Clinical Technique: ~ : ( )
( ).
. ~ ~
. ~ ~
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Myocardium: Relaxation Time Measurement: ~ : ( )
( ).
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Liver: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 97 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Brain Function: ~ : ( )
( ).
April 16 (Sun.) F203 + 204
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) In-111, GSA Imaging: ~ : ( )
( ).
Nuclear Medicine (PET) Image Processing: ~ : ( )
( ).
Nuclear Medicine (PET) Image Evaluation 1: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 98 2017/03/24 16:51
Nuclear Medicine (PET) Image Evaluation 2: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: ~ : ( )
( ).
Radiotherapy Particle Beam: ~ : ( )
( ).
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 99 2017/03/24 16:51
Presentation at Monitor
April 14 (Fri.) N101
Imaging (MRI) Other: ~ : ( )
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Head and Neck: ~ : ( )
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Musculoskeletal, Clinical Safety: ~ : ( )
Imaging Techniques and Research (MRI) Abdomen and Pelvis: ~ : ( )
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 100 2017/03/24 16:51
Nuclear Medicine (PET, SPECT) Other: ~ : ( )
Nuclear Medicine (SPECT, Planar) Dopamine Transporter 3: ~ : ( )
Imaging (General Radiography) Image Evaluation, etc: ~ : ( )
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 101 2017/03/24 16:51
Imaging (Multi-modality) System Evaluation, etc: ~ : ( )
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) CyPos 1: ~ : ( )
Imaging Techniques and Research (CT) CyPos 2: ~ : ( )
Imaging Techniques and Research (IVR) IVR: ~ : ( )
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 102 2017/03/24 16:51
Product Exhibition
April 15 (Sat.) Marine Lobby
Product Exhibition Core Time: ~ : , : ~ :
03_総合プロ_JSRT.indd 103 2017/03/24 16:51
【JSMP Program】(A) JSRT-JSMP Joint Session Plenary Lecture
(1) April 15 (Sat.) 15:10-16:10 (503)
Radiomics: The new frontier in quantitative image modeling
Moderator: Kyushu Univ. Hidetaka Arimura
Univ. of Michigan Issam El Naqa
(2) April 16 (Sun.) 10:50-11:50 (503)
Current Trends of Patient Radiation Dose Monitoring and Tracking Systems
Moderator: Hokkaido Univ. of Science Takumi Tanikawa
Kagawa University Hosp. Naoki Nishimoto
1. Part I (Technical Aspect)
Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Medical Center Pei-jan Paul Lin
2. Part II (Operational Infrastructure)
Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Medical Center Shelia Regan
(B) Morning Educational Lecture(1) April 14 (Fri.) 8:15-8:55 (418 + 419)
Moderator: HIPRAC Shuichi Ozawa
Fundamentals of Diodes as Radiation Detectors – n Type versus p Type
Sun Nuclear Corporation Jie Shi
(2) April 15 (Sat.) 8:15-8:55 (418 + 419)
Moderator: QST/NIRS Shinichiro Mori
Mathematical Techniques for Markerless Tumor Motion Following Radiation Therapy
Tohoku Univ. Noriyasu Homma
(3) April 16 (Sun.) 8:15-8:55 (418 + 419)
Moderator: Kyoto Univ. Mitsuhiro Nakamura
Risk-based analysis for radiotherapy according to AAPM TG-100
National Cancer Center Hospital Hiroyuki Okamoto
(C) Lunch Time Lecture(1) April 14 (Fri.) 12:00-12:50 (418 + 419)
Moderator: QST/NIRS Taiga Yamaya
Development of State–of-The-Art Quality Assurance Dosimetry at CMRP:
International Collaboration (Overview)
Univ. of Wollongong Anatoly B. Rozenfeld
(2) April 15 (Sat.) 12:00-12:50 (418 + 419)
Moderator: Kyushu Univ. Hidetaka Arimura
Deep Learning Techniques for Computer Aided Diagnosis
Fujita Health Univ. Atsushi Teramoto
04_総合プロ_JSMP.indd 105 2017/03/24 16:52
(3) April 16 (Sun.) 12:00-12:50 (418 + 419)
Radiation Protection for the lens of the eye
Moderator: QST/NIRS Shunsuke Yonai
1. Reduction of the dose limit by the ICRP and the current status
QST/NIRS Keiichi Akahane
2. The trend of the international and national standards for the dose of eye lens
AIST Tadahiro Kurosawa
(D) JSRT-JSMP Joint SymposiumApril 14 (Fri.) 9:50-11:50 (501)
Radiological Physics and Technology
Moderator: Kumamoto Univ. Junji Shiraishi
Teikyo Univ. Shinji Kawamura
1. Radiological Physics and Technology: Brief History, Current Status and Future
RPT Editor-in-Chief Kunio Doi
2. Cited and non-cited articles- From the analysis of articles published in RPT
RPT Deputy Editor Masahiro Endo
3. Medical Physics 3.0
Duke Univ. Ehsan Samei
(E) Information Exchange Meeting on Medicine Physics Education CourseApril 15 (Sat.) 13:00-14:30 (419)
Moderator: The Japanese College of Medical Physics Masahiro Fukushi
Teiji Nishio
(F) JSMP-JSMBE Joint SessionApril 16 (Sun.) 11:00-11:50 (419)
Exchange meeting with Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (JSMBE)
Moderator: Kyoto Univ. Tsuyoshi Shiina
QST/NIRS Shigekazu Fukuda
NCVC Masaru Sugimachi
Kyoto Univ. Tsuyoshi Shiina
(G) Session for studentsApril 16 (Sun.) 14:00-14:50 (419)
“Are you satisfied with studying in Japan?” Kindai Univ. Hajime Monzen
HIPRAC Shuichi Ozawa
JSMP Board of DirectorsApril 13 (Thu.) 12:00-17:00 (421)
JSMP General Meeting of MembersApril 15 (Sat.) 17:10-18:10 (419)
04_総合プロ_JSMP.indd 106 2017/03/24 16:52
★:English Presentation
【General Session】April 13 (Thu.) PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center 418
1. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 1 (IMRT/VMAT1) 13:00-13:50 Moderator: Yukio Fujita
★ O-001 Dose error prediction based on the dose uncertainty accumulation of intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Hospital of UOEH Eiji Shiba
O-002 Evaluation of dosimatric impact of the jaw position displacement in jaw tracking VMAT
Juntendo Univ. Toru Kawabata
★ O-003 PHITS Monte Carlo-dose verification of VMAT treatment plan with HD120MLC
Kumamoto Univ. Naoki Nagaishi
O-004 Statistical analysis of patient-specific IMRT quality assurance
Ryukyus Univ. Masashi Kinjyo
O-005 Feasibility study of transferring patients to a matched linear accelerator in case of machine breakdown in IMRT
and VMAT plans
NCCHE Hidenobu Tachibana
2. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 2 (IMRT/VMAT2) 14:00-15:00 Moderator: Seiichi Ota
★ O-007 Comparison of VMAT and 3-D CRT treatment plans in multiple brain metastases
Kumamoto Univ. Naoto Yamaura
★ O-008 Dosimetric accuracy of dose calculation algorithms for VMAT in multiple brain metastases
Kumamoto Univ. Kento Hoshida
O-009 Impact of different MLC controls in volumetric modulated arc therapy for total body irradiation (VMAT-TBI)
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Yuta Takahashi
O-010 The analysis of the effect of implanted metal in spine for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy
Osaka Univ. Reimi Taniguchi
★ O-011 Comparison of 3D CRT and the Jaws-Only IMRT (JO-IMRT) planning parameters for head-and-neck cancer
Dong Nai Hosp. Tai Duong Thanh
★ O-012 Evaluation of Jaws-Only Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Treatment Plans using Octavious 4D System
Dong Nai Hosp. Tai Duong Thanh
3. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 3 (IMRT/VMAT3) 15:10-16:10 Moderator: Akihisa Wakita
O-013 The model-based estimation of rectal dose in volume modulated arc radiotherapy for prostate cancer
OMCC Yoshihiro Ueda
★ O-014 Quantitative analysis for coldspots in dose distributions of IMRT for prostate cancer
Univ. of Kyushu. Ryosuke Asamura
★ O-015 Impact of shape variation on PTV margins in IMRT for prostate cancer
Kyushu Univ. Hosp. Takaaki Hirose
★ O-016 Planning study for esophageal cancer: A dosimetric comparison of conformal radiotherapy, VMAT and
OMCC Masayoshi Miyazaki
★ O-017 Advantage of FFF beam compared to FF beam for VMAT-SBRT plans in lung tumor
Kumamoto Univ. Naoto Yamaura
★ O-018 A comparison between dose calculation algorithms for VMAT-SBRT plans in lung tumor
Kumamoto Univ Takanori Matsuoka
04_総合プロ_JSMP.indd 107 2017/03/24 16:52
4. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 4 (Respiratory Gating and Tracking Technique) 16:10-17:00 Moderator: Shuichi Ozawa
O-019 Basic study of respiratory gated irradiation using FFF beam
Toho Univ. Sakura Medical Center Teruo Ito
O-020 A simple quality assurance system for respiratory-gated radiotherapy using pulse information from linac
Komazawa Univ. Tomoyuki Kurosawa
O-021 Assessment of tracking accuracy by detecting laser position using CMOS camera in CyberKnife
NCCH Hiroyuki Okamoto
O-022 Investigation of uncertainty in 4D dose accumulation for lung SBRT
Tohoku Univ. Ryutaro Ikeda
O-023 Design and development of a non-rigid phantom that ventilates air for the quantitative evaluation of CT-based
pulmonary ventilation imaging
Komazawa Univ. Shin Miyakawa
5. Medical Image and Information 17:10-17:50 Moderator: Atsushi Myojoyama
O-024 Automatic chest X-ray screening with a deep neural network
Teikyo Univ. Junichi Kotoku
O-025 Development of patient recognition system for radiotherapy
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Takatomo Ezura
★ O-026 A feasibility study for analyzing abnormal motion using relative cross correlation in tracking moving tumors in
radiation therapy
The Univ. of Tokyo Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli
★ O-027 Investigation of the correlation in radiomics features between EPID and digitally reconstructed radiography
Kyushu Univ. Mazen Soufi
April 13 (Thu.) PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center 419
6. Radiation Therapy (particle) 1 (Measurement) 13:00-14:00 Moderator: Toshiyuki Toshito
O-028 Time-resolved analysis of Cherenkov light from positron emitter as a new probe to high-precision
measurement of nuclear reaction cross section
Waseda Univ. Takamitsu Masuda
O-029 Luminescence imaging of water during carbon-ion irradiation
Nagoya Univ. Seiichi Yamamoto
O-030 Relationship between Luminescence Images and Dose Distributions in Water for Therapeutic Proton Beam
Nagoya Univ. Takuya Yabe
O-031 Development of a low-energy X-ray camera for beam monitoring of particle therapy
Nagoya Univ. Kouki Ando
O-032 Measurement of radiation quality of Pencil Carbon Ion Beams using a Silicon Detector
Gunma Univ. Kohei Osaki
O-033 Proposal for dosimetry system using e+/e- pair production events
Chiba Univ. Shota Kimura
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★:English Presentation
7. Radiation Therapy (particle) 2 (QA) 14:00-14:40 Moderator: Hideyuki Mizuno
O-034 Commissioning of the small-field and large-field proton beams in line scanning therapy for the Eclipse Proton
treatment planning system
Aizawa Hosp. Yuya Sugama
O-035 Development of an online proton dose distribution monitoring system by using a fluorescent screen (I)
The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center Fuyumi Ito
O-036 Testing a ZnS:Ag scintillator as a QA tool for small-field carbon ion therapy
Kitasato Univ. Takumi Narusawa
★ O-037 Time saving lateral profile validation procedure utilizing simplified Monte Carlo calculation for patient specific
QA of proton beam therapy
Hitachi Ltd. Takahiro Yamada
8. Nuclear Medicine 1 14:50-15:50 Moderator: Masayori Ishikawa
★ O-038 Whole gamma imaging concept: feasibility study of triple-gamma imaging
QST/NIRS Taiga Yamaya
O-039 Whole gamma imaging concept: Compton-PET imaging simulation for positron emitters
Chiba Univ. Yusuke Okumura
O-040 Development of whole-body PET system with 3 mm resolution and 1M$
Chiba Univ. Kento Fujihara
O-041 Development of gamma-detectors for PET with position resolution of 0.5mm
Chiba Univ. Yusaku Emoto
O-042 Development of a circular shape Si-PM-based detector ring for positron emission mammography (PEM)
Nagoya Univ. Kouhei Nakanishi
O-043 Development of second add-on PET/MRI prototype: Evaluation of PET imaging performance
QST/NIRS Fumihiko Nishikido
9. Nuclear Medicine 2 15:50-16:50 Moderator: Hideaki Tashima
O-044 Development of a head motion tracking system for the helmet PET
QST/NIRS Yuma Iwao
O-045 Development of Monte Carlo Simulation Built-in Quantitative Iterative Reconstruction
Kindai Univ. Hosp. Kenta Sakaguchi
O-046 Study on the cause of edge artifact in PSF-based image reconstruction and its mitigation by Map-EM method
with L1 regularization
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Hiroyuki Shinohara
★ O-047 Joint estimation of activity and attenuation for a compact brain TOF-PET system : a simulation study
Tokyo Institute of Technology Risako Tanaka
★ O-048 Separation of two radionuclides in small animal SPECT system
Hosei Univ. Shunsuke Shimodaira
★ O-049 Multi-pinhole imaging with a triple head SPECT system
Hosei Univ. Hayao Kubota
10. Nuclear Medicine 3 17:00-18:10 Moderator: Tomoyuki Hasegawa
★ O-050 Development of a four-layered DOI-PET detector with quadrisected crystals on the top layer
Chiba Univ. Genki Hirumi
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★ O-051 Development of an isotropic DOI detector based on two-sided photon readout
QST/NIRS Akram Mohammadi
★ O-052 Comparison of yttrium-90 Compton image, SPECT, and PET
Gunma Univ. Makoto Sakai
★ O-053 Simulation study on parallel plane PET based positron marker tracking with a volume of response algorithm
Hokkaido Univ. Ryo Ogawara
★ O-054 Development of a small prototype system toward real-time OpenPET image-guided surgery
QST/NIRS Hideaki Tashima
Nguyen Huu Huan high school Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao
Nguyen Huu Huan high school Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao
April 14 (Fri.) PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center 418
11. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 5 (Treatment Planning and QA 1) 9:10-10:10 Moderator: Takeshi Kamomae
O-057 VMAT QA using MapCHECK2 and original phantom
Tatebayashi Kosei Hosp. Ayaka Shinohara
★ O-058 Evaluation of MLC error sensitivity for VMAT QA: a comparison of various QA devices and metrics
The Univ. of Yamanashi Masahide Saito
O-059 Study of the difference in inhomogeneity correction of the treatment planning system and the gantry-mounted
3-dimensional detector
Seirei Hamamatsu General Hosp. Yumiko Adachi
O-060 Design and Development of a new Clarkson method that accounts for lateral scatter in inhomogeneous media
Komazawa Univ. Shunta Jinno
★ O-061 Optimal Control Point for Practical Dose Calculation with AXB Algorithm in Lung Stereotactic Body
Radiation Therapy
Chulalongkorn Univ. Lukkana Apipunyasopon
O-062 Acceleration of the photon transport simulation by voxel-based Boltzmann transport calculation method using
parallel computing
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Takahito Chiba
12. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 6 (Treatment Planning and QA 2) 10:20-11:20 Moderator: Satoru Sugimoto
★ O-063 Computer-assisted treatment planning approach with genetic algorithm-based optimization using similar cases
for lung stereotactic body radiation therapy
Univ. of Kyushu. Shu Haseai
O-064 Assessment of adaptive radiation therapy with deformable image registration software
Kobe Univ. Naritoshi Mukumoto
O-065 Investigation to improve dose distribution by adjusting the beam parameters based on the dose calculation
during a course of radiotherapy
Tohoku Univ. Suguru Dobashi
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★:English Presentation
★ O-066 The automated contouring framework of clinical target volumes based on the Bayesian inference for a prostate
cancer radiation therapy
Univ. of Kyushu. Kenta Ninomiya
O-067 A concept for evaluation of time-variable dose-volume evaluating on the time-dose-volume manifold
Osaka Univ. Yusuke Anetai
O-068 Evaluation of oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) derived from cell survival curves
Hokkaido Univ. Ryota Yamada
13. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 7 (QA 1) 14:40-15:40 Moderator: Keisuke Usui
★ O-069 Assessment of delivery accuracy of Dynamic WaveArc technique using dose reconstruction method
Kyoto Univ. Hideaki Hirashima
★ O-070 The shift of the effective point of measurement and displacement perturbation factor at cylindrical chambers in
high energy Photon beams
Gono Bishwabidyalay (Univ.) Paul Kumaresh Chandra
O-071 A source model for Monte Carlo dose calculation with the multi-point scattered model
Tohoku Univ. Yoshiki Ishizawa
O-072 Comparison of measured Synergy and Infinity linear accelerators: multi-institutional study
Suita Tokushukai Hospital Yuichi Akino
O-073 Consideration on the control of output dose in radiation therapy equipment
Iwate prefectural Isawa Hosp. Koji Ishita
O-074 The analysis of multi-institutional beam data of Clinac iX & Novalis Tx linear accelerators
OMCC Masaru Isono
14. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 8 (QA 2) 15:50-16:50 Moderator: Yu Kumazaki
O-075 Comparison of machine log-file and machine log-file with EPID image dose reconstruction methods using two
commercial software programs
Tohoku Univ. Yoshio Kon
O-076 Improvement of dose analysis method using dose gradient information
Hokkaido Univ. Masayori Ishikawa
O-077 Fundamental study on pass rate change induced by various resolutions for film-based dose distribution analysis
Hokkaido Univ. Isshi Nara
★ O-078 Performance evaluation of TLD sheet toward the dosimetry in the build-up region
Hiroshima Univ. Tatsuhiko Suzuki
O-079 Testing plastic scintillator disk for verification of the electron boost plan in breast cancer patients
Kitasato Univ. Yuya Tatsuno
O-080 Measurement of an energy spectrum of linear accelerator using UVC camera
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ Kyohei Morita
April 14 (Fri.) PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center 419
15. Diagnostic Imaging 1 (X-Ray/CT 1) 9:10-10:00 Moderator: Shinji Abe
O-081 Imaging properties of the digital mammography using pixelated-scintillator
Osaka Univ. Masao Matsumoto
★ O-082 Simulation study for effective reduction procedure of scattered X-rays toward high accuracy material
identification based on photon counting technique
Tokushima Univ. Takashi Asahara
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O-083 Investigation of 940nm near-infrared-ray computed tomography scanner
Iwate Medical Univ. Hosp. Yuichi Sato
O-084 Novel photon-counting low-dose computed tomography using a multi-pixel photon counter (2)
Waseda Univ. Tsubasa Oshima
★ O-085 Measurement of X-ray spectra using an LSO-small-photomultiplier detector and its application to quad-energy
computed tomography
Iwate Medical Univ. Satoshi Yamaguchi
16. Diagnostic Imaging 2 (X-Ray/CT 2) 10:00-10:50 Moderator: Shinichi Wada
O-086 Characteristics of a high-spatial-resolution dual cadmium-telluride-array detector and X-ray imaging
Iwate Medical Univ. Eiichi Sato
O-087 Image-quality improvement of quad-energy X-ray computed tomography using a readily available cadmium
telluride detector
Iwate Medical Univ. Yasuyuki Oda
O-088 Effect of the number of MDCT scanning detector rows on image quality
Ryukyus Univ. Takahiro Fujimoto
★ O-089 Usefulness of Combined Interpolation Method for Metal Artifact Reduction in Head and Neck Computed
Miyagi Cancer Center Akira Ito
O-090 Image quality of virtual monochromatic imaging in dual-energy CT for detection of acute ischemic stroke
Kitasato Univ. Hidetake Hara
17. Radiation Protection 11:00-11:50 Moderator: Hiroki Ohtani
O-091 The protective effect of amino acids against plasmid DNA damage induced by X-ray irradiation
Kitasato Univ. Kouhei Kamada
O-092 Study of generalization of X-ray CT sources for Monte Carlo calculation.
QST/NIRS Yusuke Koba
O-093 Search for Reasons of Incidence of Lung Cancers by Measurement of Environmental Radiation based on
Cherenkov Detection
Chiba Univ. Hiroshi Ito
★ O-094 Medical physicist’s challenges in Nepal in absence of rules and regulations
Bir Hosp. Adhikari Kanchan P.
★ O-095 A space engineering application of therapeutic broad proton beam for a cosmic ray simulation
WERC Kyo Kume
18. Radiation Therapy (particle) 3 (Positioning) 14:40-15:30 Moderator: Taeko Matsuura
O-096 Comparison between current and advanced technique in image guidance for proton beam therapy in lung
Univ. of Tsukuba Shunsuke Moriya
O-097 The positioning precision of In-room CT image-guided system in proton therapy facility and the first
application to prostate cancer treatment.
Fukui Prefectural Hosp. Yoshikazu Maeda
★ O-098 Predicting Interfractional Motion in Carbon Ion Radiation Therapy from CBCT-Based Bayesian Statistics
Gunma Univ. Daniel S. Bridges
★ O-099 Analysis software to evaluate deviation of water-equivalent thickness along proton beam path between Plan CT
and CBCT for proton therapy
Hokkaido Univ. Takaaki Fujii
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★:English Presentation
★ O-100 Development of a Carbon-Knife system: Patient positioning and fixation system
Gunma Univ. Keawsamur Mintra
19. Radiation Therapy (particle) 4 (Treatment Planning) 15:40-16:30 Moderator: Yoshikazu Maeda
O-101 Calculation of water equivalent ratio of metal materials in patient body in carbon ion radiotherapy
SAGA HIMAT Genyu Kakiuchi
O-102 Revision of calibration method for CT-number to stopping-power ratio conversion in treatment planning of
particle radiotherapy
QST/NIRS Hosp. Nobuyuki Kanematsu
★ O-103 Beam angle optimization incorporating anatomical heterogeneities for pencil beam scanning charged-particle
therapy in head and neck cancer
Tokyo Women's Med. Univ. Chie Toramatsu
O-104 Geometrical low-dose-gradient junctioning technique for spot scanning proton beam therapy
Nagoya Proton Therapy Center Toshiyuki Toshito
O-105 A dosimetric evaluation method with setup, range and radiosensitivity uncertainties in fractionated carbon-ion
QST/NIRS Makoto Sakama
April 15 (Sat.) PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center 418
20. Radiation Therapy (particle) 5 (BNCT, Other) 9:10-10:00 Moderator: Shunsuke Yonai
O-106 Development of remote-changeable Bonner-sphere spectrometer for characteristic estimation in neutron
irradiation field for BNCT
KURRI Yoshinori Sakurai
O-107 Dosimetric impact due to intratreatment positioning error in boron neutron capture therapy for the high-grade
STBRC Takahiro Kato
O-108 Development of a new production method for patient immobilization implement by combination with 3D
Printing technique for BNCT
Univ. of Tsukuba Hiroaki Kumada
O-109 An Approach for BNCT to be a General Radiation Therapy
K2BNCT Science & Engineering Laboratory Tooru Kobayashi
★ O-110 An application of microdosimetric kinetic model to targeted radionuclide therapy
Gunma Univ. Yoshiyuki Hirano
21. Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 9 (CBCT and SBRT) 10:00-11:00 Moderator: Akihiro Haga
O-111 Feasibility study on a new approach to make CT to electron density conversion table for CBCT-based dose
Keiyukai Sapporo Hosp. Yuta Kobayashi
O-112 Image quality improvement in cone-beam CT using super-resolution technique
Teikyo Univ. Asuka Oyama
★ O-113 Estimating target position from orthogonal cone-beam CT projections by dual-source kV X-ray imaging system
with extracorporeal infrared marker
Kyoto Univ. Hiraku Iramina
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O-114 Improving the imaging of thoracic tumors using four-dimensional cone-beam CT with combined shared
projection data
Juntendo Univ. Keisuke Usui
★ O-115 Computational analysis of rectum translation variability in prostate cancer radiation therapy
Kyushu Univ. Mohammad Haekal
★ O-116 Process of stereotactic body radiation therapy for liver cancer at hue central hospital.
Hue Central Hosp. Le Trong Hung
22. Meidcal Physics Education 11:00-11:20 Moderator: Hiraku Fuse
★ O-117 Medical Physics in Bangladesh: Education and Profession
Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital Md Akhtaruzzaman
O-118 Educational outcomes of a medical physicist program in Japan for past ten years with "Ganpro"
Tohoku Univ. Noriyuki Kadoya
23. Magnetic Resonance 1 (Function and Device) 15:10-15:40 Moderator: Toru Yamamoto
★ O-119 Reproducibility of the Asymptotic Analysis in Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI
Kyoto Univ. Yenpeng Liao
★ O-120 Arteriolar vasomotor function obtained from spectral analysis of MR signal fluctuation in human brain:
deterioration by normal aging
Hokkaido Univ. Minghui Tang
O-121 Development of small-sized dielectric pads for improved RF field homogeneity in MR imaging of the brain at
NICT Takashi Ueguchi
24. Magnetic Resonance 2 (Compressed Sensing) 15:40-16:10 Moderator: Seiji Kumazawa
O-123 Study on the quantitative accuracy of three-dimensional brain MRI using compressed sensing
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Hiroyuki Shinohara
★ O-124 Optimization of random sampling for compressed sensing MRI
Kyorin Univ. Ryutaro Kawamura
★ O-125 The development of the random sampling method using the Hermitian symmetry for compressed sensing MRI
Kyorin Univ. Takeyuki Hashimoto
25. Magnetic Resonance 3 (Contrast) 16:20-17:00 Moderator: Masahiro Umeda
O-126 Enhancement of the transverse relaxation time shortening effect by oxygen molecules in viscous solution with
cellular diffusivity
Hokkaido Univ. Masayuki Taguchi
O-127 Gadolinium contrast agent enhances longitudinal relaxation rate strongly in solution with intracellular viscosity
Teine Keijinkai Hosp. Ken Masuyama
O-128 Cancerous-region enhancement utilizing gadolinium-oxide nanoparticles and 7.0-T magnetic resonance
Iwate Medical Univ. Eiichi Sato
O-129 Development of a text-data based learning tool simulating the contrast of MR image
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Hiroyuki Shinohara
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★:English Presentation
April 16 (Sun.) PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center 418
26. Brachytherapy 9:10-10:10 Moderator: Takashi Hanada
O-130 Development of an independent verification method using DICOM RT Plan in gynecology brachytherapy
Chiba Univ. Yoshinobu Furuyama
O-131 Novel dosimetric measurement using RGD for HDR Brachytherapy with 3D printed deformable female pelvis
Tohoku Univ. Kota Abe
O-132 Development and principle verification for the total three-dimensional end-to-end evaluation system in
Tokai Univ. Hosp. Tomoko Kikuchi
★ O-133 A simple method for verification of HDR brachytherapy source position inside applicators using an electron
beam from a linear accelerator
Ryukyus Univ. Yasumasa Kakinohana
★ O-134 Monte Carlo simulations analysis of dosimetric impacts of titanium applicator and tissue inhomogeneity for
cervical intracavitary brachytherapy
Kyushu Univ. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen
★ O-164 External beam radiotherapy and high dose rate brachytherapy treatment for carcinoma cervix in cancer hospital
B.P.Koirala memorial cancer Hosp. Chaurasia Pradumna Prasad
27. Radiation Measurement 1 (Neutron) 10:10-10:50 Moderator: Yuzuru Kutsutani-Nakamura
★ O-135 A comparison of generating properties of 128I and 134mCs in a self-activated CsI scintillator for different energy
neutron fields
Univ. of Kyushu. Ryo Kakino
O-136 Fundamental study of a simple neutron-distribution measurement method by the self-activation of CsI plates
using a CCD camera
Univ. of Kyushu. Masaaki Tokunaga
O-137 A design study of a handy neutron spectrometer for BNCT QA procedures
Univ. of Kyushu. Ryosuke Kurihara
O-138 Optical photon transport simulation with GEANT4 for the paired SOF detector improvement
Hokkaido Univ. Yuki Murayama
28. Radiation Measurement 2 (Solidstate Detector) 13:00-13:50 Moderator: Kyo Kume
O-139 Development of a compact dosimeter using a silicon X-ray diode and a long USB cable
Iwate Medical Univ. Michiaki Sagae
★ O-140 Development of a semiconductor dosimeter for radiation therapy using a microminiature substrate
Iwate Medical Univ. Satoshi Yamaguchi
★ O-141 Evaluation of two-dimensional dosimetry using Al2O3 thermoluminescence slabs for robotic radiosurgery
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Shin Yanagisawa
★ O-142 Feasibility study of CBCT dose measurements with tissue-equivalent thermoluminescense sheet
Juntendo Univ. Chie Kurokawa
O-143 A sensitivity calibration of radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter for scattered therapeutic x-ray in water
equivalent phantom
Nagoya Univ. Shouichi Yokose
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29. Radiation Measurement 3 (Ion Chamber and Dosimetry) 14:00-15:00 Moderator: Toru Kawachi
O-144 Characteristics of liquid ionization chamber for photon and electron beams
Univ. of Tsukuba Hosp. Hideyuki Takei
O-145 Humidity effect of a free air type ionization chamber
Komazawa Univ. Yuuki Sato
O-146 Study of uncertainty in positioning ionization chamber at reference depth for various water phantoms
Fukui Univ. Hosp. Naoki Kinoshita
O-147 Kilovoltage x-ray beam dosimetry using a 0.6 cc ionization chamber with a N D,w
The National Cancer Center Yukihiro Uchida
★ O-148 New dosimetry based on 60Co absorbed dose-to-water calibration in diagnostic x-ray beams
Kumamoto Univ. Suzuna Umeno
O-149 An Ion chamber calibration by the ionization current measurement in a high-energy photon beam from a
clinical linac
Komazawa Univ. Ken Hirayama
April 16 (Sun.) PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center 419
30. Radiation Therapy (particle) 6 (Biological Dose) 9:10-10:00 Moderator: Makoto Sakama
★ O-150 The effect of the oxygen enhancement ratio on clinical dose in carbon ion radiotherapy
Gunma Univ. Athena Paz
★ O-151 An estimation of cell survival using microdosimetric kinetic model and CR-39 in carbon ion irradiation
Gunma Univ. Yoshiyuki Hirano
O-152 Skin damage caused by single doses of carbon ions
Gunma Univ. Maika Yamaguchi
O-153 Biological washout effect of positron emitter after Carbon ion treatment
Gunma Univ. Hosp. Takayoshi Ishii
★ O-154 The protective effect of various amino acids on plasmid DNA damage induced by carbon ion irradiation
Kitasato Univ. Katsunori Yogo
31. Radiation Therapy (particle) 7 (Irradiation Technique) 10:00-10:40 Moderator: Yoshikazu Tsunashima
O-155 Present status of full energy scanning for carbon-ion therapy at the NIRS-HIMAC
QST/NIRS Yousuke Hara
★ O-156 Development of a new ridge filter with honeycomb geometry for a pencil beam scanning system in particle
QST/NIRS Ryohei Tansho
★ O-157 Multiple Scattering Effect on Carbon CT Image.
Gunma Univ. Sung Hyun Lee
★ O-158 Charged particle computed tomography using different particles
QST/NIRS Cécile Bopp
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★:English Presentation
32. Radiation Therapy (particle) 8 (Respiratory Motion) 13:00-13:50 Moderator: Mutsumi Tashiro
O-159 Commissioning of Eclipse Treatment Planning System for Spot-scanning Nozzle in Hokkaido University
Proton Therapy Center
Hokkaido Univ. Hosp. Takaaki Yoshimura
★ O-160 The retrospective interplay effect evaluation for real-time image-gated proton therapy using the fiducial marker
motion and treatment machine log
Hokkaido Univ. Shusuke Hirayama
O-161 Impact of 4D-CT ventilation imaging-based functional treatment planning for proton-SBRT
Tohoku Univ. Yoshiro Ieko
O-162 Markerless tumor tracking by classification of deep machine learning
Univ. of Tsukuba Toshiyuki Terunuma
O-163 A real-time single-shot energy subtraction image filter for markerless tumor tracking in radiotherapy
QST/NIRS Shinichiro Mori
04_総合プロ_JSMP.indd 117 2017/03/24 16:52
Names of participating companies3z CorporationAccuray Japan K.K.Accuthera Inc.AcroBio CorporationAdvanced Media, Inc.ANZAI MEDICAL CO.,LTD.APEX Medical, Inc./IMAC Co.,Ltd.ARGO CORPORATIONArray CorporationASAHIROENTGEN Ind. Co., Ltd.AstroStage Inc.AUTO SYSTEM CO.,LTD. Medical DivisoinBARCO Co.,Ltd.Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd.Biosensors Japan Co., Ltd.Blue・Bell Soft Consultant CorporationBrainlab K.K.Canon Lifecare Solutions Inc./AZE, Ltd.Carestream Health Japan Co.,Ltd. Chartwell Healthcare CorporationChison Medical Imaging Co.,LtdCHIYODA TECHNOL CORPORATIONChronos Medical Devices,Inc.Chugai Technos CorporationClimb Medical Systems, Inc.CMI, Inc.Codonics Limited K.K.CrossTec Inc.DAIICHI SANKYO CO., LTDDigitalCore CorporationDoctor-NET INC.DRTECH Corporatione Medical Tokyo Co.,Ltd.ECOTRON Co.,Ltd.EIZO Corporation/EIZO Medical Solutions Inc.Elekta K.K.Element HRC Co.,LTDEMF Japan Co., Ltd.Ergotron Inc.EURO MEDITECH CO.,LTD.Excel Creates Inc.FEIFINDEX Inc.FLAIR Co.,LTD.FREEILL,Co LtdFuji Flex Co.,LtdFuji Pharma Co., Ltd.Fujidenolo CO., Ltd.FUJIFILM Medical Co.,Ltd./FUJIFILM Corporation/FUJIFILM RI Pharma Co.,Ltd.FUJITSU LIMITEDFUYO CORPORATIONGADELIUS MEDICAL K.K.GE Healthcare Japan CorporationGlobal Electronics CorporationGood Health Software Promotion CouncilGoodman Co.,Ltd.Hitachi, Ltd.Hologic Japan,IncHoshina Co.,Ltd.IKEN Engineering Co.,Ltd.ImageONE Co.,Ltd.INFINITT JAPAN Co.,Ltd.INFOCOM CORPORATIONIntegral CorporationISB CORPORATIONITEM CorporationJ. MORITA MFG. CORP.The Japan Fair Trade Council of the Medical Devices Industry (JFTC)Japan Institute of Computer Assisted Radiology and SurgeryJ-MAC SYSTEM, INC.JPI Japan Co.,Ltd.Just Medical Corporation Co.,Ltd.JVC KENWOOD Corporation
Kenko Tokina Co.,Ltd.KISSEI COMTEC CO.,LTD.KONICA MINOLTA JAPAN ,INC.KURARAY TRADING Co.,LtdKyorin Systemac Co.,Ltd.KYOTO KAGAKU CO., LTD.K.K. LAMTECMAEDA&Co.,LTD.Mediark Inc.MEDICAL CREATE Co.,Ltd.Medical Expert,Inc.Mevion Medical SystemsMIKASA X-RAY CO., LTD.Mitaya Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.Mitsubishi Electric Information Systems CorporationMIURA CORPORATIONMNES Inc./LPixel Inc.MORIYAMA X-RAY EQUIPMENTS CO.,LTD.NAGASE&CO.,LTD.Nemoto Kyorindo Co., Ltd.NetCam Systems CorporationNIHON BINARY CO, LRD.Nihon Medi-Physics Co.,Ltd.Nihon Poladigital K.K.NIKKO FINES INDUSTRIES CO.,LTD.Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.NMP Business Support Company, Limited.Nordic Neuro Lab AS/Physio-Tech Co., Ltd.Nova Biomedical K.K.OBAYASHI MFG. CO., LTD.ORION ELECTRIC CO.,LTD.Panasonic Lighting Device Co., Ltd.Panasonic Medical Solutions Co.,Ltd.PerkinElmer Japan Co.,Ltd./AD Science Inc.Philips Electronics Japan,Ltd.Photron M&E Solutions Inc.ProMedica Inc.PSP Corporation.Qualita corp./Engineering System Co., Ltd.Renaissance of Technology CorporationRicoh Company,Ltd.RIKUTOH CORPORATIONRimage Japan Co.,LtdR-TECH.INCRTQM system Inc.SANGYO KAGAKU CO.,LTD.Sceti Medical Labo K.K./SCETI K.K.SHEEN MAN CO.,LTD.SHIMADZU CORPORATION/SHIMADZU MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATIONSiemens Healthcare K.K.Sky Factory Japan/HSD Japan LLCSpellman High Voltage Electronics CorporationStar Product LimitedTAKARA BELMONT CORPORATIONTechMatrix CorporationTERARECON,INC.Thales Electron Devices S.A.STOKYO KEIKI AVIATION INC.TORECK Co.,Ltd.TOSHIBA MEDICAL SUPPLY CO.,LTD.TOSHIBA MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATIONTOYO CorporationToyo Medic Co.,LTD.UBIX CorporationUnfors RaySafe K.K.UNIVERSAL GIKEN CO.,LTD. U’sTEC System Development Co.,Ltd.VAREX IMAGING JAPAN K.KVarian Medical Systems K.K.ViewSend ICT Co.,Ltd./Fujikin IncorporatedVigoment Software CorporationWIN17 Co.,LtdYokogawa Medical Solutions CorporationYoshida Denzai Kogyo Co.,Ltd.Ziosoft, Inc. /AMIN,Inc.
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