Globe-Gazette from Mason City, Iowa (2024)

It's Easy to Place a Want Ad! If you have you want to sell, trade or rent, if you want a good job or good help and would like to place a want ad just Call GA 3-4270 and ask for the want ad department. We will be glad to give you tions that will help you get results. Classified Display 1 1st 2 days. $1.30 3rd, 4th and 5th days. $1.25 6th day.

This is 12 point type The rates for this size type are Count 15-16 letters space to line. 30c line 1st 2 days. 27c line 3rd, 4th 5th days. 25c line 6th day. TABLE OF ECONOMY WANT AD PRICES 10c service charge on all not paid for at time off insertion.

25c charge for blind box numbers. This is 6 point type. The rates for this size type are: Count 26-27 letters space to line. 2 lines .50 $1.38 $2.52 3 lines .75 2.07 3.78 4 lines 1.00 2.76 5 lines 1.25 3.45 6.30 6 lines 1.50 4.14 7.56 7 lines 1.75 4.83 8.82 8 lines 2.00 5.25 10.08 9 lines 2.25 6.21 11.34 Classified Advertising Rates for Mason City and Surrounding Trade Territory only. Other rates and contract rates on request.

Card of Thanks In Memoriams $2.00 For 15 lines. 25c for each extra line. PLEASE READ YOUR AD Errors, not the fault of the advertiser, which clearly lessen the value of the ad should be corrected the first day, when one extra rection insertion will made without charge. The Globe-Gazelle assumes responsibility for error after the first insertion. NOTICE Ads ordered for more than'1 day and stopped before ex-: piration are charged only the number of days the ad appeared at the rate earned.

Lodges BENEVOLENCE LODGE Gilbert K. GA No. 3-5154 145 Bovard, W.M. B. L.

Main, Secy. Ph. GA 4-3049 Work on 3rd Degree Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m. HARDING LODGE NO.

649 R. R. Davenport, W.M., Northwood L. J. Moore, Secy.

Ph. GA 3-5536 Regular Communication Wednesday, Feb. 11, 7:30 P. M. VERITY LODGE NO.

250 Clear Lake, Iowa Work on Third Degree, Feb. 11. Dinner, 6:30. Regular Communication. Albert L.

Marsh. H. A. Miller, Secy.M MASON. CITY LODGE NO.

224 COD I. 0. 0. F. E.

State Ph. GA 4-4374 Reg. Lodge Meeting Every Tuesday, 8 p.m. Carl Wandrey, N.G. Ph.

GA 4-3359 Kirby Payne, Recording Secretary 511 20th S.E. Ph. GA 3-2203 Card of Thanks 2 I WISH to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful flowers, cards and gifts 1 received while in the hospital. Thanks also to Drs. Brush, McGregor, Brownstones, nurses and aides.

Mrs. Edwin Doescher. THE family of Lewis Snell wishes to express sincere thanks to the Doctors, nurses, and nurses' aides al Mercy Hospital for their assistance, also to friends, relatives and neighbors for their kindness during our recent bercavement. Mrs. Lewis Sncll Mr.

and Mrs. Leon Snell Cemeteries A3 FOR SALE-2 grave lot, Memorial Cemetery, near Bibic. Call GA 3-0668. Monuments, Etc. B3 MASON CITY MONUMENT works.

Home owned and reliable since 1889. See our large display of finished monuments in all granites including Montello. Mark every' grave. Wc deliver anywhere. 150 10th St, S.W.

Ph. GA 4-4314. Personals 5 RENT a Stauffer. Call GA 3-9367 or write 403 S. Taylor, M.

City. DRIVE late model car to Phoc. nix. Gas and oil furnished. This is not a job.

References required. Call Motor City, GA 4-2373. Lost, Found 6 LOST--Between Jan. 23 and Feb. 1, 2 rifles, Sako .222 cal.

in leather case, Rem. model .257 cal. in plastic case. $25 reward for recovery of guns or information leading to recovery of guns. Edgar Plagge, 3 S.

Louisiana. GA 3-3915. LOST--Black co*cker Spaniel der." Ph. GA 3-2329. puppy.

Ans. a to name of "Cin. Money to Loan 8 SEE US about financing your new car. United Home Bank Trust. NORTH lowa finance.

411 First National Bank Ridg. GA Cash loans to $300. Investment EARN INTEREST ON YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED 'IN CATHOLIC CHURCH BONDS For Detailed Information Mail Coupon To PAUL M. SKELEY, Registered Representative Algona, lowa 609 North Jones Street Ph. 4-2421 or 4-3174 Algona KEENAN CLAREY, INC.

Please send information on Catholic Church Bonds to: Name Address Seeds, Feeds 17 FOR SAl.E-Ransom oats suitable for seed. Ames tested pure seed 99.75% and germination. Will be cleaned, $1 per bushel. Phone 8295. Bud Boelman, Belmond, lowa.

FOR SALE-700 bales of mixed Paul Bistline. Ph. 1058-J, Osage, la. Business Oppor. 18 FOR SALE Restaurant doing good business near M.

City, seats 36, large living quarters above, reas. rent, large lease, l1xtures plus inv. Write A-2 GlobeGazette. 5.04-CAFE-Only one En town. Beer.

Low overhead. Ideal far 2. Ruth's Cafe. Woden, la. OPPORTUNITY OWN and OPERATE your OWN business where you can be your awn boss and secure your future.

Exclusive protected franchises are now being set up in Cerro Gordo County and the adjoining Counties. New offered 1n this area- New never before. type equipment creates opportunity for mechanically inclined men to lablish themselves in a high level nationally advertised service business. Operate from your own home on 3 Jow overhead cash basis. We set up your business with al carefully formulated plan and assist you in establishing accounts.

On the average our franchise owners show a net profit of OVER $8,000 for their FIRST! YEAR of operation. This business requires manual labor, 50 if you are looking for a selling job, 01 the like, please DO NOT inquire. selected be prepared to start within four weeks. Minimum in-1 vestment of $4,495.00 required for cor-operation-equipment wilh a down of $2,500. Write letter telling about yourself as all replies are confidential.

you are sincere about owning your own business write to ROY J. MEYERS 215 North Main St. JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN LOCKER plant and house for sale. Call 515-F30, Woden. FOR SALE- The Golf Tee driving Range.

Ph. GA 3-2289. FOR SALE -Beauty shop. Location Greene, lowa. Good business.

Priced reasonable. Lyle Enabnit, Marble Rock, Iowa, FOR SALE -Going restaurant in good nearby town. Long time owner retiring. Says "Sell." Vern McDonough Really, GA 4-1831. THREE milk routes for sale.

1958 Int. and 2 1955 Chevrolets. Hites Greene, la. FOR SALE -2 bay gas station doing good bus. 4 rm.

mod. home, oil heat, ill health reason for sale. Harold Anderson, Bradford. DRIVE-IN garage, office, warehouse. Major' highway.

Less than $10.00 per sq. ft. Allied Realty Co. GA 3-0314. Male Help Wtd.

20 STATION ATTENDANT We have an immediate full time opening in our station. Here is an excelient opportunity for a married man in his 20's or older to work any hours. Opportunities with an expanding company. Many benefits, such as hospitalization, free life insurance, paid vacation steady work, apply in person p.m. to 9 p.m.

Monday, Feb. 9th. Hotel Hanford, Room 433. WANTED Exp. dish washer.

Black and White Cafe. WANTED--Exp. I.HI.C. mech. Mod.

Apply in person, bring recommendations. Sioux Implement Sioux Rapids, la. MARRIED man wanted for year round work. Scparate house with extras. Must be exp.

with hogs and beef cattle. Refs. required. Martin Clark, Kanawha, 5 mi. S.

of Goodell. WANTED- Service station attend. ant mechanically inclined. Apply at 502 WANTED -Married man for year farm work. Good with livestock and farm machinery, To start: Feb.

15. Top wages for top man. 6 rm. tenant house, water and elec. P.O.

Box 384, Bradford, la. SAN wanted for feed salesman for Jocal mill. Shoukt have agricultural background. Exp, not Contact ark Milling Kensett, la. WANTED--Young man over 16 years of age for part time work in Globe mailing room.i Hours 11:30 a.m.

to 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. See Peter Mariner in Globe- mailing room. MARRIED man on Grade A dairy farm starting Mar, 1.

Extras and good salary. 5 rm. mod. house. Herman Diercks, Rt.

3, M. GA 3-5478. MARRIED man wanted for year around farm work. Mod. house, top wages for capable man.

Start March 1. 1 mile south of Hampton on Hwy. 65. Herman Clawson, Hampton, la. Ph.

GE 6-2894. WANTED--Married man for farm Will top wages for man. Harold L. Markwardt, Sheffield. la.

WANTED job. a modern man, house, year no milking. Robert A. Pals, Alexander, la. WANTED -Married man, farm la: bor, stock and grain, sect.

Mdrn. house. Top wage for top man. Ph. JU 3-2315, Rollie Hankins, Corwith, Ia.

Male Help Wtd. 20. MAN for established retail rauta. Home evenings. Car and references required.

$90 week guaran lee to start. for Intervelw write 1.0. Box 208. Osage, Lu. EXP.

Corm hand, married. small family, small mod. house: sep. tarate place. Ref.

Elmer Soma, Belmund, la. Female Help Wtd 21 WAITRESS I wanted. Good wages. Apply Town House. WANTED Housckeeper family children.

Mother works, good wages, day weeks, go home nights. Write 924, Mason City, la. Waitress Wanted. At Holiday Lounge APPLY IN PERSON A'T Holiday Lounge OR Town House Reasturant START A NEST EGG Money in the bank is a real worry. killer, and it, can be yours, Represent AVON in a convenlont neighborhood territory.

Territories now open in Mason City uncl rural areas of Lake, Mason. Mount Vernon and Portland Townships. Phonc or write Dorothea South. GA 3-1603 or GA 3-3776. P.

0. Box 1074, Mason City, lowa. WANTED -Girl for' general office work. Some bookkeeping and typing. Write 11-7, zele giving age, past experiences and references.

COMB. waltress wanted nights. Apply in person at Donut Kettle, 29 W. State. Help Male-Fmle.

23 WANTED--Full time bookkeeper. Apply in person al Floyd Econard Auto 116 S. Wash. Salesmen 25 130 YEAR OLD COMPANY Has immediate opening for 3 men looking permanent job with security in the sales field. $75.00 a week salary during 3 week ing program.

$150.00 a week thereafter for those accepted. This is not insurance. Call GA MASON CITY FRANCHISE OPEN for exclusive distribution of Wynn's! Friction Proofing. Nationally advertised. Man between 30 and 45 with good financial background will take over 300 active accounts in this area.

Earn $6,000 to $7,000 first year on weekly guarantee. Home For interview phone GA 3-4168 or GA 3-2423 or write Box 87, Mason City, lowa. SELL KNAPP AEROTRED SHOES FULL TIME OR PART TIME EARN up fo $200 weekly selling famous nationally advertised Knapp Air Cushioned Shoes. Estab. lished trade.

Complete line of Sport, Work, Dress Shoes for Men and Women. Big sions monthly dalton plan and insurance protection under new liberal Security Benefit Plan. Finest -fitting service in America. Here is your portunity, to enjoy financial inde-1 pendence in a sbund, profitable business. of your own.

Complete selling equipment furnished free. Write today M. Bistow, Knapp Brockton 6), Massa- chusetts. AGRICULTURAL SALESMAN! FARM BUSINESS IS Several excellent exclusive tories open in this State for men who have successfully sold Agricultural Products 10 Farmers through dealers. Large well known Migr.

Territory arranged SD you can be home nights. well paying position with opportunity for advancement in ducers. Our line backed with ter. rific promotional plan. Nothing like it on the market.

Please give age, phone number and complete, experience. All replies confidential. Write Dept. GB, Box A-7, GlobeGazette. SALESMAN With car for largo, reputable.

well established Toy Hobby Wholcsaler in Minneapolis. Aggressive individual with sales personality and ability desired. ready to call on established retailers in Iowa on a protected basis. An excellent, profitable opportunity with securily and thorough cooperation from progressive management. Unlimited sales and promotional material furnished.

Write for full particu-1 lars, enclosing recent snapshot with your reply to: MARGO KRAFT DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 419 South 6th Street Minneapolis 15, Minnesota ATT: Morris Margolis. Services Offered 27 GIRL. 1R, wants night time baby sitting. Ph.

GA 3-3413. YOU CAN RENT A 12 FT. FURN. VAN Keep 1 day, drive 100 miles, gas and oil for $21.00. LANE INC.

431 N. Georgia GA 3-5445 WILL care for 1 or 2 children in my home days. 1103 N. Van Buren. GA 3-7929.

BAsem*nTS, garages cleaned light hauling. Ph. GA 4-4258. WANTED -Ash and rubbish baul. ing.

Reas. GA 3-6991 or GA 3-1198. Do 3'01 have excess moisture on your windows and in your home? If you do, your furnace may not bc properly vented. Let us inspect your healing plant frec of charge, and give you a cost esti. mate to rid yourself of these prob- lems.

No obligation. ELROY 3-1423 FHA TERMS FOR WASHING and ironings, call GA 3-2694. CARPENTER wants remodeling repairing. GA 4-3712. Instruction 28 MEN NEEDED Age to train for Railroad Communications, Must have clear record, no physical handicaps.

Classes start every Monday or Home study. For full information white Box Riv-1 ing home address. Business Location 30 FRONT RMS. No. Fed.

Ave. Ph. GA 3-3147. FOR SALE Commercial property 150 foot frontage on 12th St. N.

between Elm Drive and Carolina north of waterworks Zoned for light and heavy industry. Rea-1 sonable. Write Box A-4, Globe- Gazette. Rooms for Rent 32 SLEEPING ROOM, close to Deckers and cement plant. GA 4-2425.

SLEEPING room, cooking. 310 1st S.E. GA 3-2641. NICE, warm sipg. room, hot and cold water in room, $5 week.

GA 13-2970. 321 N. Georgia, Rooms for Rent 32 SLPG. RMS. for men with TV.

23 Uth S.W. ATTRACTIVE large comfortable rooms. Close In. GA 3-1768, PLEASANT room cluse in for 1 or 2 girls, GA 4-3177. Apts.

for Rent 33 3 ROOMS, kitchenette and bath. 16th. Ph. GA 3-80-17 after 6. WARS furn.

1 rm. apt. Close in. GA 3-2090 for information. CLEAN, warm, furn.

bsmt. or 2. Close in. 1'h. GA 3-1960.

FURN. apt. 1st fir. Close Pel. entrance.

(A 3-2244. WARM, clean turn. apt. Prl. bath.

Adults. 10-1 N. Madison. ROOM furs. apt.

1st fr, 129 1st S.W. Inn. 127 1st S.W'. or 231 4th N.W. EXCEPTIONALLY nice 2 bedrm.

duplex for rout. This is a good location and Rn Ideal duplex. GA 3-7413 O1' Pres. GA 3-8786, Ga 2 RM. Turn.

apt. Lieunctry Ph. GA 3-4975, GA 4-37-17. BIG 3 R. clean 3rd floor, W.

of Hanford. Private bath, stove, sink: heat and water. Open for inspection, $60. Romey Apts. Ph.

3 ROOM furn. apt. P'rl. bath. Utils.

paid. Price ent. GA 3-9093. UNFURN. 4 rms, and bath 1st fir.

Ph. GA 4-2121 between 9 and 5. APTS. for rent. Ph.

GA 3-5496. KITCHENETTE, 1 room. Bell Motel. GA 3-8221. 3 room apt.

1st fir. Close in, utils. pd. $50. GA 3-3581.

RM. furn. clean warm close in. 132. 4th N.W 2 ROOM furn.

apt. 625 N. Federal. CLOSE in large, warm clean rm. furn.

apt. Pri. ent. GA 1 MEDRAN. furn.

or unfurn, AIl city heat. Hermo. GA 3-2755. 3 RMS. and bath, newly decorated, 2nd Or.

Pri. ent. Partly furn. or unfurn. Close In.

Ph. GA 3-9005. 5 ROOM apt. in new apt. house.

Adulls. 431 lst N.E. GA 3-3555. FOR RENT, Well furn. 3 rm.

apt. Large 100015 bath. Soft water, laundry privileges, all utilities paid, $65 per mo. Adults only, close in. See MRS.

SMITH Front 2nd fir. at 108 N. Mad. ATTRACTIVE: newly decorated Westvlew apt. $77,50.

GA 3-4175. SMALL a 1st fIr. apt. PrO. bath, adults.

316 No. Del. ATTRACTIVE upstairs a Adults only. 324 1st S.W. GA 3-3112, 8:30 to 4:30.

Multiple List'gs 33B 2 New 2 Bedchamber Homes require min. cash, good credit, painting ability. 3 Bedchamber home, largel lot, low price, blocks to McKinley. 2 Luxury living 3 Bedchamber homes, Hillerest area. 2 Four Bedchamber homes, both immaculate.

5 Bedchamber home, close to downtown, only per chamber. ALLIED REALTY CO. GA 3-0314 ATTENTION HOME HUNTERS REGISTER FOR OUR FREE HOME-LOCATING SERVICE We have photos and complete description of nearly every home for sale in Mason City. We arrange Only financing and all details at no cost to you. E.

CARL WHITE REALTOR AND BUILDER 1407 South Fed. Ph. CA 3-5813 Eves. GA 3-5842 3-6196 GA 3-3232 Will get fast, efficient service, whether you want to buy or sell a home. RODRIGUEZ BECKMAN REALTORS 19 2nd N.E.

GA 3-3232 After Hrs. 3-7890 3-2208 GA 4-1151 LARGE LARGE 2 bedroom home with carpeted ing and living room. beautiful fenced-in yard. Home is well structed. Only $13,750.

EIKENBARY REALTY 215 'N. Federal GA 3-6733 GA 3-1819 ONE OF THE FINEST In Willowbronk. spacious 2 home large lot, large kitchen, Jiving and dining room carpeted. fireplace and patio.

Call for appointment to 5CC this house. "TO BUY OR TO SEL1." "WE SERVE YOU WELL' REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES INC. 20 N. Del. GA 1-2666 Open Til 9 Friday Nitc Saturday til 5 p.m.

Jensen GA 3-2686 Popenhagen GA 3-5336 O'Connor GA 3-6205 We'll buy it outright. sell it for you or tradc it on another home. Give us your housing problems and sce how worry free you can be. OLESON'S Days GA A 4-1415 or 3-0905 Eves. GA 3-2108 Multiple List's 33B STILL HAVE ACRES Close In.

Four bedrooms, hath, water. RES furnace and kltehen equipment In house. House can he sold with a small part ol acre. age, $21,500.00. W.

L. PATTON CO. 12 N. Delaware Phone GA 43511 EVENINGS: Bi11 Bramhall GA 4-3353 Willis Patton GA 3-2203 TRUE VALUE HOMES Very fine older 2 garage. lols, only $7,350.

Very good 2 bedrm. brlek. car poled, on paved street, low tases, $10,000. Near now 3 bedrm. In the country.

acre of land, house with double garage. Excellent 3 all carpeted. 145 baths, double garage, very fine location. CARL A. ERBE REAL ESTATE 205 First Bonk Bldg.

Office I'h. GA 3-7413 or Eves. GA 3-8706 GA 3-0057 Member of Multiple Listing Service DRIVE BY! 848. 6th PI. S.E.

Luxurious 2 R.R Excellent location. $21,000, 925 17th N.K.. Neat B.R. low, $10,250, 632 6th Family home, St. Joe area, $10,750.

419 12th S.E. 2 B.R. bungalow. Roosevelt area. $6,500.

1316. 8th S.E. 2 B.R. Jefferson arca. $9,950.

FREEMAN REALTORS 212 N. Fed. J'h. 3-587-1 Dale Schmidt 3-6309 Harry Freeman 3-6836 GA3-4175 is the lucky number to call if you havo a house to selt or you are locking for one la buy. HOSTESS HOUSE Member Mason City Multipie Listing 20519 North Federal GA 3-4175 GA 3.1347 GA 3-91-50 CA 3-2604 GA 3-60A8 814 9TH S.E.

Excellent 2 bedrm. bungalow, full lat. veteran can purchase with no down payment, under $7,000. MIDLAND HEIGHTS We have 3 2 bedrm. bungalows.

all in A-1 cond. For addresses call; RAY L. HOLTZ Realty 8 S. Delaware GA 3-9111 Hog Holtz GA 3-1240 BUYERS WAITING! IS YOUR PRESENT HOME TOO LARGE? TOO SMALL? LEAVING TOWN? We have buyers for 2. 3 and 4 R.

R. homes priced from31 $10.000. $35,000. Let 15 sell your home to one of the above buyers. A.

T. CLOUSE SON 20 1st St. S.E. GA 3-4351 GA 3-1652 PLAN FOR TOMORROW INVEST TODAY Only $500 down pius closing costs to qualified buyer. New 3 bedroom home in Rolling Acres.

See it today. $13,900. Lovely 2 bedrm. home, spacious kitchen and dining area, large heated breezeway, tached garage. block to Hoover school.

$14,750. Near new shopping center, new 2 bedrm. ranch, carpeted living room, lovely kitchen, built-in range and oven, attached garage. $14.950. Clean 3 bedrm, home, N.W., near super market and bus stop, carpeted living romn with large wooded lat, double and summer house.

$12,500. Just LIsted Neat de bedroom bungalow In Highlands. All nice sized rooms, recreation room. Nicely landscaped lot, garage paved street. 59,750.

VERIN McDONOUGH REALTY CO. 4.4831 GA 3-5097 GA 3-0691 GA 3-3792 Houses for Rent 34 FOR RENT--3 ran. and 5 rm. mod. ern houses.

Inq. at 16 13th N.W. 2 $75 month. Option to buy if you wish. I'h.

GA 3-6695. FOR RENT--Sale or trade: 1 rm. fully mod. house, large rage. Sec at 320 25th S.W.

MOD. 2 heurm. furn home. Gas heat, school bus. Children weicome.

FL 7-4119. Clear Lake. ROOM duplex, else in, $45 mo. GA 3-0801. SELECTION includes 3 houses and 2 apts.

Priced from 545. Allied Really. GA 3-0314. HOUSES FOR RENT 3 rms. and bath, garage, 833 7th S.E, $55 rms.

and bath. 916 East Stale $60 3 rms. with stool, garage, 2317 191h S.W. $35 GUILD REAL ESTATE Corner 2nd North Delaware GA 4-1352 BEDRM. house.

Ciose in. Inquire 316 N. Del. BEDRM. house with atlached garage, $75 mo.

Avail. now. GA 3-4175. 3 RM. partly $24.

N. Del. GA 3-7911. House Trailers A34 NEW and used house trailers, ous makes, 8 and 10 ft. wide.

lake anything in trade. Bank fi. nancing. Mobile Home Sales, Ilwy. 18 Mason City.

GA 4-4573 or GA 3-8479. NEW USED house trailers. Smokey Ziemmer, Rollahome, 10 wide. any. make.

We trade for anything. 7 year financing. South Broadway Tralier Sales, Albert Lea, Minn, House Trailers A34 1955 Nashua. GA 3-7297. Houses for Sale 35 NEAR NeW 3 bedrms.

house. 500. 13A N.W. GA 4-2310. FOR SALE BY OWNER One binek to Harding school.

2 brdranch, balli, estra lav. kitchen, attached healed breeze way and garage, 455 Gl toan. 752 12th NE. FOR SALE NEAR BARDING SCHOOL. 139 story.

3 bedroom, birch cup. hoards and trim. attached breeze way auri garage, upstairs finished in knotty pine, built-la beds. book vase, ole. 1219 N.

HAMP. PL. FOR SALE-3 rm. tenant house, 14x32 ft. lo be moved by March I.



GA 3-7721 GA GA 3.7811 714 South Jefferson Ave. THE NEW LOOK FOR '59 238 23rd S. W. 3 bedrin. 1503 8th St.

S.W. betrm. 37 Stony Way, 2 bodem. 12 Stony Way. 3 bedrm.

Homes priced from $13.500 and up. We have tuts in and Bel Airo Additions. IN A PLATTS Built Home You Can Do A Lot Of Living South Jefferson Avenue GA 3-4015 Eves. CA 3.7721 GA 1-169G (A 3-7811 CAMERON, REALTY COMPANY 205 S. Eel.

GA 3-2910. Res. 3-01381 Two big tuts with plenty of trees, 51100: 2 B.B. home, with fine dining room. All rooms carpeted 150 home owner for $13.850.

Neal as pin and sharp. No bugs in this lovely home because It bas a sercened patio. Today you CAN enjoy the kilchen and illnette with 3 fine bedrooms. relaxing carpeted living roOm, full base. ment anti double garage.

A brick of a house--made of brick. Brand spanking new. tied bath with vanity. dinette area in fine large Jotehen with lots of cabinets. Three J5.

1. with sliding! closet doors. Family size Jiving ronin task neighbors to). $15.750. Cash FBA might trade top.

Sale or Rent B35 NICE 4 ROOM DWELLING 419 3RD ST. N.W. Newly decorated. Ras heat. auto.

hot water. Douglos Insurance 212 N. Fed. GA Immediate Possession Acreages 37 FOR SALE-Acrea a unfinished house. New low price.

Mrs. Mar. jorie Kimbley, Rock Falls. HIWAY 65 SOUTH 5 ACRES JUST LISTED Modern 3 bedroom story home 112 picture windows), 1 bedroom down, 2 up. double garage, workshop, 2 stall barn.

20x30 new modfern chicken house, 60 ft. well, how wire fenced. First time offared. $15,000. Owner retiring.

Places like this are really scarce. Ph. GA 3-0642 for full information and location. A. E.

LYON REALTOR 111 E. State St. Farms for Sale 39 200 all Carrington soll, gently rolling, good improvements, tiled and well fenced. On Highway 65 11 miles from Mason City. Good terms to right party.

400 132 miles from city limits of Mason City. 120 A. pasture. 280 A. tillable.

Can be bought on contract. $210 per ROBIN D. SHOOP BECK BROS. CO. GA 3-5554 Evenings GA Machinery 41 S.C.

Case tractor, good cond. Rcas. Fart Jorgensen, RI. Swalcdale. FOR SALE 1957 John Deere! 620 tractor wilb 4-row cultiva.

tor; John Deere CCA ficld cultivator: John Deere heavy 4-row rotary hoe. Vernnn Hudson, Thompson, Iowa. Phone 1744. M.M. CORN SHELLER mounted: on Ford truck.

Ifarold Low. 1'h. RE: 6-4969 St. Ansgar. PRIDE OF FARM 80 gallon hog waterer.

19-25-40 bu. feeders, NOW! in stock. It. L. Dixson So.

Fed. SEE TIE HEIDER AUGER BOX AT Peterson Form Store CLEAR LAKE PI. F1. 7-2915 USED loader. Farmall.

ver 70 with 4-row cult. F-30 I.I!. C. tractor. M.W.

hammermill, Whitmore stationary mill, used Viking 21 P.T.0. mill. Cobey wagons and Spr cad master Spreader, al Schroeder Implement, 18 7th St. S.E. Machinery.

FOR SALE -DeLaval milker with pipeline tor 20 cows, G-van stele door cooler, 12 mill: cans, 5300 Ivan Olson. Nor lawa, AUTHONIZED Party and Service. Sussey-Pergusun. Case. New bundl Large stork of parts.

Maynard Implement. 83H, Northwaod. Livcstock 42 LIVESTOCK SALE Friday, Feb. 13 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON Clear Lake, la. 'The volume of livestock mov.

fing through our sale has been large. The many packers, buyers, shippers, locker men, feeders and farmers who attend our sale assure you of a top market every week. you would like us to look at your cattle on your farm and estimate what they would bring in Clear GA Lake, FL 7-3616 or 3-2980. Mason City, collect. CLEAR LAKE AUCTION CO.

PORT Angus stears. about 575 lbs. M. It. Walcott, mi.

S.E. Rockwell. PORT SALE Big Corriedale And Columbia Type Ewes Heavy wont. beginning 10 1amb.1 Same black laces. $30).

miles W. ur FRANCIS OUVERSON FOR SALE --36 white face holfers. Kenny 4 mi. 1.. 49 N.

of Mason CIS. GA 3-2131. A FOR SALE WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN 1 REIFER CALVES Cholee quality, 10 Bangs tested. delivered five 011 lots of 10 or more, to 12 wks. old, $50 wka.

old, $45 Also bull calves for sale. Write or ph, collect 33H1. CARCY BROS. Mineral Point. Wis.

FOR SALE springing and open hellers. Vacc. and tested. Gus Meler, 1 N. of Swalo.

date. SMALl. black mArG in Inal. Itay Barnes. Woden.

1'h. 35-124. WANTED- one Sows to furrow In April, Harold L. Markwardt, Sheffield. Ph.

25579. DAIRYMEN Wanted: 10 or more dairy cowsup to 40 or 50 COWS 4011 Grade A hosts, by a private party, All re-1 pliex confidential. for further formation call FL. 7-3209, CLEAR LAKE OR WRITE D-6. POl SALE-7 big Guernsey anci heifers, brett.

Aisa 3 open Guernsey ant Ayrshire heifers, Hurry Kullers, lowa. 5 HOLSTEIN heifers, close up. Ben Lonts, 8394. Belmond, Ja. FOR SALE Anxus Bull, 18 old.

Merrill Tietjens. 2 mal. 2 S. Manly. FOR SALE 2 Landrace boars.

Arlo Johason, Forest City, la. Ph. 2-2971. CHOICE Reg. Hereford horned I bulls, to 19 mos.

Domino breedIng. Reas. 3 W. on 106. W.

Wm. Dewey. Dogs, Birds, Pets 43 PUGS For Sale Pug dox puppies, 10 wks. old. See Sun or Wed at Kuns Trailer Ranch Clear Lake.

Al stud Sir Elmer of St. Clair One of the best! FREE- sinall yr. old dogs: also U.K.C. Toy Fox Terriers for sale, $5 and up. All must be sold by Feb.

15. Kocourek Kennels. Clear Lake. Misc. for Sale 44 :951 FORD inolor 6 cyl.

A-1 cond. CA 4-2072. FOR SALE-122 outhoard lor. desk, May wringer washer. davenport and chafr.

1021 North Pierce. FOR fire wood, $12 ton del Richard Clark. Forest City, la. Ph. 23223.

FOR Call GA 3-2513 or GA 4-1341. SKELGAS BULK SYSTEMS The modern fuel for your hame farm needs. 2 modern radio chispatched trucks to serve you. G. A.

EDDY SONSINC. Dial 5-2411 Swaledale, la. Hotpoint ironer. like new. Rebuilt washing machines and sew.

ing machines. 300 platform scale. good frig. Rinse tub. 12 xond safes.

216 3rd N.E. Sporting Goods A44 FOR SALE-12 CA. Savage Vent. rib, 2 hoxes shells, case. Would trade for 20 ga.

shot gun. F1. 7-2704 C. Lake. Foods 45 POTATOES NORTHERN CHEROKEES 100 lb.

bag $1.39 EARL'S FRUIT MRKT. 1607 S. Fed. Nursery Stock 47 NURSERY STOCK for sale. Owa.

tonna Nurseries. GA 3-1477 for appointment. Radio, TV, Etc. A48 17-IN TV. Works good, $35.

1609 6th St. S.W, 21" COLOR TV. admiral. salessample, new guarantee. 3-9998.

Musical Inst. 48 USED HAMMOND ORGANS Like New. P'ercussion Blond Finish. CARLETON STEWART MUSIC CO. 108 N.

Del. GA 3-6361 USED SPINET PIANO Full keshomurt, good cond. Fully guaranteed. Only $425 00 OLSON PIANO CO. and N.

Fed. Ave. Offices for Rent 49 DOWNTOWN Phone agent for J. B. Youngblond.

GA 3-0311. Office Equip. 50 ft. C. ALL.EN 9-column mirling chino, wireet subtraction, carriage.

$125. 5. GA 3-4852. Business Equip. A50 PEARCE, Magnetic belt dictation sealer.

401 S. Fed. 1'h, CA 3- 3252 Household Goods 54 Visit Our BARGAIN BAsem*nT FOR GOOD Used Furniture ANDERSON Furniture Co. 216 South Federal Open An Account Easy Terms FOR SALE -New and used Kas room heaters, all sizes. Terms.

Mason City Applianco Store, 12.7 S. Fri Furnace Filters Glass Floss and Easy Kleen MANY SIZES lave yOrE charged yours In(ely Remember A Clean Filter Makes a Cleanor Home And Cheaper Heat. CURRIES 20 C. State GA 3-2215 For SALES Angle douse drainboard Youngstown kitchen sink, agar new. A.

V. Miller; 12 ml. 2 W. of Clear Lake. BARGAINS Or all antiques now through Peh.

15. Arn Kolnk on buying trip In the Ensl Shop closed Fely. 15 lo April 15. Jim's Antiques, Clear Lake, ADMIRAL. Portable TV with aland.

$50. Sunbeain 510. Swing back chair, $6. Coffee (able, $2.50, GA 4-2425. USED RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED REFRIGERATORS GAS de ELECTHIC RANGIES AUTO MATIC CONVENTIONAL TYPE WASHERS MIER WOLF SONS USED electric sewing machines.

$21.95 up, Torma. Mason City Appliance Store, 123 S. Perl. NICW aparlinent 3170 KAA $69.95. Terms Mason City' lance, 123 5.

Federal. Before You ISuy -Visit Our Used I Appliance Dept for Gar Ranges, Washing Machines. OIl Heaters, Home Freezers, Sewing 'Machines. All recond, and guaranteed. Torms Mason City Appliance Store 123 South Federal Nationally Advertised WESTMORELAND MILK GLASS A Complete Selection AL PETERSEN'S CHINA CENTER 29 East State NEW MAYTAG WASHERS AND RANGES Terms If desired.

Your old washer in trade. Fartory trained service men. MASON CITY APPLIANCE STORE, 123 S. FEDERAL OUR STORE IS LOADED We: have new and used furniture of jall kinds, Make a change. Trade your ald far new or buy better used furniture.

We buy, trade and sell. KENNY'S NEW AND USED FURN. 1310 N. Fed. Ph.

GA 3:3442 Poultry, Eggs, Etc. 55 THE: finest Black and Golds that can be produced for only Why pay more? Also Leghorns and White ERR Cross pulleis at $29.95. Thorpe latchery, Clarion. la. Wanted to Buy.

56 WANTED TO BUY -Comb. box for ton Ford pickup, 6x9 or 50.1 Write Gilman Johnson, Northwood. la. WE BUY FURNITURE Cash Now houseful. -No waiting.

One piece. or a Highest cash prices paid or will sell for you at auction. Cash for carpenter or mechanics tools, or misc. of all kinds. LANE AUCTION GA 3-4811 WANTED -Table loom.

Call Mrs. J. R. Brownell. GA 3-3546 after 5 p.m.

BOY'S black figure skates. szs. 8, 9 and 10. GA 4-1260. Wanted to Rent 57 WANT to rent farm.

Have 4-rowl equipment and can furnish refcrences. Write Box H-7, GlobeGazette. WANTED Room with cooking privileges or apt. for 2 girls near Junior College. Call GA 3-3071.

Globe- Feb. 7, 1159 Mason City, Used Cars 60 FOR SALE. 1957 PLYMOUTH Savoy V-4 4 Dr. automatic, real nice. 1956 CHIEV.

V-8 Wagon. automatic, outstandingly clean. 1953 MERCURY 2 Dr. O.D., far above average. 1957 CHEV.

Bel Air Dr. A real low mileage car. Webb Auto Co. Corner 4th North Delaware Across From Fareway GA 3.7722 COMPARE The Deal at SEDARS before you buy Compare the CONDITION THE PRICE, WE are gelling some of the finest trade ins on New Pontiac, Cadillacs on our New Vauxhall Victors. LIBERAL TRADES LOW BANK RATES SEDARS PONTIAC CADILLAC BIRUM-OLSON CO.

Buick Salem and Service. "The Home of Used ('ar Values. TOP dollar for your car. Selt IL to for cash or trade down to lower pymis. Motor City, $175 1949 FORD Custom 2 Dr.

4t. light blue fin(ish, driven only 45,000. Pritchards FOR SALE -1930 Plymouth luxe: clean. extra good shape, $12.5. ferry Grell.

Ventura. Visit Our Used Car Lot Zenor's Barn for best used car buys (Zenor Mtr. Co. 512 N. Fed.

Mason City A'l' Best Value Used Cars Rozen Chev. Co. CLEAR LAKE, 10WA 'ID MODEL Ford. Ph. GA S.

1699. TOP DOLLAR PAID FOIL CLEAN USED CARS Before You Buy Or Sell See Rickey's Auto Brokers 1625 Fed. Across from New Shopping Center Business Urs. 9 to 6 3-9253 WILL SELL or trade '54 Olds. SuCA, per 80, Atr.

stick, Inquire at Al Dick's Service, or call, GA 4-3524. WANT TO TRADE American car for Volkswagon. If interested call GA 3-0135. LOW overhead. Carl Fisher Motors, 1311 North Federal.

FOR SALE-'53 53 Ford 9-pask, cly. sed. auto. R. and H.

Clean. Ph. Klemme 7-2136. BY OWNER in service Ford V-8 Victoria hardtop. Can he seen at Chris Kruckenberg place, ml.

W. Rockwell. Used Trucks 61 '54 CHEV. 1 ton pickup with wide type box and 16 in. duals, Excel.

mechanical and tires, $725. D. Snell, E. Plymouth. Ph.

6505. International Harvester Co. "NORTH IOWA TRUCK HDQT." 610 S. DELAWARE MA AVE. MASON CITY, 10WA WE TRADE WE FINANCE Cab forward jeep truck with 3 box.

C.I 5 Jeep with canvas cab. Diamond T. (1948 Pickup with fl. box, motor and truck in top cond. Going for $300.

OPEN EVES TILL 9 HILL'S TRUCK AUTO SERVICE MANLY, IOWA PH. 3601 19.50 G.M.C. ton pickup. Excellent condition. GA 3-3585.

'51 FORD 2 T. truck, box and rack. Low, Ph. RE 4969 St. Ansgar.

Auto Accessories 62 to 56 Olds. Wholesale price. ting Auto, Parts, lwy. 18 west' across KGLO Towers. GA 3-5876.

CHAZEN'S WEST LOT Power Take Off. 2 Speed Axles. Power Winches. Truck Frames. Spring Axles.

Radiators Cushions. Gas Tanks and 5th Wheels. Hydraulic SAVE DOLLARS AND TIME BY DRIVING TO CHAZEN'S WEST LOT Hy. 18 W. of Drivein Theater GA 3-1714 DON and Larry Sez: We have 3 carb, manifold '54 to '58 Ford or merc.

4-barrel carb. and manifuld '56 Olds. 3 carb. manifold '52 1 din- con- 2 li.

Globe-Gazette from Mason City, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.